Mary Russell Mitford's Notebook of 1819 to 1823

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<TEI xmlns="">
   <!--ebb:Note to Digital Mitford Editors: In this typescript, we've noticed the frequent use of the characters XX or X, and my working hypothesis is that these characters indicate points in Mitford's diary that were illegible to the transcriber. However, they also seem to be used in conjunction with titles of books Mitford mentions reading. There is probably some system to this that isn't apparent in the typescript itself. To verify this, we need to consult the original manuscript notebook.-->
            <title>Mary Russell Mitford's Notebook of 1819 to 1823</title>
            <author ref="#MRM">Mary Russell Mitford</author>
            <editor ref="#rjp">Rebecca J. Parker</editor>
            <editor ref="#ebb">Elisa Beshero-Bondar</editor>
            <!--ebb: Add more editor elements as other editors become involved. -->
               <orgName>Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project</orgName>
            <sponsor>University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg</sponsor>
            <principal>Elisa Beshero-Bondar</principal>
               <resp>Transcription and coding by</resp>
               <persName ref="#rjp">Rebecca J. Parker</persName>
               <persName ref="#ebb">Elisa Beshero-Bondar</persName>
               <resp>Proofing and corrections by</resp>
               <persName ref="#ebb">Elisa Beshero-Bondar</persName>
               <!--ebb: others?-->
            <edition><!--ebb: change date as we complete this.-->First digital edition in TEI, date:
               begun 19 May 2014. P5.</edition>
            <authority>Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive</authority>
            <pubPlace>Greensburg, PA, USA</pubPlace>
               <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>Reading Central
                  Library</placeName>.<!--ebb:Double-check permissions bc the original manuscript is at the British Library. Any issues for us since we're reproducing the typed transcript from Reading Central Library?--></p>
               <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported


                  <repository ref="#ReadingCL">Reading Central Library</repository>
                  <collection>Accession Number: L 7088</collection>
                  <idno>qB/TU/MIT #1361549 REF. STRONGROOM. Barcode number:
                     34126003337949<!--ebb:is the last digit a g? I think it's a 9, but check at Reading Central Library.--></idno>

               <p>Our source text is marked as an "original carbon copy" of a typed transcript of
                  Mary Russell Mitford's notebook. From the title page of the source text, "The
                  transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library,
                  Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that
                  library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum. <date when="1955-07"
                     >July 1955</date>."
                  <!--ebb:Check with British Library (now housing the British Museum manuscripts) re copyright permissions before posting an html view of this file.--></p>
                  <repository ref="#BL">British Library</repository>
                  <collection><!--ebb:Check current collection info for BL Literary Pocket Book ms of Mitford's notebook.</collection>--></collection>
                  <idno><!--ebb:This is the shelfmark from the British Library Catalog-->DPB
                     c.60.b.7.<!--ebb:What follows is the shelfmark for the BL as indicated on the July 1955 typescript. Doublecheck in BL catalog.-->P
                     24834 : C.60.b.7.</idno>
               <p>This is the location information for the autograph manuscript in Mary Russell
                  Mitford's hand, at the British Library.</p>
            <handNote xml:id="red_crayon_RCLnb" medium="red_crayon"> Red crayon or thick red pencil.
               Annotation by an archivist on an opening page of the carbon copy of the typed
               transcript of Mitford's journal at Reading Central Library</handNote>
            <handNote xml:id="black_pencil_RCLnb" medium="black_pencil">Black pencil or crayon.
               Crosses out lines in the red crayon indicated above.</handNote>
            <handNote xml:id="black_pen_RCLnb" medium="pen">Annotation by an archivist, presumably
               at Reading Central Library, recording the shelfmark.</handNote>
            <handNote xml:id="lt_pencil_RCLnb" medium="pencil">Annotation by an archivist at Reading
               Central Library, recording the shelfmark on the title page of the typed transcript in light grey
            <handNote xml:id="blue_pen_RCLnb" medium="pen">Annotation by an archivist at Reading
               Central Library, recording the accession number.</handNote>
            <handNote xml:id="pencil_BM_MRMJ">pencil notes by an archivist at the British Museum on the original journal.</handNote>
            <p>Mitford’s spelling and punctuation are retained, except where a word is split at the
               end of a line and the beginning of the next in the manuscript. Where Mitford’s
               spelling and hyphenation of words deviates from the standard, in order to facilitate
               searching we are using the TEI elements “choice," “sic," and “reg" to encode both
               Mitford’s spelling and the regular international standard of Oxford English spelling,
               following the first listed spelling in the Oxford English Dictionary. The long s and
               ligatured forms are not encoded.</p>
         <div type="meta">
               <add><handShift resp="#red_crayon_RCLnb"
                  /><!--ebb: written diagonally at bottom right of an opening blank sheet-->original
                  carbon copy of Mitford diary. <handShift resp="#black_pencil_RCLnb"/><del
                     rend="strikethrough"><handShift resp="#red_crayon_RCLnb"/>pages 1-49. i.e. end
                     of 1819</del></add>
            <pb n="ii"/>
               <label><!--ebb: sticker with bar code affixed at bottom left of page-->Reading
                  Borough Council<lb/>
               <!--ebb: To the right of the barcode sticker-->
               <add><handShift resp="#black_pen_RCLnb"/>q B/TU/MIT REF. STRONGROOM.<lb/>#
            <pb n="iii"/>
                  <!--ebb: in upper right corner of the title page. CHECK UPPER RIGHT CORNER, our photo cuts off part of the top line-->
                  <add><handShift resp="#lt_pencil_RCLnb"
            <div type="title">
               <head>MARY RUSSELL MITFORD<lb/> Transcript of notebook of Mary Russell Mitford<lb/>
                  contained in the British Museum (P 24834 : C.60.b.7.)</head>
               <p>The note-book has a printed title page "The Literary Pocket-Book; or, Companion
                  for the lover of Nature &amp; Art, 1819". The size of the notebook is 13 x 8
               <p>Miss Mitford's notes begin on 1 January 1819 and end 11 March 1823.</p>
               <p>The transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library,
                  Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that
                  library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum.</p>
               <p><emph rend="underline">July 1955</emph>.</p>

               <pb n="iv"/>
                     <!--ebb: black ink stamp in the form of an outer box containing three lines to form four labelled rows, filled in with handwriting in black and then blue ink.-->
                     RPL Local<lb/>Collection<lb/>
                     <milestone unit="line"/> Class <add><handShift resp="#black_pen_RCLnb"
                     <milestone unit="line"/> Acc. No. <add><handShift resp="#blue_pen_RCLnb"/>L
                     <milestone unit="line"/> Acc. Date <add><handShift resp="#blue_pen_RCLnb"
                     <milestone unit="box"
                     /><!--ebb: indicating surrounding box in this library ink stamp-->


      <body><div type="prefacing"><!--ebb: 19 July 2014: I transcribed the material in this div at the British Library, from the original journal. The following pages are written over the flyleaf and the verso of the title page, and the contents page. -->
         <head>Mary Russell Mitford<lb/>
         a present from her own dear Father.-\-
            <!--ebb: tagging problem here! <handShift resp="#pencil_BM_MRMJ"><hi rend="superscript">X</hi> C.60.b7.</handShift>-->
            <p>In the Reminiscences of Mr. Butler is a list of books on Modern History amongst which for the same period are mentioned <bibl>Mr. Berington's Lives of Heloisa &amp; Abelard<metamark rend="superscript_x">+</metamark> in two thin quarto Vols</bibl>--&amp; <bibl>a Conjuration de Rienzi<metamark rend="cross">+</metamark> by Father Cerceau a Jesuit 1 Vol 8<hi rend="superscript">vo</hi></bibl> &amp; <bibl>the Memories pour servir à la vie de Petrarque<metamark rend="Asteriskos"/> by the Abbe de la Sade. 4 Vols 4<hi rend="superscript">to</hi> (I think Abbe de Sade)</bibl> They are all in <bibl>Hookham's Catalogue</bibl> <metamark rend="superscript_x">x</metamark> 40.--<metamark rend="cross"/><!--ebb: metamark description: a single cross with its horizontal bar near the top-->13,813--<metamark rend="Asteriskos"><!--ebb thanks to ghb!: Unicode codepoint is U+203B Reference Mark. See an X drawn with four dots oriented at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00.--></metamark> 462.--
            <list type="simple">
               <item>Charles Heath Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London.</item>
               <item>B. R. Haydon Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 8 Paddington Green, near the Church Paddington London</item>
               <item>M<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>. Samuel Robinson Chapter House Court. St. Paul's Church yard</item>
               <item>T.N. Talfourd Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 2 Elm Court Temple</item>
               <item>Philip Crowther Esqre Westbury on Trim near Bristol.</item>
               <item>Miss Macready at the Rev<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">W. M. Brick's</supplied></unclear> Rugby Warwickshire</item>
               <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> Tucket 47. Upper Norton Street. Regent's Park.</item>
               <item>Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street--Upper Norton Street--</item>
               <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> Nieven <hi rend="underscore">cideva</hi>nt Miss Vardill</item>
               <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> Millington M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> Vardill's companio<gap reason="edge_of_page" unit="char" quantity="1"/><supplied reason="gap" resp="#ebb">n</supplied></item>
               <item>Miss Porden</item>
               <item>Mrs. Young</item>
               <item>Miss Hicks--</item>
               <item>Miss Maxwell</item>
         <!--ebb: The following is written over pp. 40 and 41 of the Literary Pocket Book. (P. 41 is a section title, "DIARY FOR APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER MEMORANDA TOGETHER WITH BLANK LEAVES FOR OBSERVATIONS IN GENERAL."-->
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. <unclear reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="1"><supplied resp="#ebb">L</supplied></unclear>ay--6 Gower Street Bedford Square</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Strutt <unclear reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="2"><supplied resp="#ebb">34</supplied></unclear> Perry Street. Bedford Square.</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. <unclear reason="illegible" unit="word" quantity="1"><supplied resp="#ebb">Si[tt? or ss? or th? tm?][as? or ad? or erd?]</supplied></unclear> Rev<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> <unclear unit="word" quantity="1"><supplied resp="#ebb">[J or T?]</supplied></unclear> Spicalfield's</item>
            <item>Charles Edge Westerham Kent</item>
            <item>Miss Appleton Upper Portland Place</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Bayley M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Wright <unclear reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="1"><supplied resp="#ebb">&amp;</supplied></unclear> Stafford.</item><item>Cha<unclear reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="2">rl</unclear>es Heath Esq 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London.</item>
         <p>The Eclectic Review for July 1822 Vol <unclear reason="illegible" unit="char" quantity="2">10<!--ebb: partial deletion?--></unclear> New Series contains some very interesting particulars of poor Mina<!--ebb: Francisco Xavier Mina (died 1817)--> in a Review of Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution--a work I should like to see--2 Vols octavo.</p>
         <p>The nursery garden where the double Dahlias were so fine is at Turnham Green on the left hand side going to Town I think the man's name is Williams</p>
            <item>J. Hamilton Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 30 Judd Street Brunswick Sq.</item>
            <item>Miss Havell--J. Sheppard's Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> Hampstead <del unit="word" quantity="1"/> Heath--London--</item>
            <item>Mess<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Whittaker--Ave Maria Lane</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">T</supplied></unclear>ucket--41 Upper Norton Street Regents Park--</item>
            <item>Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street Upper Norton Street--Regent's Park.</item>
            <item>Miss Pordent 59 Berners Street--</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Vardill 45 Cli<unclear><supplied>[f?] or [p?]</supplied></unclear>stone Street</item>
            <item><del rend="squiggles">Miss</del> M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Hofland 23 Newman Street <lb/><unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">Oxford</supplied></unclear> Street</item>
            <item>P. Bayley Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 9 Cumberland Place--New Road. Marybone--London</item>
            <item>Miss H<unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">[a or i]?</supplied></unclear>ll--Clifton Cottage--Woking--Sidmouth--Devon</item>
            <item>Miss Brooke 11 East Cliff--Brighton.</item>
            <item>Charles Kemble 29 Soho Square</item>
            <item>A. J. Valpy Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> Red Lion Court Fleet Street London</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Welles &amp; Fanny Welles--2 Blenheim Street, New Bond Street.--</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Lewis (late Charlotte <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">[Rick]?</supplied></unclear>man) 9 Upper Seymour Street--Euston Square <del rend="strikethrough">New Road</del> New Road.</item>
            <item>P. Bayley Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> 9 Cumberland Place New Road, Marybone, London</item>
            <item>J. B. Monck Esqre 15 College Street Westminster--M. P._________________</item>
            <item>Miss Weston--Church Lane Chelsea--London</item>
            <item>John Wilstshire Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> Shockerwick. Bath</item>
            <item>W. Macready Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi>.--69 Berners Street</item>
            <item>Mrs Smith's bboarding house 14 Norfolk Street</item>
            <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Price 2 <unclear unit="word" quantity="1"><supplied resp="#ebb">[Bricton]? or [Brick]?</supplied></unclear> Court Temple--Talfourd's living.</item>
            <item>S. Hamilton Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi>. 30 Judd Street Brunswick</item>
         <div type="year">
               <date when="1819">1819</date>
            <div type="entry">
               <head><date when="1819-01-01">Jany. the 1st</date> we were living at <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">Bertram House</placeName>--dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName>, dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>
                  &amp; <persName ref="#MRM">I</persName>--Our servants poor
                     <persName>Lucy</persName>, <persName>Jane</persName> (who is going away) &amp;
                     <persName>George</persName>--our pets--Dear <persName>Mossy</persName>--his
                  sister <persName>May
                     <persName>Mob</persName> a borrowed greyhound--<persName>Whim</persName> our
                  squinting spaniel who came from
                     <placeName>Lockinge</placeName>--<persName>Miranda</persName> our dear
                  beautiful greyhound puppy--<persName>Selim</persName> our Persian Cat,
                     <persName>Poll</persName> a tabby do--&amp; 22 Bantams--the old ones given me
                  by poor <persName>Jesse Clift</persName>.</head>

