Woolf Letter

Letter from Virginia Woolf

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                <title>Letter to David Garnett</title>
                <p>Publication Information</p>
                <p>Transcribed from The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume I: 1888-1912</p>
            <div type="letter">
                    <dateline>To <persName>David Garnett</persName>
                        <lb/><placeName>52 Tavistock Square, W.C.1</placeName>
                        <lb/><date when="1926-05-05">5th May <supplied rend="pre([)post(])">1926</supplied></date>
                <salute>Dear <persName>Bunny</persName>,</salute>
                <p>I write from this doomed city and I have great doubts that this will
                    <lb/>reach you. We had arranged, before this horror [The General Strike], to
                    <lb/>stay with Dadie at <placeName>Cambridge</placeName> on the <date when="1926-05-21">21st</date>—God knows what will have
                    <lb/>happened by then. But let us come later, if its possible. We very much
                    <lb/>want to.</p>
                <p>There has been such confusion here (all helpers in the Press fled) that
                    <lb/>we couldn't send you <persName>Viola</persName> <supplied rend="pre([)post(])">Tree's <title>Castles in the Air</title></supplied>; now parcels aren't
                    <lb/>taken. But we will send directly it is possible again:</p>
                <p>Well—I like snakes: so far as human feelings are left me. After 2 days
                    <lb/>of worrying and doing nothing, and talking and listening in, one is scarcely
                    <lb/>a worm, let alone a bird. What happens to you in the country?</p>
Letter to David Garnett

Publication Information

Transcribed from The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume I: 1888-1912

To David Garnett 52 Tavistock Square, W.C.1 5th May 1926 Dear Bunny,

I write from this doomed city and I have great doubts that this will reach you. We had arranged, before this horror [The General Strike], to stay with Dadie at Cambridge on the 21st—God knows what will have happened by then. But let us come later, if its possible. We very much want to.

There has been such confusion here (all helpers in the Press fled) that we couldn't send you Viola Tree's Castles in the Air ; now parcels aren't taken. But we will send directly it is possible again:

Well—I like snakes: so far as human feelings are left me. After 2 days of worrying and doing nothing, and talking and listening in, one is scarcely a worm, let alone a bird. What happens to you in the country?




Letter to David Garnett

Publication Information

Transcribed from The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume I: 1888-1912

To David Garnett 52 Tavistock Square, W.C.1 5th May 1926 Dear Bunny,

I write from this doomed city and I have great doubts that this will reach you. We had arranged, before this horror [The General Strike], to stay with Dadie at Cambridge on the 21st—God knows what will have happened by then. But let us come later, if its possible. We very much want to.

There has been such confusion here (all helpers in the Press fled) that we couldn't send you Viola Tree's Castles in the Air ; now parcels aren't taken. But we will send directly it is possible again:

Well—I like snakes: so far as human feelings are left me. After 2 days of worrying and doing nothing, and talking and listening in, one is scarcely a worm, let alone a bird. What happens to you in the country?