            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1818-12-31"
                              ><add><!--ebb: flush with left margin--><unclear><supplied>[</supplied></unclear>1818]</add>
                     Thurs. 31 Dec.</date>
               <p>Went with <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Papa</persName> &amp; <persName
                     ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza Webb</persName> to <rs type="event">a dance</rs> at
                     <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName>'s--very splendid--very
                  delightful--much laughing--<persName>Mr. Crowther</persName> not to be
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-01"/>
               <p>At <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName>--Happy day--<persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs"
                     >Mrs. D</persName>'s singing--<title>Where'er you walk</title>--<persName
                     ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. D</persName>'s reading--<title>Count
               <div type="poem"><!--ebb: 19 July 2014: From the original manuscript journal.-->
                  <head>Manchester House <lb/>Exmouth.<lb/>
                     Farley Hill Jan<hi rend="superscript">y</hi> 1<hi rend="superscript">st</hi>. 1819. To M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Dickinson
                  <l>Banquet &amp; song &amp; dance &amp; revelry!</l>
                  <l>Auspicious year born in so fair a light</l>
                  <l>Of gaiety &amp; beauty! Happy night</l>
                  <l>Raised to social peasure--&amp; to Thee</l>
                  <l>Its dear dispenser--of festivity</l>
                  <l>The festive Queen--the moving Spirit bright</l>
                  <l>Of music &amp; the dance--of all delight</l>
                  <l>The gentle mistress bountiful &amp; free!</l>
                  <l>Oh happy night! And oh succeeding day</l>
                  <l>Far happier! When 'mid converse &amp; repose</l>
                  <l>Handels sweet strains came sweetened, &amp; the lay</l>
                  <l>Divine of that old Florentine arose</l>
                  <l>Dante; &amp; Genius flung his torchlike ray</l>
                  <l>O'er the dark tale of Ugolino's woes.</l>
                  <signed>M. R. M.</signed><note resp="#ebb">In Mitford's journal, the sonnet is written on the facing page adjacent to the entry for 1 January 1819, and the sonnet takes up a full page.</note>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-02">Sat. 2 Jan.</date>
               <p>Another happy day--at <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName>--<placeName
                     ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> &amp; <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-03">Sun. 3 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>--told dear <persName
                     ref="#Russell_M">Mama</persName> all about <rs type="event">the Ball</rs>--read
                        <bibl><author>Burke</author></bibl> &amp; <bibl>the Reviews <title>the
                        B.C.</title> &amp; <title>the E.R.</title></bibl></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-04">Mon. 4 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>--<rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName>--letter not to go this
                     week</rs>--<rs type="letter">And to <persName>Miss Brooke</persName></rs>. Read
                     <title ref="#Antiquary">the Antiquary</title> XX.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-05">Tues. 5 Jan.</date>
               <p>Read some of <bibl><author ref="#Edgeworth_Maria">Miss Edgeworth</author>'s
                        <title>Popular tales</title></bibl> XX some of
                     <bibl><author>Burke</author></bibl>. Still at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-06">Wed. 6 Jan.</date>
               <p>Read <title>Do. Do.</title> Still at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-07">Thurs. 7 Jan.</date>
               <p>Read <bibl><author>Fearon</author>'s <title>America</title></bibl> X -- Still at
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>-- Got &amp; read <bibl>this
                     pretty book X</bibl></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-08">Fri. 8 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William
                        Elford</persName> not to go till next week</rs>-- Read
                        <bibl><author>Burke</author></bibl>. still at <placeName
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-09">Sat. 9 Jan.</date>
               <p>Read <title>Nightmare Abbey</title> XX Still at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-10">Sun. 10 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss
                     Webb</persName><!--rjp: it seems to me that Mitford wrote Eliza Webb more frequently than Mary Webb therefore I have referenced the Miss Webb persNames to Eliza Webb but we need to find a way to verify this-->--
                     not to go till Tuesday</rs>.
            <!--ebb 19 July 2014: From original manuscript. The facing pages, adjacent to the next three pages contain "Directions that I am likely to want." I have transcribed the first page of these directions so far.-->
            <div type="directions">
                  <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Ant<hi rend="superscript">y</hi> Clarke--<metamark rend="caret"/><add place="above">The Priory--</add> Lady Wooton's Green--Canterbury.--</item>
                  <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Hofland--10 Montpelier Row</item>
                  <item>Miss Jephson No. 1 Charles Street Twickenham Bath.          Middlesex.</item>
                  <item>Miss James, <del rend="strikethrough">Ormond Place</del> Bellevue Lower Road Richmond--Surrey--</item>
                  <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs Florry--Five Ways near Birmingham</hi></item>
                  <item>--Miss <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">B</supplied></unclear>ooth--Kew--Surrey.</item>
                  <item>B. R. Haydon Esq<hi rend="superscript">re</hi> St. John's Place <del rend="strikethrough">22</del> Lisson Grove North Regent's Park. London--</item>
                  <item>T. N. Talfourd--<del rend="strikethrough">3 <gap reason="illegible" unit="word" quantity="1"/></del><add place="above">1 Pump Court</add> Temple <del rend="strikethrough">Lane</del></item>
                  <item>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>. Rowden--No. 6 L'Aller de <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">[V]? or [N]?</supplied>euves</unclear> Champs Eliseés Paris.</item>
                  <item>Madame Clement--Durham House Chelsea</item>
                  <item>Miss Vardill 45 Cli<unclear><supplied resp="#ebb">[p? or f?]</supplied></unclear>stone Street.</item>
                  <item>Mr. Lucase 12 Upper Cadogan Place <unclear><supplied resp="#ebb #ghb">Konne</supplied></unclear><note resp="#ghb #ebb">Perhaps a mistake for "Connault Terrace" which was in Portland Square London?</note> Street</item><!--ebb: More directions continue after this page, on facing pages to the entries. Not yet transcribed as of 19 July 2014-->
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-11">Mon. 11 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- worked some gown trimming
                  -- &amp; <rs type="letter">wrote a letter to <persName ref="#Haydon"> Mr.
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-12">Tues. 12 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs"
                        >Mrs.Dickinson</persName></rs> -- sent off <rs type="letter">letters to
                        <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W. Elford</persName></rs>
                  <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName></rs>, <rs
                     type="letter"><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter"><persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss Webb</persName></rs>.</p>
            <pb n="2"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-13">Wed. 13 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from dear <persName ref="#James_Miss"
                        >Miss James</persName></rs>-- went Fir topping -- <bibl><rs type="letter"
                        >Wrote <title>a sonnet</title> &amp; letter to <persName
                           ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName></rs></bibl> -- at
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-14">Thurs. 14 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. <rs type="letter"> Wrote to
                     dear <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> Read
                        <bibl><author>Bisset</author>'s <title>Life of Burke</title></bibl>-- very
                  bad weather, could not stir.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-15">Fri. 15 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day doing nothing but <rs
                     type="letter">finish my letter to dear <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs> &amp; read <bibl><author>Burke</author></bibl> --
                     <persName>Burke</persName> a sad turncoat.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-16">Sat. 16 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs>
                  -- had a most delightful chat with <persName>Miss Brooke</persName> -- bought
                  things at <placeName>Marshes</placeName> -- saw a number of people -- came
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> to dinner quite well &amp; was
                  exceedingly ill (sick &amp; purged) all night.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-17">Sun. 17 Jan.</date>
               <p>Rather better -- <persName>Lucy</persName> a famous nurse -- in bed almost all day
                  -- <rs type="letter" subtype="received">had a charming letter from <persName
                        ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName></rs> &amp; read
                        <bibl><author>Malcolm</author>'s <title>Anecdotes of the 17th
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-18">Mon. 18 Jan.</date>
               <p>A great deal better. Amused myself with doing up some gowns against the end of the
                  mourning -- read <bibl><author>Burke</author>'s works</bibl>. All day at
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-19">Tues. 19 Jan.</date>
               <p>Quite well. <rs type="letter">Wrote a long note to <persName>Miss
                        Brooke</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Scott</author>'s <title>Visit
                        to Paris</title></bibl> &amp; played with my beautiful puppy
                     <persName>Miranda</persName> born at <placeName>Stratford on
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-20">Wed. 20 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Recieved a long letter from <persName
                        ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter">began
                     an answer</rs> all day at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-21">Thurs. 21 Jan.</date>
               <p><persName>Mr. White</persName> &amp; <persName>Mrs. Tuppen</persName> called did
                  not see them -- was Fir-topping with <persName>Luce</persName> &amp; the pets. At
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-22">Fri. 22 Jan.</date>
               <p>All day at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName><rs type="letter"
                     >finished my packet for <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs>
                  &amp; read <bibl><author>Burke</author>'s works</bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-23">Sat. 23 Jan.</date>
               <p>All day at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> Firtopping -- began
                  Macarthy</title><!--rjp: For Site Index: This is Sydney Owenson's seventh novel, Florence Macarthy: An Irish Tale, published in 1818.-->
                  --very much amused by it.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-24">Sun. 24 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Got a letter from dear <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>
                  <rs type="letter">answered it </rs>-- went with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName> to look for <rs type="plant"
                  >primroses</rs><!--rjp:is this the right tag?--> -- did not find any -- Finished
                     <title>Florence Macarthy</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-25">Mon. 25 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="event"><persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName> came to
                     see us all in the rain</rs> -- She was quite delighted with
                     <persName>Selim</persName> &amp; <persName>Miranda</persName>'s play.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-26">Tues. 26 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs>
                  -- saw a great many people -- <rs type="event">bought my new crimson
                     bombazine</rs> -- came <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> to
                  dinner <rs type="event">Poor <persName>Whim</persName> lost</rs>.</p>
            <pb n="3"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-27">Wed. 27 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. Dear <persName
                  ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to <placeName ref="#London_city">London</placeName> &amp;
                  took my <rs type="letter">letters to <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                        Rowden</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#James_Miss"
                     James</persName><!--rjp:Miss James lives in or around LONDON!!!--></rs>. Read
                  the <bibl><author>Duchesse d'Angoulime</author>'s <title>journal</title> while in
                  Temple</bibl><!--rjp ebb 21 May 2014: For the Site Index: Could be one of several publications, likely of 1817, in either French or English translation. See WorldCat, for example Private memoirs, which, with the work of M. Hue, and the Journal of Clery, complete the history of the captivity of the royal family of France in the Temple. Tr. from the French, with notes by the translator. by Marie-Thérèse Charlotte Angoulême, duchesse d'; L -E Audot. London. J. Murray, 1817. FIX THE SPECIAL CHARACTERS!
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-28">Thurs. 28 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. Poor <persName>Jeremy
                     Chamberlaine</persName> the shoemaker brought me some <rs type="plant"
                     >primroses</rs> &amp; <rs type="plant">violets</rs> in pots -- which he found
                  in <placeName type="field">the fields</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-29">Fri. 29 Jan.</date>
                  <rs type="event"><persName>Whim</persName> found again.</rs>
                  <rs type="event"><persName>Selim</persName> nearly killed a white kitten we have
                     got for <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W. Elford</persName>.</rs>
                  <rs type="event">I found today the first <rs type="plant">primrose</rs> this year
                     in the hedge at the bottom of the <placeName type="plant">park
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-30">Sat. 30 Jan.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day. Read
                     <title>Junius</title> -- famous peppering -- nothing so good now.
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-01-31">Sun. 31 Jan.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came back
                     again.</rs> Heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza Webb</persName> -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to her in answer</rs>. At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> all day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-01">Mon. 1 Feb.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. Went out Firtopping with
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> -- <persName>Mossy</persName> was very amiable -- so
                  was <persName>Miranda</persName> in the Evening -- read <title>Junius</title>
                  &amp; <title>the British Critic Review</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-02">Tues. 2 Feb.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day: Helped trim my new
                  gown and read the <title>Eclectic Review</title> &amp; played with
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-11">Thurs. 11 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Walked about <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName> -- <persName
                        ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dick.</persName> brought me &amp; <persName
                        ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName>
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> &amp; dined with us --
                        <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. H.</persName> went away at night.</rs>
                  <rs type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir
                        W. Elford</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"
                        ><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-12">Fri. 12 Feb.</date>
               <p>Read <bibl><author>Burke</author></bibl> &amp; <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName>Mr. Williams</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName
                        ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss Eliza Webb</persName></rs> -- at <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-13">Sat. 13 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs>
                  -- called on <persName>Mrs.
                  Tuppen</persName><!--ebb: answering rjp's question: Yes, it's Tuppen in the ms. Correct here 19 July 2014-->--
                     <orgName>the Brookes </orgName>-- <persName>Mrs. Boyd </persName>--
                     <persName>Mrs. Newberry</persName> &amp; <orgName>the Valpy's </orgName>-- saw
                  a great many people &amp; <rs type="event">hired a Cook</rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-14">Sun. 14 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName>Mrs. Clarke</persName></rs> -- &amp; <rs
                     type="letter"><persName>Miss Ogbourn</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                        ><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>. At <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- had the pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-15">Mon. 15 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="event"><persName>Mr. Williams</persName> called on me</rs> -- went
                  primrosing got the little basket full -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William Elford</persName></rs> --
                        <bibl><author>Forsyth</author>'s <title>Italy </title></bibl>-- charmed with
                  <rs type="event">On this day (<date when="1819-02-15">Monday the 15th</date>)
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Papa</persName> saw a pheasant's nest with 4
                     eggs, which was found by one of <persName>Lord Braybrooke</persName>'s people
                     at <placeName>Billingbear</placeName> whilst a party were coursing in the
                        <placeName>park</placeName> -- very early indeed.</rs>
            <pb n="4"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-16">Tues. 16 Feb.</date>
               <p>All day at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- read
                        <bibl><author>Forsyth</author>'s <title>Italy </title></bibl>-- trimmed my
                  black bonnet helped to contrive dear <persName>Granny</persName>'s spencer --
                  played with the Pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-17">Wed. 17 Feb.</date>
               <p>All day at <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. Read
                        <bibl><author>Dr. Aikin</author>'s <title>Translation of the Memoirs of
                        Huet</title></bibl> -- very entertaining -- played with the Pets. Helped to
                  trim dear <persName>Granny</persName>'s spencer.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-18">Thurs. 18 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Called on <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
                        Dickinson</persName></rs> -- Cut <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName>'s hair -- finished reading <title>Huet's Memoirs</title> &amp;
                  began <title>"Emma"</title>. <rs type="letter" subtype="received">Had a note from
                        <persName>Miss Valpy</persName>.</rs></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-19">Fri. 19 Feb.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Recieved a letter from <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs.
                        Hofland</persName></rs> -- finished <title>Emma</title>-- the puppy a great
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-20">Sat. 20 Feb.</date>
               <p>Went primrosing -- <bibl><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Got <title>the
                        Iris</title><!--rjp:Tag this ?? ebb: Yes! At first I thought this was a special plant (which we'd tag as <rs type="plant"> but it turns out that the Sheffield Iris is a newspaper title: See>
                        from <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName> with <title>some
                           verses from her to me</title> -- very pretty.</rs></bibl> Read
                        <bibl><author>Sir Robert Wlson</author>'s <title>Egypt</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-21">Sun. 21 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went into
                  <persName>Jeremy</persName> brought me <rs type="plant">violets</rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="plant">primroses</rs> -- <rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza Webb</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                        ><persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs> -- at <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- fed the pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-22">Mon. 22 Feb.</date>
               <p>Went Firtopping -- fed the Pets -- <persName>Mayfly</persName>,
                     <persName>Miranda</persName> &amp; <rs type="event">a new little bitch called
                        <persName>Fly</persName> given us by young farmer
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-23">Tues. 23 Feb.</date>
               <p>Went Firtopping in the <placeName>Plantations</placeName> -- fed the Pets -- at
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day. <rs type="plant"
                     >Primroses</rs> very plentiful in the <placeName>Plantations</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-24">Wed. 24 Feb.</date>
               <p>Heard from <persName>Miss Booth</persName> -- went to look for <rs type="plant"
                     >violets</rs> -- could not find any -- <rs type="event">then went Firtopping
                     till I was driven in by the
                  snow</rs><!--rjp:tagged this because reveals the weather firtopping is and is not appropriate to do in-->.
                  Read <bibl><author>Sir R. Wilson</author>'s <title>Egypt</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-25">Thurs. 25 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
                        Webb</persName></rs>. Staid<!--rjp:weird spelling should we tag this. ebb: Answer: Yes, it's consistent with the manuscript. 19 July 2014--> at
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- read the
                     <title>Collectanea Curiosa</title> -- very amusing -- <rs type="event">dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets came back from
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-26">Fri. 26 Feb.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- read <title>the
                     Collectanea Curiosa</title> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Miss
                        Booth</persName></rs>. <rs type="event"><persName>Nell</persName> went to
                        <persName>Mr. Piles</persName> -- poor love I hope she will be
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-27">Sat. 27 Feb.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Had a delightful letter from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm"
                        >Sir William Elford</persName> enclosing some lozenges of his own
                  <rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W.E.</persName></rs>
                  &amp; <rs type="letter">
                     <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-02-28">Sun. 28 Feb.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Haydon">Mr.
                        Haydon</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Pen
                        Valpy</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Webb_Eliza"
                        >Eliza Webb </persName></rs>-- <rs type="letter" subtype="received">heard
                     from <persName>Mary Webb</persName></rs> -- went primrosing with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum </persName>-- read the <title>Eclectic Review</title>
                  &amp; the <title>British Critic</title>. Both stupid.</p>
            <pb n="5"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-01">Mon. 1 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName>Pen Valpy</persName></rs> -- read the
                     <title>Monthly Magazine</title> -- Had the pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-02">Tues. 2 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Mary
                        Webb</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName>Pen
                     Valpy</persName></rs>. Sent off my <rs type="letter">letter to <persName
                        ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W.E.</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                     >finished a letter to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-03">Wed. 3 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. <rs type="letter">Sent off my
                     letter to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> -- went
                  Firtopping -- read the <title>Monthly Magazine</title>, &amp; <title>Anecdotes of
                     distinguished persons</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-04">Thurs. 4 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went Firtopping -- read
                     <title>"Anecdotes of distinguished persons" 4 Vols</title> -- very amusing.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-05">Fri. 5 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- read <title>Anecdotes of
                     distinguished persons</title>. Went violetting -- found none -- then went Fir
                  topping with the pretty pet <persName>Miranda</persName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-06">Sat. 6 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
                     Webb</persName></rs> -- went firtopping with the pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-07">Sun. 7 Mar.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName></rs> -- heard
                        <bibl><persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. Dickinson</persName>'s
                        <title>Italian Translations</title></bibl> -- read
                        <bibl><author>Burdon</author>'s <title>Materials for thinking</title></bibl>
                  -- a very pleasant day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-08">Mon. 8 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName> -- <persName>Mr. Johnson</persName> &amp;
                     <persName>Mr. Northmore</persName> came to dinner -- a delightful day --
                     <persName>Mr. Johnson</persName> talked to me very much indeed.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-09">Tues. 9 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName> -- <rs type="event">the <persName>Miss
                        Broughtons</persName> called</rs> -- nobody dined but ourselves -- in the
                  Evening we had <title>the 4th book of Virgil</title> translated by <persName
                     ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. D.</persName></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-10">Wed. 10 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName> -- dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName> came for me &amp; dined as did <persName>Dr.
                     Bailley</persName> -- <rs type="event">we came back in the Evening</rs> -- a
                  most delightfully pleasant day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-11">Thurs. 11 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went primrosing -- saw
                     <persName>Mr. Dearesley</persName> -- read <title>Guy
                  Mannering</title><!--rjp: For the Site Index: a novel by Sir Walter Scott, published anonymously in 1815.-->
                  -- played with the Pets -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#Hofland_B"
                        >Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-12">Fri. 12 Mar.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName>Wokingham</placeName></rs> -- met the
                     <orgName>Whites</orgName> &amp; <orgName>Tuppens</orgName> &amp; a large party
                  -- <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went out coursing with them -- I
                  staid with <persName>Mary</persName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote a note to
                        <persName>Mrs. Hayward</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                        ><persName>Miss Wheeler</persName></rs> -- came <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> at night. Stupid day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-13">Sat. 13 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">received a very kind letter from <persName>Miss
                        Booth</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to her</rs> -- read
                     <title>Marriage</title> -- liked it very much -- made me laugh.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-14">Sun. 14 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting -- found
                  none -- <rs type="event"><persName>Dr. Dearesley</persName> called</rs> -- read
                     <title>Marriage</title> -- &amp; <bibl><author>George Mathew</author>'s
                        <title>Narrative</title></bibl> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <pb n="6"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-15">Mon. 15 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went Firtopping. <rs
                     type="event"><persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> bought me two new
                     baskets for flowering</rs> -- read <bibl><author>Wanley</author>'s
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-16">Tues. 16 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting to
                     <placeName type="meadow"><persName>Mr. Davies</persName>'s meadow</placeName>
                  -- found a nice parcel -- <rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm"
                        >Sir William</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-17">Wed. 17 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs.
                        Hofland</persName></rs> -- <rs type="event"><persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss
                        Webb</persName> &amp; <persName>Miss Wheeler</persName> came to spend the
                     day -- went primrosing with them</rs> -- very pleasant day indeed.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-18">Thurs. 18 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting in
                     <placeName type="field"><persName>Mr. Pithers</persName>'s fields</placeName>
                  -- found none except in the corner by the field we sold to <persName>Mr
                     Dearesley</persName>. <rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Hofland_B"
                        >Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-19">Fri. 19 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received"><persName ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName> sent me the
                        <title>Examiner</title></rs><!--rjp: should this be tagged as a letter received even though Mitford doesn't say a letter was sent with the Examiner-->
                  -- went violetting -- did not find many -- read <title>Waverley</title> -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-20">Sat. 20 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName>Mary
                        Webb</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">finished my letter to <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">MIss James</persName></rs> -- read
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-21">Sun. 21 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Went primrosing in
                     <placeName type="plant"><persName>Mr. Dearesley</persName>'s Copse</placeName>
                  &amp; violetting in <placeName type="field">our own
                  fields</placeName><!--rjp: do we tag Mitford's fields and is this done right??-->.
                  Read a pretty Tale called <title>Altham &amp; his Wife</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-22">Mon. 22 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>. Went violetting in <placeName
                     type="field"><persName>Mr. Body</persName>'s Fields</placeName> &amp; <rs
                     type="place">our own</rs> with dear <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the Pets
                  -- did not find many. Read the <title>Tale of my Landlord</title></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-23">Tues. 23 Mar.</date>
               <p><rs type="letter">Wrote to <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss Webb</persName></rs>
                  -- read <bibl><author>Miss Jane Taylor</author>'s <title>Display</title></bibl> --
                  &amp; began <bibl><author>Mr. Maturin</author>'s <title>Woman</title></bibl> --
                  Dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to
                     <placeName>Town</placeName> -- At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> all day.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-24">Wed. 24 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting with
                     <persName>Luce</persName> -- found a great <rs type="plant">many white &amp;
                     some beautiful blue violets</rs> in a field near <placeName>Penge
                     wood</placeName>. The <rs type="plant">Wood sorrel</rs> not out yet.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-25">Thurs. 25 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- Got caught in a shower -- read
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-26">Fri. 26 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting about
                     <placeName type="field">our own
                  fields</placeName><!--rjp: do we tag Mitford's fields??--> &amp; <placeName
                     type="field"><persName>Mr. Body</persName>'s</placeName>
                  <!--rjp: so they are discussing a place as in Mr. Body's fields...but do we need to place tag this-->--
                     <rs type="event">Dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came
                        <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> &amp; brought me my superb
                     red shawl for a present</rs> -- God<!--rjp:do we tag God as a person--> bless
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-27">Sat. 27 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
                     Webb</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Mr. Maturin</author>'s
                        <title>Woman</title></bibl> -- don't like it much -- too dismal.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-28">Sun. 28 Mar</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting with dear
                     <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets in <rs type="place"
                     >our own fields</rs><!--rjp: do we tag Mitford's fields??--> &amp; <placeName
                  Body</persName>'s</placeName>.<!--rjp: so they are discussing a place as in Mr. Body's fields...but do we need to persName tag this--></p>
            <pb n="7"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-29">Mon. 29 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Went to
                        <placeName>Penge Wood</placeName></rs> with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, <persName>Luce</persName> &amp; the pets --
                  got a few wood anemones &amp; quantities of violets blue &amp; white -- <rs
                     type="letter">Wrote to <persName>Miss Brooke</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-30">Tues. 30 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Went Firtopping with dear
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> -- <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable indeed
                  poor lamb.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-03-31">Wed. 31 Mar.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went Firtopping &amp;
                  walking about the place -- <rs type="event">never saw so many flowers in my
                     life</rs> -- <persName>Miranda</persName> a great pet.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-01">Thurs. 1 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event"
                        ><persName>Frederick Slade</persName> called</rs> -- <rs type="event">went
                     to <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs> -- saw a great many
                  people -- called at the <orgName>Brookes</orgName>
                  <orgName>Tuppens</orgName> &amp; <orgName>Newberrys</orgName>. Read
                     <title>Unline</title> &amp; <bibl><author>Dr. King</author>'s <title>Anecdotes
                        of his own Times</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-02">Fri. 2 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs>. Went violetting with the Pets, got quantities -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to <persName>Mrs. Newbery</persName></rs> -- Read the
                     <title>Eclectic</title> &amp; <title>British Critic Reviews</title> &amp;
                        <bibl><author>Horace Walpole</author>'s <title>letters</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-03">Sat. 3 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- walked with
                     <persName>Granny</persName> and the Pets -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName>Mrs. Newberry</persName></rs> -- read
                        <bibl><author>Horace Walpole</author>'s delightful <title>Letters to
                           <persName>Mr. Cole</persName></title></bibl> &amp; <bibl><author>Tom
                        Crib</author>'s <title>Memorial to Congress</title></bibl> -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> sick from <placeName ref="#Reading_city"
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-04">Sun. 4 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> quite well again -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W.
                        Elford</persName></rs>. <orgName>Mr.<!--rjp:"#Newberry_J"--> &amp; Mrs.
                     Newberry</orgName> called -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Mrs.
                        Newberry</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Webb_Eliza"
                        >Miss Eliza Webb</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-05">Mon. 5 Apr.</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Went to <placeName>Penge Wood</placeName> with
                        <persName>Lucy</persName> &amp; the Pets</rs> -- Read <bibl><author>Horace
                        Walpole</author>'s <title>letters to <persName>Mr. Cole</persName></title>
                  </bibl>-- Delightful -- &amp; <bibl><author>Dr. Clarke</author>'s <title>admirable
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-06">Tues. 6 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                     Rowden</persName></rs> -- Read <title>Beppo</title> &amp; <bibl><author>Mr.
                        Roger</author>'s <title>Human Life</title></bibl> -- &amp; <bibl><author>Dr.
                        Clarke</author>'s <title>Travels in Sweden &amp; Norway</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-07">Wed. 7 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> -- saw <persName>Miss
                        Brooke</persName> &amp; many people</rs> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">had a note from <persName>Mrs. Tuppen</persName></rs> --
                  read <bibl><author>Dr. Clarke</author>'s <title>Travels</title></bibl> &amp;
                        <bibl><author>Holcroft</author>'s <title>Memoirs</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-08">Thurs. 8 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William Elford</persName></rs> -- walked
                  with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets -- read
                        <bibl><author>Holcroft</author>'s <title>Memoirs</title></bibl> which are
                  very entertaining.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-09">Fri. 9 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Went to
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                        >Drum</persName></rs> -- dined at the <orgName>Webbs</orgName> &amp; called
                  on the <orgName>Wheelers</orgName> -- came <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> at night. A pleasant day.</p>
            <pb n="8"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-10">Sat. 10 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went violetting with
                     <persName>Lucy</persName> about <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">our own
                     place</placeName> &amp; <placeName type="field"><persName>Mr.
                     Body</persName>'s</placeName> -- <persName>Betty Rapley</persName> sent me some
                     <rs type="plant">Honeysuckle</rs> in full bloom.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-11">Sun. 11 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName>Miss Booth</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received"><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Miss
                        Booth</persName></rs>, <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs>, <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs.
                        Hofland</persName></rs>, <rs type="letter"><persName>Mrs.
                     Tuppen</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName>Mr.
                        Maitland</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author ref="#Edgeworth_Maria">Miss
                        Edgeworth</author>'s <title>Comic Dramas</title></bibl> -- not good. </p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-12">Mon. 12 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- read the
                     <title>Lives of Haydn &amp; Mozart</title> &amp; <title>the Memoirs of the
                     Condé</title> --
                  not very good.</p>
            <!--rjp:can we look over this entry... I am not sure if this is tagged right or if Haydon and Mozart are separate titles or if we should bibl the memoirs of the great Conde and author tag and title tag separate-->
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-13">Tues. 13 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- <rs type="event"
                        ><persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> &amp; <rs type="event">attended <persName
                           ref="#Palmer_CF">Mr. Palmer</persName>'s grand procession to <placeName
                           ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs></rs> -- sopping wet all the
                  morning -- read <title>Memoirs of
                     Condé</title><!--rjp: do we separate this author and title inside of a bibl tag. ebb Answer: Yes.-->
                  -- stupid enough.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-14">Wed. 14 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Papa</persName> not well enough to take me to <placeName
                     ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName>Penge wood</placeName> with <persName>Lucy</persName></rs>. Got a
                  great quantity of flowers. <rs type="plant">Violets</rs> almost over.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-15">Thurs. 15 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event"><persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Granny</persName> went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> to call on <persName
                        ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady M. Palmer</persName></rs> -- read
                        <bibl><author>Whistlecraft</author>'s <title>National Poem</title></bibl>
                  &amp; <bibl><author>Cary</author>'s <title>Dante</title></bibl>.
                        <bibl><author>Whistlecraft</author></bibl> very good.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-16">Fri. 16 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- sate<!--rjp:should we choice reg resp this?-->
                  <rs type="event">waiting for <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady M. Palmer</persName>
                     dressed quite fine -- <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">tiresome woman</persName> did
                     not come</rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                        Rowden</persName></rs> &amp; read <bibl><author>Cary</author>'s
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-17">Sat. 17 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again for that <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">tiresome woman</persName> who never
                     came</rs> -- <rs type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName
                        ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received"><persName>Mary Webb</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter"
                     >wrote to <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter">finished my letter to <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                        Rowden</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Hazlitt</author>'s
                        <title>lectures on the Comic Writers</title></bibl> -- famous.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-18">Sun. 18 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again in vain for <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady M.P.</persName></rs> -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName
                        ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs> -- ready
                        <bibl><author>Cary</author>'s <title>Dante</title></bibl> &amp;
                        <bibl><author>Haslitt</author>'s <title>Lectures on the Comic
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-19">Mon. 19 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> all day -- <rs type="letter"
                     >wrote to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter">to <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss Webb</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-20">Tues. 20 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName>Penge Wood</placeName></rs> -- Poor dear
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> got a sad fall &amp; was very ill -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>
                  -- <rs type="event">still expected that <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">tiresome
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-21">Wed. 21 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- poor dear
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> very ill in the Morning but better in the Afternoon
                  -- <rs type="event">Still expected that tiresome <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady
                        Mad.</persName> who did not come</rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-22">Thurs. 22 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again for that shocking plague <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady M.P.</persName>
                     who never came</rs> -- Dear <persName>Mossy</persName> much better almost well.
                  Read <bibl><author>Horrace Walpole</author>'s <title>Letters to Mr.
            <pb n="9"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-23">Fri. 23 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again for <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">my Lady</persName>, Deuce take her</rs>
                  -- read <bibl><author>Horace Walpole</author>'s delightful letters</bibl> &amp;
                        <bibl><author>Rose</author>'s <title>Letters from the North of
                     Italy</title></bibl> -- very good though vulgar.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-24">Sat. 24 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again for that shocking torment <persName ref="#Palmer_Mad">Lady
                        M.P.</persName> -- never came</rs> -- read <bibl><author>Rose</author>'s
                        <title>letters from the North of Italy</title></bibl> -- &amp; <rs
                     type="letter">finished my letters to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Rowden_Fr"
                        >Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-25">Sun. 25 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">waited
                     again</rs><!--rjp:she is waiting for Lady M.P.--> -- dined early -- dear
                     <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to the <placeName>fields by
                        <placeName>Burghfield Bridge</placeName></placeName> to get me <rs
                     type="plant">Field Tulips</rs> -- God bless him, dear lamb. <rs type="letter"
                     >Wrote to <persName>Miss Booth</persName></rs> -- Had
                     <persName>Miranda</persName> to tea. Great lamb.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-26">Mon. 26 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to <placeName
                        ref="#London_city">London</placeName></rs> -- I had &amp; had
                  had<!--rjp:this is what the manuscript says but it may have been an error ... just doesn't make sense-->
                  for two days a very bad cough -- read <title>The Quakers</title> &amp;
                        <bibl><author>Campbell</author>'s <title>English Poets</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-27">Tues. 27 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- rather better -- dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> very good to me -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir
                        William</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                  him</rs><!--rjp:she wrote to Sir William Elford--> &amp; <rs type="letter">dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Mr.
                        Campbell</author>'s <title>Specimens of the English Poets</title></bibl>.
                  Like it very much.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-28">Wed. 28 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName>home</placeName> -- rather better. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                  >him</persName></rs><!--rjp:would this be an appropriate way to tag this?--> --
                     <rs type="event">poor <persName>Mrs. Budd</persName> of
                        <placeName>Bedford</placeName> now dead in
                  childbirth</rs><!--rjp:would this be an appropriate way to tag this?--> -- <rs
                     type="event">Went <rs type="plant"
                  >cowslip</rs>ping</rs><!--rjp: i wanted to capture the plant type and the event since it seems she doesn't do it often... but I doubt I tagged this right-->
                  in <placeName>the meadows</placeName> with dear <persName>Granny</persName>,
                     <persName>Lucy</persName> &amp; the pets -- all very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-29">Thurs. 29 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- much the same -- <rs
                     type="letter">Heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName></rs>
                  -- <rs type="event">Went to <placeName>Penge Wood</placeName> with dear
                        <persName>Granny</persName>, <persName>Lucy</persName> &amp; the Pets</rs>.
                  Dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> at night.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-04-30">Fri. 30 Apr.</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- better -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> -- walked round the place with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> -- read <title>a Walk through
                     Switzerland</title> -- liked it pretty well.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-01">Sat. 1 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- better -- <rs type="event"
                     >went <rs type="plant"
                  >cowslip</rs>ping</rs><!--rjp: i wanted to capture the plant type and the event since it seems she doesn't do it often... but I doubt I tagged this right-->
                  with dear <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- read
                        <bibl><author>Campbell</author>'s <title>Specimens of the British
                        Poets</title></bibl> -- very good.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-02">Sun. 2 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- much the same -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName>Aunt Mary</persName></rs>
                  -- walked about the Place with dear <persName>Granny</persName> -- read <title>the
                     Eclectic</title> &amp; <title>British Critic Reviews</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-03">Mon. 3 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- better -- walked about the
                  place with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- all very amiable -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-04">Tues. 4 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- much better -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
                        Webb</persName></rs> -- walked about the Place with dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> -- read <bibl><author>Lebaume</author>'s
                        <title>Campaign in Russia</title></bibl>.</p>
            <pb n="10"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-05">Wed. 5 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- much better -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName>Miss
                     Booth</persName></rs> -- went round the place flowering with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Aunt
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-06">Thurs. 6 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- almost well --
                     <persName>Mr. Morfitt</persName> &amp; <persName>Mr. Armstrong</persName> dined
                  here -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-07">Fri. 7 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- still better -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName>Aunt Mary</persName></rs>
                  -- read <bibl><title>les Parvenus</title> by <author>Madame de
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-08">Sat. 8 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- quite well -- <rs
                     type="event"><persName>Mr. Voules</persName> &amp; <persName>Mr.
                        Walker</persName> called &amp; <persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr.
                        Dickinson</persName></rs> -- corrected some proofs for <persName
                  D.</persName><!-- rjp:I find this interesting because it points to the work she we have a tag for that?-->
                  &amp; <rs type="letter">wrote a note to <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
            <div type="entry">
               <head><date when="1819-05-09"/>Sun. 9 May</head>
               <p> At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- quite well -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote a note to <persName>Mr. St. Quentin</persName></rs> --
                  walked with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the Pets.
                  Looked over <persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. Dickinson</persName>'s
            <div type="entry">
               <head><date when="1819-05-10"/>Mon. 10 May</head>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to <placeName
                        ref="#London_city">London</placeName></rs> -- walked with dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- read
                        <bibl><author>Campbell</author>'s <title>Specimens of English
                     Poets</title></bibl>. <rs type="event">The <orgName>Dearesleys</orgName>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-11">Tues. 11 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- the <orgName>Dearesleys</orgName> called while we were
                  at dinner &amp; we did not see them. <rs type="event"><persName>Mr.
                        Green</persName> called in the morning &amp; was very pleasant</rs> -- read
                     <title>a ten years [sic] in Tripoly</title>.</p>
               <!--rjp:according to the next entry I would make the assumption that the word the original transcriber couldnt read and replaced with sic was residence-->
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-12">Wed. 12 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- <rs type="event"><persName>Capt.</persName> &amp;
                        <persName>Mrs. Tuppen</persName> called</rs> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard again at night from <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                        >Drum</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> sent some lovely <rs type="plant">lillies of
                     the valley</rs> -- Read <title>a ten years residence in Tripoly</title> very
                  entertaining indeed.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-13">Thurs. 13 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came <placeName
                        ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName></rs> -- Poor
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> was sick -- dressed the flowers -- read
                        <bibl><author>Coleridge</author>'s <title>Zapolya</title></bibl>, very good
                  -- &amp; <bibl><author>Miss Benger</author>'s <title>Life of Mrs.
                     Hamilton</title></bibl> -- very bad.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-14">Fri. 14 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter"><persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W. Elford</persName></rs> --
                     <orgName>Mr. &amp; Mrs. Dickinson</orgName> drank tea with us -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. D.</persName> brought me some <rs type="plant">wild
                     lilies</rs> of <placeName>the valley</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-15">Sat. 15 May</date>
               <p> At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs> -- called on
                     <persName>Mrs.Tuppen</persName>, <persName>Mrs. Newberry</persName>,
                     <persName>Miss Brooke</persName>, <persName>Miss Anstruther</persName> &amp;
                     <orgName>the Valpy's</orgName> -- bought some things for
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; myself -- read <title>The Rivals</title> --
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-16">Sun. 16 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName></rs> -- dined there -- <persName
                     ref="#Palmer_CF">Mr. Palmer</persName> was there -- came <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> in the evening &amp; read <title>the
                     Wheel of Fortune</title> -- middling. Dear <persName>May Fly</persName> married
                  at <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> to <persName>Warrener</persName> &amp;
            <pb n="11"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-17">Mon. 17 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dressed my flowers --
                  walked about <placeName>the Place</placeName> -- read <bibl><author>Florence
                        Macarthy</author></bibl> -- liked it better than the first.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-18">Tues. 18 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> married to pretty little <persName>Fly</persName> --
                     <rs type="letter" subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs.
                        Hofland</persName></rs> -- <rs type="event"><persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                        >Drum</persName> went to <placeName ref="#London_city"
                     >London</placeName></rs>. <rs type="event"><persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles"
                        >Mr. Dickinson</persName> called</rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-19">Wed. 19 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- read a <title>Picturesque Tour through France &amp;
                     Switzerland</title> (stupid) &amp; <bibl><author>Mr. ORegan</author>'s
                        <title>Memoirs of Curran</title> Do.</bibl> Dear <persName>Granny</persName>'s
                  new bonnet came
                  home.<!--ebb: Checked manuscript and worldcat: It's William O'Regan's Memoirs of the legal, literary, and political life of the late the Right Honourable John Philpot Curran. rjp: transcription issue... need to double check code for this--></p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-20">Thurs. 20 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dressed the flowers -- <rs
                     type="event">dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came <placeName
                        ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> &amp; brought me a pretty blue
                     handkerchief</rs> &amp; some lovely <rs type="plant">lilies</rs> of
                     <placeName>the valley</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-21">Fri, 21 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- walked with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets -- the <date when="1819-05"
                     >may</date> finer <date when="1819">this year</date> than I ever saw it,
                  particularly in <placeName>my lane</placeName> -- read from
                        <bibl><author>Charlotte Smith</author>'s <title>Young
                     Philosopher</title></bibl> -- pretty but too dismal.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-22">Sat. 22 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William
                        Elford</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"
                        ><persName>Miss Ogbourn</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author ref="#Byron"
                        >Lord Byron</author>'s <title>6th Vol. of Poems (Manfred, the Prisoner of
                        Chillon &amp; the Lament of Tasso)</title></bibl> &amp; <bibl>the last vol
                     of <author>Miss Benger</author>'s <title>Life of Mrs. Hamilton</title></bibl>
                  -- <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName> came in the evening.</p>
               <p><persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William Elford</persName> came on the <date
                     when="1819-05-22">Saturday</date> Evening to tea having left his friend
                     <persName>Mr. Champernoune</persName> who was to have accompanied him ill at
                     <placeName>the Bear</placeName> -- he expected him <date when="1819-05-23">next
                     day</date> -- but instead of him came a note from <persName>Mr.
                     Bulley</persName> to <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> to say that
                     <persName>Mr. Cham</persName>: had taken an opening medicine &amp; could not
                  move: so <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName> went to him after
                  tea<metamark rend="caret" place="below"/><add place="above"><rs type="event">poor <persName>Mr. C.</persName> died after a very few
                     weeks</rs></add>. <!-- In the typescript: [added later]<! transcription note from typescript preparer-->
                -- Dear <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
                     Dickinson</persName> dined &amp; slept here.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-23">Sun. 23 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <persName
                     ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William Elford</persName> with us -- expected his
                  friend <persName>Mr. Champernoune</persName> who did not come -- <persName
                     ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName> called &amp; dined &amp; slept
                  with us -- <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir W.</persName> went in the morning to
                  see <placeName>Stratfield Saye</placeName> went away in the evening</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-24">Mon. 24 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event"><persName
                        ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName> still here on account of the
                     loss of her carriage horses</rs> -- <rs type="event"><persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; I dined at
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> to keep <date when="1819-05-24"
                           ><persName>Mr. Webb</persName>'s birthday</date></rs> -- met <orgName>Mr.
                     &amp; Mrs. Holton</orgName>, <orgName>two Mr. Wheelers</orgName>, &amp;
                     <orgName>Mr. &amp; Mrs. W. Hayward</orgName> -- pleasant day. Came <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> at night.</p>
               <!--rjp: it is likely the Webbs live in Wokingham-->
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-25">Tues. 25 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <persName
                     ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName> left at about 1 o'clock -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir
                        William Elford</persName></rs> -- Read <bibl><author>Fellowes</author>'s
                        <title>Journey to La Trappe &amp; La Vendee</title></bibl> -- liked it very
                  well -- <rs type="event">poor <persName>Mossy</persName> lame</rs>.</p>
            <pb n="12"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-26">Wed. 26 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Hackett</author>'s <title>Narrative
                        of an expedition to South America</title></bibl>. <rs type="letter">Wrote to
                        <persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs>. Walked with
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-27">Thurs. 27 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
                        Dickinson</persName></rs> -- cut dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName>'s hair -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName></rs> -- dressed the flowers
                  -- walked with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-28">Fri. 28 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- walked about <placeName>the
                     place</placeName> -- saw some fine <rs type="plant"><sic>foxglove</sic></rs>
                   out in <placeName>the lane</placeName>,
                  very early -- &amp; a fine <rs type="plant">pansy</rs>, very late -- the <rs
                     type="plant">syringa</rs><!--rjp:what?--> coming out beautifully.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-29">Sat. 29 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName>Miss
                        Ogbourn</persName></rs> -- lay on a Haycock in the <placeName type="plant"
                     >West Orchard</placeName>, &amp; read <title>Repton of Landscape
                     Gardening</title> &amp; <bibl><author>Miss Jame</author>'s <title>little Tale
                        of Jenny the spinner</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-30">Sun. 30 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- walked about the place with
                  dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName></rs> -- read
                        <bibl><author ref="#Edgeworth_Maria">Miss Edgeworth</author>'s <title>Moral
                        Tales</title></bibl> -- very pretty.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-05-31">Mon. 31 May</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- went about <placeName
                     type="garden">the garden</placeName> with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName>, dear <persName>Granny</persName>, &amp; the pets -- read
                     <title>the Eclectic</title> &amp; <title>British Critic Reviews</title> -- <rs
                     type="letter">wrote to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-01">Tues. 1 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dressed my flowers --
                  walked in <placeName type="garden">the garden</placeName> with
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; <persName>Mossy</persName> -- read
                        <bibl><author>Barrow</author>'s <title>Account of Voyages to the North
                        Pole</title></bibl> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Miss
                        Booth</persName></rs> -- <rs type="plant">syringa</rs> very beautiful.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-02">Wed. 2 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event"><persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Papa</persName> went to <placeName>Watlington</placeName>
                     to stand to <persName>Mrs. Hayward</persName>'s <rs type="person">little
                        girl</rs></rs> -- <rs type="letter">I wrote to <persName>Mrs.
                        Hayward</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#James_Miss"
                        >Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-03">Thurs. 3 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay (my own
                  little Haycock) in the <placeName type="plant">West Orchard</placeName>. Walked in
                     <placeName type="garden">the garden</placeName> with
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the dear Pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-04">Fri. 4 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay -- went
                  Firtopping -- <rs type="event"><persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came
                     back from <placeName>Watlington</placeName></rs> -- read <bibl><author>Mr.
                        D'Israeli</author>'s <title>Calamities of Authors</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-05">Sat. 5 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Dressed the flowers -- lay
                  in the Hay -- walked about <placeName>the Place</placeName> with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, dear <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the
                  Pets -- read <bibl><author>Blackwood</author>'s <title>Edinburgh
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-06">Sun. 6 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay -- walked
                  down <placeName>the lane</placeName> with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName> &amp; the pets, very amiable -- the <rs type="plant">wild
                     roses</rs> cut -- read <title>Edinburgh Review</title> &amp; <title>a Year
                     &amp; Day</title> -- pretty enough but too dismal.</p>
            <pb n="13"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-07">Mon. 7 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> went to
                        <placeName>Town</placeName></rs> -- walked with dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- read <title>the Quarterly
                     Review</title> (No.38-39 &amp; 40 are to be indexes) &amp; <title>The White
                     Cottage</title> -- which is too dismal.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-08">Tues. 8 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs>, &amp; <rs type="event"><persName>Granny</persName> heard
                     from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName> &amp; dear <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName></rs>. Walked with dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the Pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-09">Wed. 9 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs>, <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName
                        ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received"><persName>Mary Webb</persName></rs>. Lay in the hay --
                  walked with <persName>Granny</persName>
                  [sic]<!--rjp:square bracket check for coding--> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName>Mary Webb</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-10">Thurs. 10 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- walked with the pets -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> did not come <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> at night but sent a note &amp; some most beautiful flowers --
                     <rs type="plant">red lilies</rs> -- <rs type="plant">ranunculuses</rs> -- <rs
                     type="plant">pinks</rs> -- <rs type="plant">moss roses</rs> -- sweet peas &amp;
                  double anemones -- God<!--rjp:do we tag this as a real person or fictional-->
                  bless him, dear love.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-11">Fri. 11 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- dressed the flowers -- <rs type="event">dear <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> came from <placeName>Town</placeName>
                     &amp; brought me a present of the two Peter Bells from <persName>Mr.
                        Taylor</persName><!--rjp:check to be sure Mr. Taylor isn't the author of  two Peter Bells and shouldn't be included in the bibl as author also we can't have a bibl tag within the rs type=event tag sooooo how do we fix this?-->
                     -- both which I read &amp; liked very much</rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-12">Sat. 12 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                     James</persName></rs> -- walked with dear <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the
                  Pets about the Place -- read <bibl><author>Captain Ross</author>'s <title>account
                        of the Polar Expedition</title></bibl>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-13">Sun. 13 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- walked
                  with <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Mossy</persName>
                  -- Read <bibl><author>Capt. Ross</author>'s <title>Polar Expedition</title></bibl>
                  -- stupid -- the Captain very timid -- did nothing but christen every rock &amp;
                  hillock he saw after some great person or other -- <persName>Lord
                     Melvill</persName>, <persName>Mr. Croker</persName> &amp; so forth.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-14">Mon. 14 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs> -- called on
                     <persName>Miss Brooke</persName>, <persName>Mrs. Tuppen</persName>,
                     <persName>Mrs. Newberry</persName> -- &amp; <rs type="event">bought
                        <persName>Granny</persName> a new gown &amp; some other things at
                        <placeName>Marsh's</placeName></rs> --</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-15">Tues. 15 June</date>
               <p><rs type="event">Dear <persName>Granny</persName>'s Birthday</rs> -- at <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay
                  -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Mr. Bacon</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter"><persName>Miss Brooke</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-16">Wed. 16 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName></rs> -- <rs type="event"
                     >bought the materials for a new bonnet at <placeName>Marsh's</placeName></rs>
                  -- saw <orgName>the Brookes</orgName>
                  &amp;c<!--rjp:is this transcription error.. unclear--> -- a very pleasant morning
            <div type="entry">
               <!--RJP:COME BACK AND FIX THIS ENTRY!-->
                  <date when="1819-06-17">Thurs. 17 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard <date when="1819-06-16">yesterday</date> from
                        <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received"><persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs.
                        Hofland</persName></rs> -- lay today in the hay -- walked with <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets
                  -- read the
                  Hear<!--rjp:there is another letter at the end of this word that is very unclear but I am positive it is a t because the title is clear in the next entry-->
                  of Midlothian &amp; the Criminal Trials to illustrate it of Porteous -- Wilson --
                  Nichel -- [?]
                  &amp;c<!--rjp:I think this was a portion of the text unclear to the transcriber...check how to code-->
                  -- very curious.</p>
            <pb n="14"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-18">Fri. 18 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. Dickinson</persName></rs> &amp; <rs
                     type="letter"><persName>Miss Allin</persName></rs> -- read <title>the Heart of
                     Midlothian</title> -- walked in <placeName type="garden">the garden</placeName>
                  with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>, dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the Pets. <rs type="letter">Wrote to
                        <persName>Mary Webb</persName> too</rs>!</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-19">Sat. 19 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay &amp; helped
                  haymake -- walked in <placeName type="garden">the garden</placeName> with dear
                     <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets -- read <title>Tour
                     to Alet</title> -- liked it pretty well.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-20">Sun. 20 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp;
                        <persName>Granny</persName> went into <placeName>Hampshire</placeName></rs>
                  -- walked about the place -- lay in the Hay -- read <bibl><author>Shaw</author>'s
                        <title>Travels</title></bibl> very learned &amp; curious.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-21">Mon. 21 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Granny</persName> in
                     <placeName>Hampshire</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- saw to the haymaking --
                     <rs type="letter">wrote to dear <persName>Granny</persName></rs>
                  <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Hofland_B">Mrs. Hofland</persName></rs> &amp;
                     <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> --
                  read <title>the Beggar Girl</title> famous.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-22">Tues. 22 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; dear <persName>Granny</persName> still
                  out -- <rs type="event">expected the <orgName>Miss Webbs</orgName> who did not
                     come</rs> -- <rs type="letter">finished my letter to <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter">wrote a
                     note to <persName ref="#Palmer_CF">Mr. Palmer</persName></rs>. Got the hay in
                  good order -- lay in the hay.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-23">Wed. 23 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; dear <persName>Granny</persName> still
                  out -- <rs type="letter" subtype="received">heard from dear <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received"><persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza Webb</persName></rs> --
                     <rs type="letter">wrote to dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs>. Lay in the Hay -- <persName>Luce</persName> &amp; I
                  drank tea together very comfortably.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-24">Thurs. 24 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Granny</persName> still out
                  -- <rs type="letter" subtype="received">heard from dear
                        <persName>Granny</persName></rs> -- <rs type="event"
                        ><persName>Luce</persName> made my white bonnet</rs> -- read <title>the
                     Beggar Girl</title> -- had <persName>Mossy</persName> all day -- he was very
                  amiable poor lamb indeed.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-25">Fri. 25 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName
                        ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName></rs> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Granny</persName> came home
                  -- dear <persName>Granny</persName> not quite well --
                  <persName>God</persName><!--rjp:again how are we tagging God--> bless her.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-26">Sat. 26 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
                        Dickinson</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza Webb</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                        ><persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName></rs>. Read the New
                     <title>Tales of my Landlord</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-27">Sun. 27 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Eliza
                     Webb</persName></rs> -- read the new <title>Tales of my Landlord</title> --
                  dear <persName>Granny</persName> better.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-28">Mon. 28 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- was so showery &amp; could
                  not go to <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> -- Did some of my flowers -- had my
                  pets -- <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable -- dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> better.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-29">Tues. 29 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> --got flowers -- lay in the
                  hay -- read <bibl><author>Fusell</author>'s <title>lectures on
                     Painting</title></bibl> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William Elford</persName></rs> -- dear
                     <persName>Granny</persName> quite well.</p>
            <pb n="15"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-06-30">Wed. 30 June</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- walked with <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the Pets -- <rs type="letter">sent off
                     my letters to <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs"> Mrs. Dickinson</persName></rs>
                  &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William
                        Elford</persName></rs> with <rs type="letter">note to <persName
                        ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr. D.</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                  Palmer</persName></rs><!--rjp:I wonder if this is a transcription error and should be Palmer? ebb: Yes: original ms is "Palmer" 19 July 2014-->.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-01">Thurs. 1 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName>Miss Booth</persName></rs> -- <rs
                     type="event">went to <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> &amp;
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> -- called on <persName>Miss
                        Brooke</persName> &amp; <persName>Mrs. Newell</persName> -- dined with
                        <orgName>the Webbs</orgName> -- met <persName>Mr. Carter</persName> there --
                     very pleasant day</rs> -- came <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName>
                  at night.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-02">Fri. 2 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- read the <title>British
                     Critic</title> &amp; <title>Eclectic Reviews</title> -- so cold &amp; wet that
                  we had a fire -- cleared up rather in the Evening &amp; walked with dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>. <rs type="event">Sent some of my Poems to
                        <placeName>Hampshire</placeName> friends <orgName>Woodburns</orgName>
                  &amp;c</rs><!--rjp:this keeps coming up... is this transcription unclear or what? ebb: No transcription error: &c. is short for et cetera.-->.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-03">Sat. 3 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dressed my flowers -- <rs
                     type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss
                        James</persName></rs> -- read <title>Camilla</title> -- Walked with
                  <persName>Lucy</persName> &amp; <persName>Mossy</persName> about <placeName>our
                     own place</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-04">Sun. 4 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay -- read
                        <bibl><title>Zeneide</title> by <author>Madame de Genlis</author></bibl> --
                  stupid -- <rs type="event"><persName>Mr. John Deverell</persName> came to dine
                     &amp; sleep -- he stupid too! Walked in the evening with him &amp; <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets</rs> -- the pets very
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-05">Mon. 5 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in Hay with
                  <persName>Marmy</persName> &amp; <persName>Moses</persName> -- read <title>an
                     Autumn near the Rhine</title> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Mary
                        Webb</persName></rs> -- <persName>Mr. Deverell</persName> went away.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-06">Tues. 6 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">began a
                     letter to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> -- had
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> -- read <bibl><author>Lord Mclesworth</author>'s
                        <title>account of Denmark in 1693</title></bibl> &amp; <bibl><author>Miss
                        Aikin</author>'s <title>Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth</title></bibl> --
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-07">Wed. 7 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- read <bibl><author>Miss
                        Aikin</author>'s <title>Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth</title></bibl> -- walked
                  with <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; the pets --
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-08">Thurs. 8 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- read <bibl><author>Miss
                        Aikin</author>'s <title>Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth</title></bibl> -- dressed
                  my flowers -- walked about <placeName>the place</placeName> with the pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-09">Fri. 9 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event"
                        ><persName>Mr. Elliott</persName> &amp; <persName>Mr. Spurling</persName>
                     came here &amp; settled to take to the place at
                        <placeName>Michaelmas</placeName> -- they both behaved very well --
                        <persName>Harry Marsh</persName> came to meet them &amp; dined here</rs> --
                     <rs type="letter" subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#James_Miss"
                        >Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-10">Sat. 10 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- walked
                  about <placeName>the place</placeName> with <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                  <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the pets -- read <bibl><author>Lord
                        Byron</author>'s <title>Mazeppa</title></bibl> liked it very much.</p>
            <pb n="16"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-11">Sun. 11 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went with
                     dear <persName>Granny</persName> to <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> -- found
                     them all dismal on account of <persName>Mr. Webb</persName>'s operation which
                     is to be performed <date when="1819-07-13">Tuesday</date></rs> -- came
                     <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> to dinner -- lay in the
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-12">Mon. 12 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">went to
                        <placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> with dear <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> -- made a great many calls changed my
                     books -- a pleasant morning</rs> -- Came <placeName ref="#Bertram_house"
                     >home</placeName> to dinner -- lay in my hay -- <rs type="letter">finished my
                     letter to <persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-13">Tues. 13 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="event">Dear
                        <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp;
                        <persName>Granny</persName> went to <placeName>Lockinge</placeName></rs> --
                  dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked down <placeName>the
                     lane</placeName> with <persName>Luce</persName> &amp; <rs type="event">saw a
                     beautiful glowworm on a weed in the ditch</rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-14">Wed. 14 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> and <persName>Granny</persName> at
                     <placeName>Lockinge</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- walked in <placeName
                     type="field">the hayfield</placeName> -- <rs type="event">a <persName>little
                        bird</persName> by my hay has been very tame for the two last days</rs> --
                  read <bibl><author>Colonel FitzClarence</author>'s <title>Indian
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-15">Thurs. 15 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp; <persName>Granny</persName> still out
                  -- laid in the hay -- <persName>my little robin</persName> kept eating close to me
                  -- walked in <placeName type="field">the hayfield</placeName>. <rs type="event"
                        ><persName>Betty Rapley</persName> dined here</rs> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Webb_Eliza">Miss Eliza
                        Webb</persName></rs> -- read <title>the Magazines</title>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-16">Fri. 16 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName></rs> -- <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp;
                     <persName>Granny</persName> came home -- very glad to get them --lay in the hay
                  -- walked down <placeName>the lane</placeName> -- read <title>the Monthly</title>
                  &amp; <title>European Magazines</title> -- pretty good.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-17">Sat. 17 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dressed my flowers -- lay
                  in the hay -- read <bibl><author>Sir Joshua Reynold</author>'s works</bibl> -- fed
                     <persName>my tame robin</persName> -- <rs type="letter">began a letter to
                        <persName>Miss Booth</persName></rs>. Twice caught in the rain &amp; obliged
                  to change my things.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-18">Sun. 18 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- read
                        <bibl><author>Crabbe</author>'s <title>Tales of the Hall</title></bibl>
                  liked them -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName>Miss Brooke</persName></rs>
                  &amp; <rs type="letter"><persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs> --
                  walked down <placeName>the lane</placeName> with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName> &amp; pets. <persName>Mossy</persName> very amiable.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-19">Mon. 19 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the Hay -- read
                        <bibl><author>Crabbe</author>'s <title>Tales of the Hall</title></bibl> --
                  walked with <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> &amp;
                     <persName>Granny</persName> &amp; the Pets backward &amp; forward to
                     <placeName>the white gate</placeName>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-20">Tues. 20 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the hay -- dear
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> not well -- <persName>Bobby</persName> brought a
                  relation to eat bread <sic resp="#ebb">crums</sic><!--rjp:spelling different than expected crumbs--> both
                  of them very
                  amiable<!--this must be the same robin addressed earlier that she refers to as timid robin in the hay-->
                  -- dear <persName>Mossy</persName> better in the Evening -- read
                        <bibl><author>Reynold</author>'s works</bibl>.</p>
            <pb n="17"/>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-21">Wed. 21 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Poor dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> taken very ill -- giddy &amp; sick -- sent
                  for <persName>Mr. Sherwood</persName> who bled &amp; physicked him. Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> better in the Evening --
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> quite well to day -- read.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-22">Thurs. 22 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> much better -- <persName>God</persName>
                  bless him -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked in <placeName
                     type="plant">the wood</placeName> -- <rs type="event">dear <persName
                        ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> brought me some fine <rs type="plant"
                        >Jasmine</rs> from <placeName>Mr. Davies</placeName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-23">Fri. 23 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName>'s throat very bad -- sent for <persName>Mr.
                     Harris</persName> who came to see him -- dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo"
                     >Drum</persName> better in the Evening -- lay in the Hay -- read <title>Traits
                     of Nature</title>. Walked with the Pets.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-24">Sat. 24 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- Dear <persName
                     ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> much better. <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">Heard from <persName ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs.
                  <rs type="letter" subtype="received"><persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                        Rowden</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter" subtype="received"
                        ><persName>Miss Harley</persName></rs> -- lay in the hay --
                     <persName>Marmy</persName> very ill -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs. Rowden</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">finished
                     my letter to <persName>Miss Booth</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">began
                     one to <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-25">Sun. 25 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">finished
                     my letter to <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName></rs> &amp;
                     <rs type="letter">sent off that of <persName ref="#Rowden_Fr">Mrs.
                        Rowden</persName>'s</rs> -- dined at <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> -- <rs
                     type="event">dear <persName>Mr. Webb</persName> much better</rs> -- a very
                  pleasant day -- <rs type="event"
                     ><!--rjp: since MRM is discussing letters recieved as well as the event of retrieving the letters and parcel I am not sure if to tag this as rs type=event or rs type=letter subtype=received-->came
                        <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> by <placeName
                        ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> to get a parcel for <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName> containing two long letters from
                        <persName ref="#James_Miss">her</persName> &amp; <persName ref="#Hofland_B"
                        >Mrs. Hofland</persName> a pretty handkerchief bordered with roses &amp;
                     <!--<bibl><author>Professor Brown</author>'s book on cause &amp; effect</bibl>--><!--rjp: i commented this out because oxygen is not happy with a bibl inside of a rs--></rs>
                  -- <persName>Marmy</persName> quite well.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-26">Mon. 26 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                     the <orgName>Miss
                     Webbs</orgName><!--rjp:referring to both of the Miss Webbs... Mary and Eliza-->
                     &amp; sent them some apples &amp; French beans</rs> -- lay in the hay -- read
                     <title>De Rance</title> &amp; <title>Madame de Genlis
                  Zuma</title><!--rjp:in the transcription this last word...Zuma...looks added or diffrent and then there is a long space and a new line starts below with a dash I think this may be the same bibl from above but was unclear to the person transcribing... <bibl><title>Zeneide</title> by <author>Madame de Genlis</author></bibl>--></p>
               <p>-- the first very bad the other pretty -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Dickinson_Mrs">Mrs. Dickinson</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-27">Tues. 27 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- called on <persName>Mrs.
                     Vowles</persName> with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> -- lay
                  in the hay -- read <bibl><author>Professor Brown</author> on <title>Cause &amp;
                        Effect</title></bibl> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs>.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-28">Wed. 28 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter"
                     subtype="received">heard from <persName ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir
                        William</persName></rs> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to <persName
                        ref="#Elford_SirWm">Sir William</persName></rs> &amp; <rs type="letter"
                        ><persName ref="#James_Miss">Miss James</persName></rs> -- dressed my
                  flowers -- walked with dear <persName ref="#Mitford_Geo">Drum</persName> and the
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-29">Thurs. 29 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- <rs type="letter">wrote to
                        <persName ref="#Haydon">Mr. Haydon</persName></rs>. Called at
                     <placeName>Farley Hill</placeName> -- <persName ref="#Dickinson_Charles">Mr.
                     D.</persName> just gone out -- <rs type="event">dined at
                        <placeName>Wokingham</placeName> -- very pleasant day -- had a wandering
                     band to play to us -- we drank tea in the shrubbery</rs> -- Came <placeName
                     ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> at night.</p>
            <div type="entry">
                  <date when="1819-07-30">Fri. 30 July</date>
               <p>At <placeName ref="#Bertram_house">home</placeName> -- lay in the hay with
                     <persName>Mossy</persName> &amp; talked to my <persName>Bobby</persName> --
                     <persName>Bobby</persName> very amiable -- I think he'll soon talk too! Read
                        <bibl><author>Miss Plumtre</author>'s <title>Tales</title></bibl> -- very

            <person xml:id="Palmer_Mad">
               <!--rjp:I am adding these alternate names to the entry... she already exists in the SI-->
               <persName>Lady M.P.</persName>
               <persName>Lady Mad.</persName>
               <persName>Lady Madalina Palmer</persName>
               <persName>Lady M. Palmer</persName>
               <persName>tiresome woman</persName>
               <persName>my Lady</persName>
               <!--LMW: Mr. Palmer's wife? First name "Madalina" ? See 1820-09-09 Elford letter, referenced "Lady Madalina"-->

  1. meta
  2. MARY RUSSELL MITFORD Transcript of notebook of Mary Russell Mitford contained in the British Museum (P 24834 : C.60.b.7.)
  3. Mary Russell Mitford a present from her own dear Father.-\-
  4. 1819
  5. Jany. the 1st we were living at Bertram House--dear Granny, dear Drum & I--Our servants poor Lucy, Jane (who is going away) & George--our pets--Dear Mossy--his sister May Fly--Nelly--Moses--(greyhounds) Mob a borrowed greyhound--Whim our squinting spaniel who came from Lockinge--Miranda our dear beautiful greyhound puppy--Selim our Persian Cat, Poll a tabby do--& 22 Bantams--the old ones given me by poor Jesse Clift.
  6. [1818] Thurs. 31 Dec.
  7. Sat. 2 Jan.
  8. Sun. 3 Jan.
  9. Mon. 4 Jan.
  10. Tues. 5 Jan.
  11. Wed. 6 Jan.
  12. Thurs. 7 Jan.
  13. Fri. 8 Jan.
  14. Sat. 9 Jan.
  15. Sun. 10 Jan.
  16. directions
  17. Mon. 11 Jan.
  18. Tues. 12 Jan.
  19. Wed. 13 Jan.
  20. Thurs. 14 Jan.
  21. Fri. 15 Jan.
  22. Sat. 16 Jan.
  23. Sun. 17 Jan.
  24. Mon. 18 Jan.
  25. Tues. 19 Jan.
  26. Wed. 20 Jan.
  27. Thurs. 21 Jan.
  28. Fri. 22 Jan.
  29. Sat. 23 Jan.
  30. Sun. 24 Jan.
  31. Mon. 25 Jan.
  32. Tues. 26 Jan.
  33. Wed. 27 Jan.
  34. Thurs. 28 Jan.
  35. Fri. 29 Jan.
  36. Sat. 30 Jan.
  37. Sun. 31 Jan.
  38. Mon. 1 Feb.
  39. Tues. 2 Feb.
  40. Thurs. 11 Feb.
  41. Fri. 12 Feb.
  42. Sat. 13 Feb.
  43. Sun. 14 Feb.
  44. Mon. 15 Feb.
  45. Tues. 16 Feb.
  46. Wed. 17 Feb.
  47. Thurs. 18 Feb.
  48. Fri. 19 Feb.
  49. Sat. 20 Feb.
  50. Sun. 21 Feb.
  51. Mon. 22 Feb.
  52. Tues. 23 Feb.
  53. Wed. 24 Feb.
  54. Thurs. 25 Feb.
  55. Fri. 26 Feb.
  56. Sat. 27 Feb.
  57. Sun. 28 Feb.
  58. Mon. 1 Mar.
  59. Tues. 2 Mar.
  60. Wed. 3 Mar.
  61. Thurs. 4 Mar.
  62. Fri. 5 Mar.
  63. Sat. 6 Mar.
  64. Sun. 7 Mar.
  65. Mon. 8 Mar.
  66. Tues. 9 Mar.
  67. Wed. 10 Mar.
  68. Thurs. 11 Mar.
  69. Fri. 12 Mar.
  70. Sat. 13 Mar.
  71. Sun. 14 Mar.
  72. Mon. 15 Mar.
  73. Tues. 16 Mar.
  74. Wed. 17 Mar.
  75. Thurs. 18 Mar.
  76. Fri. 19 Mar.
  77. Sat. 20 Mar.
  78. Sun. 21 Mar.
  79. Mon. 22 Mar.
  80. Tues. 23 Mar.
  81. Wed. 24 Mar.
  82. Thurs. 25 Mar.
  83. Fri. 26 Mar.
  84. Sat. 27 Mar.
  85. Sun. 28 Mar
  86. Mon. 29 Mar.
  87. Tues. 30 Mar.
  88. Wed. 31 Mar.
  89. Thurs. 1 Apr.
  90. Fri. 2 Apr.
  91. Sat. 3 Apr.
  92. Sun. 4 Apr.
  93. Mon. 5 Apr.
  94. Tues. 6 Apr.
  95. Wed. 7 Apr.
  96. Thurs. 8 Apr.
  97. Fri. 9 Apr.
  98. Sat. 10 Apr.
  99. Sun. 11 Apr.
  100. Mon. 12 Apr.
  101. Tues. 13 Apr.
  102. Wed. 14 Apr.
  103. Thurs. 15 Apr.
  104. Fri. 16 Apr.
  105. Sat. 17 Apr.
  106. Sun. 18 Apr.
  107. Mon. 19 Apr.
  108. Tues. 20 Apr.
  109. Wed. 21 Apr.
  110. Thurs. 22 Apr.
  111. Fri. 23 Apr.
  112. Sat. 24 Apr.
  113. Sun. 25 Apr.
  114. Mon. 26 Apr.
  115. Tues. 27 Apr.
  116. Wed. 28 Apr.
  117. Thurs. 29 Apr.
  118. Fri. 30 Apr.
  119. Sat. 1 May
  120. Sun. 2 May
  121. Mon. 3 May
  122. Tues. 4 May
  123. Wed. 5 May
  124. Thurs. 6 May
  125. Fri. 7 May
  126. Sat. 8 May
  127. Sun. 9 May
  128. Mon. 10 May
  129. Tues. 11 May
  130. Wed. 12 May
  131. Thurs. 13 May
  132. Fri. 14 May
  133. Sat. 15 May
  134. Sun. 16 May
  135. Mon. 17 May
  136. Tues. 18 May
  137. Wed. 19 May
  138. Thurs. 20 May
  139. Fri, 21 May
  140. Sat. 22 May
  141. Sun. 23 May
  142. Mon. 24 May
  143. Tues. 25 May
  144. Wed. 26 May
  145. Thurs. 27 May
  146. Fri. 28 May
  147. Sat. 29 May
  148. Sun. 30 May
  149. Mon. 31 May
  150. Tues. 1 June
  151. Wed. 2 June
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  153. Fri. 4 June
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  155. Sun. 6 June
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  159. Thurs. 10 June
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  161. Sat. 12 June
  162. Sun. 13 June
  163. Mon. 14 June
  164. Tues. 15 June
  165. Wed. 16 June
  166. Thurs. 17 June
  167. Fri. 18 June
  168. Sat. 19 June
  169. Sun. 20 June
  170. Mon. 21 June
  171. Tues. 22 June
  172. Wed. 23 June
  173. Thurs. 24 June
  174. Fri. 25 June
  175. Sat. 26 June
  176. Sun. 27 June
  177. Mon. 28 June
  178. Tues. 29 June
  179. Wed. 30 June
  180. Thurs. 1 July
  181. Fri. 2 July
  182. Sat. 3 July
  183. Sun. 4 July
  184. Mon. 5 July
  185. Tues. 6 July
  186. Wed. 7 July
  187. Thurs. 8 July
  188. Fri. 9 July
  189. Sat. 10 July
  190. Sun. 11 July
  191. Mon. 12 July
  192. Tues. 13 July
  193. Wed. 14 July
  194. Thurs. 15 July
  195. Fri. 16 July
  196. Sat. 17 July
  197. Sun. 18 July
  198. Mon. 19 July
  199. Tues. 20 July
  200. Wed. 21 July
  201. Thurs. 22 July
  202. Fri. 23 July
  203. Sat. 24 July
  204. Sun. 25 July
  205. Mon. 26 July
  206. Tues. 27 July
  207. Wed. 28 July
  208. Thurs. 29 July
  209. Fri. 30 July
Mary Russell Mitford's Notebook of 1819 to 1823 Mary Russell Mitford Rebecca J. Parker Elisa Beshero-Bondar Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Elisa Beshero-Bondar Transcription and coding by Rebecca J. Parker Elisa Beshero-Bondar Proofing and corrections by Elisa Beshero-Bondar First digital edition in TEI, date: begun 19 May 2014. P5. Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive Greensburg, PA, USA 2014

Reproduced by courtesy of the Reading Central Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Reading Central Library Accession Number: L 7088 qB/TU/MIT #1361549 REF. STRONGROOM. Barcode number: 34126003337949

Our source text is marked as an "original carbon copy" of a typed transcript of Mary Russell Mitford's notebook. From the title page of the source text, "The transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library, Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum. July 1955."

British Library DPB c.60.b.7.P 24834 : C.60.b.7.

This is the location information for the autograph manuscript in Mary Russell Mitford's hand, at the British Library.

Red crayon or thick red pencil. Annotation by an archivist on an opening page of the carbon copy of the typed transcript of Mitford's journal at Reading Central Library Black pencil or crayon. Crosses out lines in the red crayon indicated above. Annotation by an archivist, presumably at Reading Central Library, recording the shelfmark. Annotation by an archivist at Reading Central Library, recording the shelfmark on the title page of the typed transcript in light grey pencil. Annotation by an archivist at Reading Central Library, recording the accession number. pencil notes by an archivist at the British Museum on the original journal.

Mitford’s spelling and punctuation are retained, except where a word is split at the end of a line and the beginning of the next in the manuscript. Where Mitford’s spelling and hyphenation of words deviates from the standard, in order to facilitate searching we are using the TEI elements “choice," “sic," and “reg" to encode both Mitford’s spelling and the regular international standard of Oxford English spelling, following the first listed spelling in the Oxford English Dictionary. The long s and ligatured forms are not encoded.

original carbon copy of Mitford diary. pages 1-49. i.e. end of 1819


MARY RUSSELL MITFORD Transcript of notebook of Mary Russell Mitford contained in the British Museum (P 24834 : C.60.b.7.)

The note-book has a printed title page "The Literary Pocket-Book; or, Companion for the lover of Nature & Art, 1819". The size of the notebook is 13 x 8 cm.

Miss Mitford's notes begin on 1 January 1819 and end 11 March 1823.

The transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library, Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum.

July 1955.

Mary Russell Mitford a present from her own dear Father.-\-

In the Reminiscences of Mr. Butler is a list of books on Modern History amongst which for the same period are mentioned Mr. Berington's Lives of Heloisa & Abelard+ in two thin quarto Vols--& a Conjuration de Rienzi+ by Father Cerceau a Jesuit 1 Vol 8vo & the Memories pour servir à la vie de Petrarque by the Abbe de la Sade. 4 Vols 4to (I think Abbe de Sade) They are all in Hookham's Catalogue x 40.--13,813-- 462.--

Charles Heath Esqre 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London. B. R. Haydon Esqre 8 Paddington Green, near the Church Paddington London Mr. Samuel Robinson Chapter House Court. St. Paul's Church yard T.N. Talfourd Esqre 2 Elm Court Temple Philip Crowther Esqre Westbury on Trim near Bristol. Miss Macready at the Revd W. M. Brick's Rugby Warwickshire Mrs Tucket 47. Upper Norton Street. Regent's Park. Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street--Upper Norton Street-- Mrs Nieven cidevant Miss Vardill Mrs Millington Mrs Vardill's companio n Miss Porden Mrs. Young Miss Hicks-- Miss Maxwell Mrs. L ay--6 Gower Street Bedford Square Mrs. Strutt 34 Perry Street. Bedford Square. Mrs. Si[tt? or ss? or th? tm?][as? or ad? or erd?] Revd [J or T?] Spicalfield's Charles Edge Westerham Kent Miss Appleton Upper Portland Place Mrs. Bayley Mrs. Wright & Stafford. Charles Heath Esq 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London.

The Eclectic Review for July 1822 Vol 10 New Series contains some very interesting particulars of poor Mina in a Review of Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution--a work I should like to see--2 Vols octavo.

The nursery garden where the double Dahlias were so fine is at Turnham Green on the left hand side going to Town I think the man's name is Williams

J. Hamilton Esqre 30 Judd Street Brunswick Sq. Miss Havell--J. Sheppard's Esqre Hampstead Heath--London-- Messrs. Whittaker--Ave Maria Lane Mrs T ucket--41 Upper Norton Street Regents Park-- Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street Upper Norton Street--Regent's Park. Miss Pordent 59 Berners Street-- Mrs. Vardill 45 Cli [f?] or [p?] stone Street Miss Mrs. Hofland 23 Newman Street Oxford Street P. Bayley Esqre 9 Cumberland Place--New Road. Marybone--London Miss H [a or i]? ll--Clifton Cottage--Woking--Sidmouth--Devon Miss Brooke 11 East Cliff--Brighton. Charles Kemble 29 Soho Square A. J. Valpy Esqre Red Lion Court Fleet Street London Mrs. Welles & Fanny Welles--2 Blenheim Street, New Bond Street.-- Mrs. Lewis (late Charlotte [Rick]? man) 9 Upper Seymour Street--Euston Square New Road New Road. P. Bayley Esqre 9 Cumberland Place New Road, Marybone, London J. B. Monck Esqre 15 College Street Westminster--M. P._________________ Miss Weston--Church Lane Chelsea--London John Wilstshire Esqre Shockerwick. Bath W. Macready Esqre.--69 Berners Street Mrs Smith's bboarding house 14 Norfolk Street Mrs. Price 2 [Bricton]? or [Brick]? Court Temple--Talfourd's living. S. Hamilton Esqre. 30 Judd Street Brunswick
Jany. the 1st we were living at Bertram House--dear Granny, dear Drum & I--Our servants poor Lucy, Jane (who is going away) & George--our pets--Dear Mossy--his sister May Fly--Nelly--Moses--(greyhounds) Mob a borrowed greyhound--Whim our squinting spaniel who came from Lockinge--Miranda our dear beautiful greyhound puppy--Selim our Persian Cat, Poll a tabby do--& 22 Bantams--the old ones given me by poor Jesse Clift.
[ 1818] Thurs. 31 Dec.

Went with Papa & Eliza Webb to a dance at Mrs. Dickinson's--very splendid--very delightful--much laughing--Mr. Crowther not to be forgotten.

At Farley Hill--Happy day--Mrs. D's singing--Where'er you walk--Mr. D's reading--Count Ugolino.

Manchester House Exmouth. Sonnet Farley Hill Jany 1st. 1819. To Mrs. Dickinson Banquet & song & dance & revelry! Auspicious year born in so fair a light Of gaiety & beauty! Happy night Raised to social peasure--& to Thee Its dear dispenser--of festivity 5 The festive Queen--the moving Spirit bright Of music & the dance--of all delight The gentle mistress bountiful & free! Oh happy night! And oh succeeding day Far happier! When 'mid converse & repose 10 Handels sweet strains came sweetened, & the lay Divine of that old Florentine arose Dante; & Genius flung his torchlike ray O'er the dark tale of Ugolino's woes. M. R. M.1 In Mitford's journal, the sonnet is written on the facing page adjacent to the entry for 1 January 1819, and the sonnet takes up a full page.
Sat. 2 Jan.

Another happy day--at Farley Hill--Reading & home.

Sun. 3 Jan.

At home--told dear Mama all about the Ball--read Burke & the Reviews the B.C. & the E.R.

Mon. 4 Jan.

At home--wrote to Miss James--letter not to go this week--And to Miss Brooke . Read the Antiquary XX.

Tues. 5 Jan.

Read some of Miss Edgeworth's Popular tales XX some of Burke . Still at home.

Wed. 6 Jan.

Read Do. Do. Still at home.

Thurs. 7 Jan.

Read Fearon's America X -- Still at home-- Got & read this pretty book X

Fri. 8 Jan.

Wrote to Sir William Elford not to go till next week-- Read Burke . still at home.

Sat. 9 Jan.

Read Nightmare Abbey XX Still at home.

Sun. 10 Jan.

Wrote to Miss Webb-- not to go till Tuesday. read more of Burke .

Mrs. Anty Clarke-- The Priory-- Lady Wooton's Green--Canterbury.-- Mrs. Hofland--10 Montpelier Row Miss Jephson No. 1 Charles Street Twickenham Bath. Middlesex. Miss James, Ormond Place Bellevue Lower Road Richmond--Surrey-- Mrs Florry--Five Ways near Birmingham --Miss B ooth--Kew--Surrey. B. R. Haydon Esqre St. John's Place 22 Lisson Grove North Regent's Park. London-- T. N. Talfourd--3 1 Pump Court Temple Lane Mrs. Rowden--No. 6 L'Aller de [V]? or [N]?euves Champs Eliseés Paris. Madame Clement--Durham House Chelsea Miss Vardill 45 Cli [p? or f?] stone Street. Mr. Lucase 12 Upper Cadogan Place Konne 2 Perhaps a mistake for "Connault Terrace" which was in Portland Square London? Street
Mon. 11 Jan.

At home -- worked some gown trimming -- & wrote a letter to Mr. Haydon .

Tues. 12 Jan.

At home. heard from dear Mrs.Dickinson -- sent off letters to Sir W. Elford Mr. Haydon , Miss James & Miss Webb .

Wed. 13 Jan.

Heard from dear Miss James -- went Fir topping -- Wrote a sonnet & letter to Mrs. Dickinson -- at home.

Thurs. 14 Jan.

At home. Wrote to dear Miss James Read Bisset's Life of Burke -- very bad weather, could not stir.

Fri. 15 Jan.

At home all day doing nothing but finish my letter to dear Miss James & read Burke -- Burke a sad turncoat.

Sat. 16 Jan.

Went to Reading -- had a most delightful chat with Miss Brooke -- bought things at Marshes -- saw a number of people -- came home to dinner quite well & was exceedingly ill (sick & purged) all night.

Sun. 17 Jan.

Rather better -- Lucy a famous nurse -- in bed almost all day -- had a charming letter from Mr. Haydon & read Malcolm's Anecdotes of the 17th Century .

Mon. 18 Jan.

A great deal better. Amused myself with doing up some gowns against the end of the mourning -- read Burke's works. All day at home.

Tues. 19 Jan.

Quite well. Wrote a long note to Miss Brooke -- read Scott's Visit to Paris & played with my beautiful puppy Miranda born at Stratford on Avon.

Wed. 20 Jan.

Recieved a long letter from Mrs. Rowden & began an answer all day at home.

Thurs. 21 Jan.

Mr. White & Mrs. Tuppen called did not see them -- was Fir-topping with Luce & the pets. At home.

Fri. 22 Jan.

All day at home finished my packet for Mrs. Rowden & read Burke's works.

Sat. 23 Jan.

All day at home Firtopping -- began Florence Macarthy --very much amused by it.

Sun. 24 Jan.

Got a letter from dear Miss James answered it -- went with dear Drum to look for primroses -- did not find any -- Finished Florence Macarthy.

Mon. 25 Jan.

Mrs. Dickinson came to see us all in the rain -- She was quite delighted with Selim & Miranda's play.

Tues. 26 Jan.

Went to Reading -- saw a great many people -- bought my new crimson bombazine -- came home to dinner Poor Whim lost.

Wed. 27 Jan.

At home. Dear Drum went to London & took my letters to Mrs. Rowden & Miss James . Read the Duchesse d'Angoulime's journal while in the Temple

Thurs. 28 Jan.

At home. Poor Jeremy Chamberlaine the shoemaker brought me some primroses & violets in pots -- which he found in the fields.

Fri. 29 Jan.

Whim found again. Selim nearly killed a white kitten we have got for Sir W. Elford. I found today the first primrose this year in the hedge at the bottom of the park meadow

Sat. 30 Jan.

At home all day. Read Junius -- famous peppering -- nothing so good now. Mossy very amiable.

Sun. 31 Jan.

Dear Drum came back again. Heard from Eliza Webb -- wrote to her in answer. At home all day.

Mon. 1 Feb.

At home. Went out Firtopping with Mossy -- Mossy was very amiable -- so was Miranda in the Evening -- read Junius & the British Critic Review.

Tues. 2 Feb.

At home all day: Helped trim my new gown and read the Eclectic Review & played with Miranda.

Thurs. 11 Feb.

Walked about Farley Hill -- Mrs. Dick. brought me & Mrs. Hofland home & dined with us -- Mrs. H. went away at night. Heard from Sir W. Elford & Miss James .

Fri. 12 Feb.

Read Burke & wrote to Mr. Williams & Miss Eliza Webb -- at home all day.

Sat. 13 Feb.

Went to Reading -- called on Mrs. Tuppen-- the Brookes -- Mrs. Boyd -- Mrs. Newberry & the Valpy's -- saw a great many people & hired a Cook.

Sun. 14 Feb.

Wrote to Mrs. Clarke -- & Miss Ogbourn & Miss James . At home all day -- had the pets.

Mon. 15 Feb.

Mr. Williams called on me -- went primrosing got the little basket full -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- Forsyth's Italy -- charmed with it.

On this day (Monday the 15th) Papa saw a pheasant's nest with 4 eggs, which was found by one of Lord Braybrooke's people at Billingbear whilst a party were coursing in the park -- very early indeed.

Tues. 16 Feb.

All day at home -- read Forsyth's Italy -- trimmed my black bonnet helped to contrive dear Granny's spencer -- played with the Pets.

Wed. 17 Feb.

All day at home. Read Dr. Aikin's Translation of the Memoirs of Huet -- very entertaining -- played with the Pets. Helped to trim dear Granny's spencer.

Thurs. 18 Feb.

Called on Mrs. Dickinson -- Cut Drum's hair -- finished reading Huet's Memoirs & began "Emma". Had a note from Miss Valpy.

Fri. 19 Feb.

At home all day. Recieved a letter from Mrs. Hofland -- finished Emma-- the puppy a great pet.

Sat. 20 Feb.

Went primrosing -- Got the Sheffield Iris from Mrs. Hofland with some verses from her to me -- very pretty. Read Sir Robert Wlson's Egypt .

Sun. 21 Feb.

Dear Drum went into Hampshire. Jeremy brought me violets & primroses -- Wrote to Eliza Webb & Mrs. Hofland -- at home all day -- fed the pets.

Mon. 22 Feb.

Went Firtopping -- fed the Pets -- Mayfly, Miranda & a new little bitch called Fly given us by young farmer Webb .

Tues. 23 Feb.

Went Firtopping in the Plantations -- fed the Pets -- at home all day. Primroses very plentiful in the Plantations.

Wed. 24 Feb.

Heard from Miss Booth -- went to look for violets -- could not find any -- then went Firtopping till I was driven in by the snow. Read Sir R. Wilson's Egypt .

Thurs. 25 Feb.

Heard from Eliza Webb . Staid at home all day -- read the Collectanea Curiosa -- very amusing -- dear Drum & the pets came back from Overton .

Fri. 26 Feb.

At home all day -- read the Collectanea Curiosa -- wrote to Miss Booth . Nell went to Mr. Piles -- poor love I hope she will be comfortable.

Sat. 27 Feb.

At home all day -- Had a delightful letter from Sir William Elford enclosing some lozenges of his own making. Wrote to Sir W.E. & Miss James .

Sun. 28 Feb.

Heard from Mr. Haydon -- wrote to Pen Valpy & Eliza Webb -- heard from Mary Webb -- went primrosing with dear Drum -- read the Eclectic Review & the British Critic. Both stupid.

Mon. 1 Mar.

At home all day. Heard from Pen Valpy -- read the Monthly Magazine -- Had the pets.

Tues. 2 Mar.

At home. Heard from Miss James -- wrote to Mary Webb & Pen Valpy . Sent off my letter to Sir W.E. & finished a letter to Miss James .

Wed. 3 Mar.

At home. Sent off my letter to Miss James -- went Firtopping -- read the Monthly Magazine, & Anecdotes of distinguished persons.

Thurs. 4 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping -- read "Anecdotes of distinguished persons" 4 Vols -- very amusing.

Fri. 5 Mar.

At home -- read Anecdotes of distinguished persons. Went violetting -- found none -- then went Fir topping with the pretty pet Miranda.

Sat. 6 Mar.

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- went firtopping with the pets.

Sun. 7 Mar.

Went to Farley Hill -- heard Mr. Dickinson's Italian Translations -- read Burdon's Materials for thinking -- a very pleasant day.

Mon. 8 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- Mr. Johnson & Mr. Northmore came to dinner -- a delightful day -- Mr. Johnson talked to me very much indeed.

Tues. 9 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- the Miss Broughtons called -- nobody dined but ourselves -- in the Evening we had the 4th book of Virgil translated by Mr. D.

Wed. 10 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- dear Drum came for me & dined as did Dr. Bailley -- we came back in the Evening -- a most delightfully pleasant day.

Thurs. 11 Mar.

At home -- went primrosing -- saw Mr. Dearesley -- read Guy Mannering -- played with the Pets -- wrote to Mrs. Hofland .

Fri. 12 Mar.

Went to Wokingham -- met the Whites & Tuppens & a large party -- Drum went out coursing with them -- I staid with Mary -- wrote a note to Mrs. Hayward & Miss Wheeler -- came home at night. Stupid day.

Sat. 13 Mar.

At home -- received a very kind letter from Miss Booth -- wrote to her -- read Marriage -- liked it very much -- made me laugh.

Sun. 14 Mar.

At home -- went violetting -- found none -- Dr. Dearesley called -- read Marriage -- & George Mathew's Narrative -- wrote to Miss James .

Mon. 15 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping. Drum bought me two new baskets for flowering -- read Wanley's Wonders .

Tues. 16 Mar.

At home -- went violetting to Mr. Davies's meadow -- found a nice parcel -- Wrote to Sir William .

Wed. 17 Mar.

At home -- heard from Mrs. Hofland -- Miss Webb & Miss Wheeler came to spend the day -- went primrosing with them -- very pleasant day indeed.

Thurs. 18 Mar.

At home -- went violetting in Mr. Pithers's fields -- found none except in the corner by the field we sold to Mr Dearesley. Wrote to Mrs. Hofland .

Fri. 19 Mar.

At home -- Mr. Haydon sent me the Examiner -- went violetting -- did not find many -- read Waverley -- wrote to Mr. Haydon .

Sat. 20 Mar.

At home -- Heard from Miss James & Mary Webb -- finished my letter to MIss James -- read Waverley.

Sun. 21 Mar.

At home -- Went primrosing in Mr. Dearesley's Copse & violetting in our own fields. Read a pretty Tale called Altham & his Wife.

Mon. 22 Mar.

At home. Went violetting in Mr. Body's Fields & our own with dear Granny & the Pets -- did not find many. Read the Tale of my Landlord

Tues. 23 Mar.

Wrote to Miss Webb -- read Miss Jane Taylor's Display -- & began Mr. Maturin's Woman -- Dear Drum went to Town -- At home all day.

Wed. 24 Mar.

At home -- went violetting with Luce -- found a great many white & some beautiful blue violets in a field near Penge wood. The Wood sorrel not out yet.

Thurs. 25 Mar.

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Got caught in a shower -- read Wanley'sWonders .

Fri. 26 Mar.

At home -- went violetting about our own fields & Mr. Body's -- Dear Drum came home & brought me my superb red shawl for a present -- God bless him.

Sat. 27 Mar.

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- read Mr. Maturin's Woman -- don't like it much -- too dismal.

Sun. 28 Mar

At home -- went violetting with dear Drum & the pets in our own fields & Mr. Body's.

Mon. 29 Mar.

At home -- Went to Penge Wood with dear Drum, Luce & the pets -- got a few wood anemones & quantities of violets blue & white -- Wrote to Miss Brooke .

Tues. 30 Mar.

At home -- Went Firtopping with dear Mossy -- Mossy very amiable indeed poor lamb.

Wed. 31 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping & walking about the place -- never saw so many flowers in my life -- Miranda a great pet.

Thurs. 1 Apr.

At home -- Frederick Slade called -- went to Reading -- saw a great many people -- called at the Brookes Tuppens & Newberrys. Read Unline & Dr. King's Anecdotes of his own Times .

Fri. 2 Apr.

At home -- Heard from Miss James . Went violetting with the Pets, got quantities -- wrote to Mrs. Newbery -- Read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews & Horace Walpole's letters .

Sat. 3 Apr.

At home -- walked with Granny and the Pets -- heard from Mrs. Newberry -- read Horace Walpole's delightful Letters to Mr. Cole & Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress -- Dear Drum came home sick from Reading.

Sun. 4 Apr.

At home -- Dear Drum quite well again -- Heard from Sir W. Elford . Mr. & Mrs. Newberry called -- wrote to Mrs. Newberry & Miss Eliza Webb .

Mon. 5 Apr.

Went to Penge Wood with Lucy & the Pets -- Read Horace Walpole's letters to Mr. Cole -- Delightful -- & Dr. Clarke's admirable Travels .

Tues. 6 Apr.

At home -- heard from Mrs. Rowden -- Read Beppo & Mr. Roger's Human Life -- & Dr. Clarke's Travels in Sweden & Norway .

Wed. 7 Apr.

At home -- went to Reading -- saw Miss Brooke & many people -- had a note from Mrs. Tuppen -- read Dr. Clarke's Travels & Holcroft's Memoirs .

Thurs. 8 Apr.

At home -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- walked with dear Drum & the pets -- read Holcroft's Memoirs which are very entertaining.

Fri. 9 Apr.

At home -- Went to Wokingham with dear Drum -- dined at the Webbs & called on the Wheelers -- came home at night. A pleasant day.

Sat. 10 Apr.

At home -- went violetting with Lucy about our own place & Mr. Body's -- Betty Rapley sent me some Honeysuckle in full bloom.

Sun. 11 Apr.

At home -- Heard from Miss Booth & Miss James -- wrote to Miss Booth , Miss James , Mrs. Hofland , Mrs. Tuppen & Mr. Maitland -- read Miss Edgeworth's Comic Dramas -- not good.

Mon. 12 Apr.

At home all day -- read the Lives of Haydn & Mozart & the Memoirs of the great Condé -- not very good.

Tues. 13 Apr.

At home all day -- Drum went to Wokingham & attended Mr. Palmer's grand procession to Reading -- sopping wet all the morning -- read Memoirs of Condé -- stupid enough.

Wed. 14 Apr.

At home -- Papa not well enough to take me to Reading -- went to Penge wood with Lucy . Got a great quantity of flowers. Violets almost over.

Thurs. 15 Apr.

At home -- Drum & Granny went to Reading to call on Lady M. Palmer -- read Whistlecraft's National Poem & Cary's Dante . Whistlecraft very good.

Fri. 16 Apr.

At home -- sate waiting for Lady M. Palmer dressed quite fine -- tiresome woman did not come -- wrote to Mrs. Rowden & read Cary's Dante .

Sat. 17 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that tiresome woman who never came -- heard from Mrs. Hofland & Mary Webb -- wrote to Mrs. Hofland & finished my letter to Mrs. Rowden -- read Hazlitt's lectures on the Comic Writers -- famous.

Sun. 18 Apr.

At home -- waited again in vain for Lady M.P. -- Heard from Miss James & Mrs. Rowden -- ready Cary's Dante & Haslitt's Lectures on the Comic Writers .

Mon. 19 Apr.

At home all day -- wrote to Miss James & to Miss Webb .

Tues. 20 Apr.

At home -- went to Penge Wood -- Poor dear Mossy got a sad fall & was very ill -- wrote to Miss James -- still expected that tiresome woman .

Wed. 21 Apr.

At home -- poor dear Mossy very ill in the Morning but better in the Afternoon -- Still expected that tiresome Lady Mad. who did not come.

Thurs. 22 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that shocking plague Lady M.P. who never came -- Dear Mossy much better almost well. Read Horrace Walpole's Letters to Mr. Montague .

Fri. 23 Apr.

At home -- waited again for my Lady, Deuce take her -- read Horace Walpole's delightful letters & Rose's Letters from the North of Italy -- very good though vulgar.

Sat. 24 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that shocking torment Lady M.P. -- never came -- read Rose's letters from the North of Italy -- & finished my letters to Miss James & Mrs. Rowden .

Sun. 25 Apr.

At home -- waited again -- dined early -- dear Drum went to the fields by Burghfield Bridge to get me Field Tulips -- God bless him, dear lamb. Wrote to Miss Booth -- Had Miranda to tea. Great lamb.

Mon. 26 Apr.

At home -- Dear Drum went to London -- I had & had had for two days a very bad cough -- read The Quakers & Campbell's English Poets .

Tues. 27 Apr.

At home -- rather better -- dear Granny very good to me -- heard from Sir William -- wrote to him & dear Drum -- read Mr. Campbell's Specimens of the English Poets . Like it very much.

Wed. 28 Apr.

At home -- rather better. Heard from dear Drum -- wrote to him -- poor Mrs. Budd of Bedford now dead in childbirth -- Went cowslipping in the meadows with dear Granny, Lucy & the pets -- all very amiable.

Thurs. 29 Apr.

At home -- much the same -- Heard from dear Drum -- Went to Penge Wood with dear Granny, Lucy & the Pets. Dear Drum came home at night.

Fri. 30 Apr.

At home -- better -- heard from Miss James -- walked round the place with dear Drum -- read a Walk through Switzerland -- liked it pretty well.

Sat. 1 May

At home -- better -- went cowslipping with dear Granny & the pets -- read Campbell's Specimens of the British Poets -- very good.

Sun. 2 May

At home -- much the same -- heard from Aunt Mary -- walked about the Place with dear Granny -- read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews.

Mon. 3 May

At home -- better -- walked about the place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the pets -- all very amiable -- wrote to Miss James .

Tues. 4 May

At home -- much better -- heard from Eliza Webb -- walked about the Place with dear Granny -- read Lebaume's Campaign in Russia .

Wed. 5 May

At home -- much better -- heard from Miss Booth -- went round the place flowering with dear Drum -- wrote to Aunt Mary .

Thurs. 6 May

At home -- almost well -- Mr. Morfitt & Mr. Armstrong dined here -- wrote to Eliza Webb .

Fri. 7 May

At home -- still better -- heard from Aunt Mary -- read les Parvenus by Madame de Genlis .

Sat. 8 May

At home -- quite well -- Mr. Voules & Mr. Walker called & Mr. Dickinson -- corrected some proofs for Mr. D. & wrote a note to Mrs. Dickinson .

Sun. 9 May

At home -- quite well -- wrote a note to Mr. St. Quentin -- walked with dear Drum & the Pets. Looked over Mr. Dickinson's Translations.

Mon. 10 May

At home -- Dear Drum went to London -- walked with dear Granny & the pets -- read Campbell's Specimens of English Poets . The Dearesleys called.

Tues. 11 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- the Dearesleys called while we were at dinner & we did not see them. Mr. Green called in the morning & was very pleasant -- read a ten years [sic] in Tripoly.

Wed. 12 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Capt. & Mrs. Tuppen called -- heard again at night from Drum & Miss James -- Dear Drum sent some lovely lillies of the valley -- Read a ten years residence in Tripoly very entertaining indeed.

Thurs. 13 May

At home -- Dear Drum came home -- Poor Mossy was sick -- dressed the flowers -- read Coleridge's Zapolya , very good -- & Miss Benger's Life of Mrs. Hamilton -- very bad.

Fri. 14 May

At home -- wrote to Miss James & Sir W. Elford -- Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson drank tea with us -- Dear Mrs. D. brought me some wild lilies of the valley.

Sat. 15 May

At home -- went to Reading -- called on Mrs.Tuppen, Mrs. Newberry, Miss Brooke, Miss Anstruther & the Valpy's -- bought some things for Granny & myself -- read The Rivals -- famous

Sun. 16 May

At home -- went to Wokingham -- dined there -- Mr. Palmer was there -- came home in the evening & read the Wheel of Fortune -- middling. Dear May Fly married at Wokingham to Warrener & Whistle.

Mon. 17 May

At home -- dressed my flowers -- walked about the Place -- read Florence Macarthy -- liked it better than the first.

Tues. 18 May

At home -- dear Mossy married to pretty little Fly -- Heard from Mrs. Hofland -- Drum went to London . Mr. Dickinson called.

Wed. 19 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- read a Picturesque Tour through France & Switzerland (stupid) & Mr. ORegan's Memoirs of Curran Do. Dear Granny's new bonnet came home.

Thurs. 20 May

At home -- dressed the flowers -- dear Drum came home & brought me a pretty blue handkerchief & some lovely lilies of the valley.

Fri, 21 May

At home -- walked with dear Drum & the pets -- the may finer this year than I ever saw it, particularly in my lane -- read from Charlotte Smith's Young Philosopher -- pretty but too dismal.

Sat. 22 May

At home -- heard from Sir William Elford & Miss Ogbourn -- read Lord Byron's 6th Vol. of Poems (Manfred, the Prisoner of Chillon & the Lament of Tasso) & the last vol of Miss Benger's Life of Mrs. Hamilton -- Sir William came in the evening.

Sir William Elford came on the Saturday Evening to tea having left his friend Mr. Champernoune who was to have accompanied him ill at the Bear -- he expected him next day -- but instead of him came a note from Mr. Bulley to Drum to say that Mr. Cham: had taken an opening medicine & could not move: so Sir William went to him after tea poor Mr. C. died after a very few weeks . -- Dear Mrs. Dickinson dined & slept here.

Sun. 23 May

At home -- Sir William Elford with us -- expected his friend Mr. Champernoune who did not come -- Mrs. Dickinson called & dined & slept with us -- Sir W. went in the morning to see Stratfield Saye went away in the evening

Mon. 24 May

At home -- Mrs. Dickinson still here on account of the loss of her carriage horses -- Drum & I dined at Wokingham to keep Mr. Webb's birthday -- met Mr. & Mrs. Holton, two Mr. Wheelers, & Mr. & Mrs. W. Hayward -- pleasant day. Came home at night.

Tues. 25 May

At home -- Mrs. Dickinson left at about 1 o'clock -- heard from Sir William Elford -- Read Fellowes's Journey to La Trappe & La Vendee -- liked it very well -- poor Mossy lame.

Wed. 26 May

At home -- Heard from Miss James -- read Hackett's Narrative of an expedition to South America . Wrote to Mrs. Hofland . Walked with Granny & the pets -- very amiable.

Thurs. 27 May

At home -- Heard from Mrs. Dickinson -- cut dear Drum's hair -- wrote to Mrs. Dickinson -- dressed the flowers -- walked with dear Drum & the pets.

Fri. 28 May

At home -- walked about the place -- saw some fine foxglove out in the lane, very early -- & a fine pansy, very late -- the syringa coming out beautifully.

Sat. 29 May

At home -- heard from Miss James & Miss Ogbourn -- lay on a Haycock in the West Orchard, & read Repton of Landscape Gardening & Miss Jame's little Tale of Jenny the spinner .

Sun. 30 May

At home -- walked about the place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the pets -- wrote to Sir William -- read Miss Edgeworth's Moral Tales -- very pretty.

Mon. 31 May

At home -- went about the garden with dear Drum, dear Granny, & the pets -- read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews -- wrote to Miss James .

Tues. 1 June

At home -- dressed my flowers -- walked in the garden with Granny & Mossy -- read Barrow's Account of Voyages to the North Pole -- wrote to Miss Booth -- syringa very beautiful.

Wed. 2 June

At home -- Papa went to Watlington to stand to Mrs. Hayward's little girl -- I wrote to Mrs. Hayward & Miss James .

Thurs. 3 June

At home -- lay in the Hay (my own little Haycock) in the West Orchard. Walked in the garden with Granny & the dear Pets.

Fri. 4 June

At home -- lay in the Hay -- went Firtopping -- Drum came back from Watlington -- read Mr. D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors .

Sat. 5 June

At home -- Dressed the flowers -- lay in the Hay -- walked about the Place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the Pets -- read Blackwood's Edinburgh Magas .

Sun. 6 June

At home -- lay in the Hay -- walked down the lane with dear Drum & the pets, very amiable -- the wild roses cut -- read Edinburgh Review & a Year & Day -- pretty enough but too dismal.

Mon. 7 June

At home -- dear Drum went to Town -- walked with dear Granny & the pets -- read the Quarterly Review (No.38-39 & 40 are to be indexes) & The White Cottage -- which is too dismal.

Tues. 8 June

At home -- Heard from dear Drum , & Granny heard from Sir William & dear Drum . Walked with dear Granny & the Pets.

Wed. 9 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum , Mr. Haydon & Mary Webb . Lay in the hay -- walked with Granny [sic] -- wrote to Mary Webb .

Thurs. 10 June

At home -- Heard from dear Drum -- walked with the pets -- Dear Drum did not come home at night but sent a note & some most beautiful flowers -- red lilies -- ranunculuses -- pinks -- moss roses -- sweet peas & double anemones -- God bless him, dear love.

Fri. 11 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- dressed the flowers -- dear Drum came from Town & brought me a present of the two Peter Bells from Mr. Taylor -- both which I read & liked very much.

Sat. 12 June

At home -- heard from Miss James -- walked with dear Granny & the Pets about the Place -- read Captain Ross's account of the Polar Expedition .

Sun. 13 June

At home -- lay in the hay -- walked with Drum & Mossy -- Read Capt. Ross's Polar Expedition -- stupid -- the Captain very timid -- did nothing but christen every rock & hillock he saw after some great person or other -- Lord Melvill, Mr. Croker & so forth.

Mon. 14 June

At home -- went to Reading -- called on Miss Brooke, Mrs. Tuppen, Mrs. Newberry -- & bought Granny a new gown & some other things at Marsh's --

Tues. 15 June

Dear Granny's Birthday -- at home -- Dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- wrote to Mr. Bacon & Miss Brooke .

Wed. 16 June

At home -- Went to Reading -- bought the materials for a new bonnet at Marsh's -- saw the Brookes &c -- a very pleasant morning indeed.

Thurs. 17 June

At home -- heard yesterday from Miss James & Mrs. Hofland -- lay today in the hay -- walked with Drum, Granny & the pets -- read the Hear of Midlothian & the Criminal Trials to illustrate it of Porteous -- Wilson -- Nichel -- [?] &c -- very curious.

Fri. 18 June

At home -- wrote to Mr. Dickinson & Miss Allin -- read the Heart of Midlothian -- walked in the garden with dear Drum, dear Granny & the Pets. Wrote to Mary Webb too!

Sat. 19 June

At home -- lay in the Hay & helped haymake -- walked in the garden with dear Drum & the pets -- read Tour to Alet -- liked it pretty well.

Sun. 20 June

At home -- dear Drum & Granny went into Hampshire -- walked about the place -- lay in the Hay -- read Shaw's Travels very learned & curious.

Mon. 21 June

At home -- dear Drum & Granny in Hampshire -- lay in the hay -- saw to the haymaking -- wrote to dear Granny Mrs. Hofland & Miss James -- read the Beggar Girl famous.

Tues. 22 June

At home -- dear Drum & dear Granny still out -- expected the Miss Webbs who did not come -- finished my letter to Miss James & wrote a note to Mr. Palmer . Got the hay in good order -- lay in the hay.

Wed. 23 June

At home -- dear Drum & dear Granny still out -- heard from dear Drum & Eliza Webb -- wrote to dear Drum . Lay in the Hay -- Luce & I drank tea together very comfortably.

Thurs. 24 June

At home -- Drum & Granny still out -- heard from dear Granny -- Luce made my white bonnet -- read the Beggar Girl -- had Mossy all day -- he was very amiable poor lamb indeed.

Fri. 25 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum & Sir William -- dear Drum & Granny came home -- dear Granny not quite well -- God bless her.

Sat. 26 June

At home -- heard from Mrs. Dickinson -- wrote to Eliza Webb & Mrs. Dickinson . Read the New Tales of my Landlord.

Sun. 27 June

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- read the new Tales of my Landlord -- dear Granny better.

Mon. 28 June

At home -- was so showery & could not go to Wokingham -- Did some of my flowers -- had my pets -- Mossy very amiable -- dear Granny better.

Tues. 29 June

At home --got flowers -- lay in the hay -- read Fusell's lectures on Painting -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- dear Granny quite well.

Wed. 30 June

At home -- walked with Drum & the Pets -- sent off my letters to Mrs. Dickinson & Sir William Elford with note to Mr. D. & Mr. Palmer .

Thurs. 1 July

At home -- heard from Miss Booth -- went to Reading & Wokingham -- called on Miss Brooke & Mrs. Newell -- dined with the Webbs -- met Mr. Carter there -- very pleasant day -- came home at night.

Fri. 2 July

At home -- read the British Critic & Eclectic Reviews -- so cold & wet that we had a fire -- cleared up rather in the Evening & walked with dear Drum. Sent some of my Poems to Hampshire friends Woodburns Holdens &c.

Sat. 3 July

At home -- dressed my flowers -- heard from Miss James -- read Camilla -- Walked with Granny Lucy & Mossy about our own place.

Sun. 4 July

At home -- lay in the Hay -- read Zeneide by Madame de Genlis -- stupid -- Mr. John Deverell came to dine & sleep -- he stupid too! Walked in the evening with him & Drum & the pets -- the pets very amiable.

Mon. 5 July

At home -- lay in Hay with Mossy Marmy & Moses -- read an Autumn near the Rhine -- wrote to Mary Webb -- Mr. Deverell went away.

Tues. 6 July

At home -- began a letter to Miss James -- had Mossy -- read Lord Mclesworth's account of Denmark in 1693 & Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- Mossy very amiable.

Wed. 7 July

At home -- read Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- walked with Drum & the pets -- Mossy very amiable.

Thurs. 8 July

At home -- read Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- dressed my flowers -- walked about the place with the pets.

Fri. 9 July

At home -- Mr. Elliott & Mr. Spurling came here & settled to take to the place at Michaelmas -- they both behaved very well -- Harry Marsh came to meet them & dined here -- heard from Miss James .

Sat. 10 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- walked about the place with Drum Granny & the pets -- read Lord Byron's Mazeppa liked it very much.

Sun. 11 July

At home -- went with dear Granny to Wokingham -- found them all dismal on account of Mr. Webb's operation which is to be performed Tuesday -- came home to dinner -- lay in the hay.

Mon. 12 July

At home -- went to Reading with dear Drum -- made a great many calls changed my books -- a pleasant morning -- Came home to dinner -- lay in my hay -- finished my letter to Miss James .

Tues. 13 July

At home -- Dear Drum & Granny went to Lockinge -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked down the lane with Luce & saw a beautiful glowworm on a weed in the ditch.

Wed. 14 July

At home -- dear Drum and Granny at Lockinge -- lay in the hay -- walked in the hayfield -- a little bird by my hay has been very tame for the two last days -- read Colonel FitzClarence's Indian Journal .

Thurs. 15 July

At home -- Drum & Granny still out -- laid in the hay -- my little robin kept eating close to me -- walked in the hayfield. Betty Rapley dined here -- heard from Miss Eliza Webb -- read the Magazines.

Fri. 16 July

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Drum & Granny came home -- very glad to get them --lay in the hay -- walked down the lane -- read the Monthly & European Magazines -- pretty good.

Sat. 17 July

At home -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- read Sir Joshua Reynold's works -- fed my tame robin -- began a letter to Miss Booth . Twice caught in the rain & obliged to change my things.

Sun. 18 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- read Crabbe's Tales of the Hall liked them -- wrote to Miss Brooke & Mrs. Rowden -- walked down the lane with dear Drum & pets. Mossy very amiable.

Mon. 19 July

At home -- lay in the Hay -- read Crabbe's Tales of the Hall -- walked with Drum & Granny & the Pets backward & forward to the white gate.

Tues. 20 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- dear Mossy not well -- Bobby brought a relation to eat bread crums both of them very amiable -- dear Mossy better in the Evening -- read Reynold's works.

Wed. 21 July

At home -- Poor dear Drum taken very ill -- giddy & sick -- sent for Mr. Sherwood who bled & physicked him. Dear Drum better in the Evening -- Mossy quite well to day -- read.

Thurs. 22 July

At home -- dear Drum much better -- God bless him -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked in the wood -- dear Drum brought me some fine Jasmine from Mr. Davies .

Fri. 23 July

At home -- Dear Drum's throat very bad -- sent for Mr. Harris who came to see him -- dear Drum better in the Evening -- lay in the Hay -- read Traits of Nature. Walked with the Pets.

Sat. 24 July

At home -- Dear Drum much better. Heard from Mrs. Dickinson Mrs. Rowden & Miss Harley -- lay in the hay -- Marmy very ill -- wrote to Mrs. Rowden -- finished my letter to Miss Booth -- began one to Sir William .

Sun. 25 July

At home -- finished my letter to Sir William & sent off that of Mrs. Rowden's -- dined at Wokingham -- dear Mr. Webb much better -- a very pleasant day -- came home by Reading to get a parcel for Miss James containing two long letters from her & Mrs. Hofland a pretty handkerchief bordered with roses & -- Marmy quite well.

Mon. 26 July

At home -- wrote to the Miss Webbs & sent them some apples & French beans -- lay in the hay -- read De Rance & Madame de Genlis Zuma

-- the first very bad the other pretty -- wrote to Mrs. Dickinson .

Tues. 27 July

At home -- called on Mrs. Vowles with dear Drum -- lay in the hay -- read Professor Brown on Cause & Effect -- wrote to Miss James .

Wed. 28 July

At home -- heard from Sir William -- wrote to Sir William & Miss James -- dressed my flowers -- walked with dear Drum and the pets.

Thurs. 29 July

At home -- wrote to Mr. Haydon . Called at Farley Hill -- Mr. D. just gone out -- dined at Wokingham -- very pleasant day -- had a wandering band to play to us -- we drank tea in the shrubbery -- Came home at night.

Fri. 30 July

At home -- lay in the hay with Mossy & talked to my Bobby -- Bobby very amiable -- I think he'll soon talk too! Read Miss Plumtre's Tales -- very amusing.

Lady M.P.

Lady M.P.

Lady Mad.

Lady Madalina Palmer

Lady M. Palmer

tiresome woman

my Lady



Mary Russell Mitford's Notebook of 1819 to 1823 Mary Russell Mitford Rebecca J. Parker Elisa Beshero-Bondar Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Elisa Beshero-Bondar Transcription and coding by Rebecca J. Parker Elisa Beshero-Bondar Proofing and corrections by Elisa Beshero-Bondar First digital edition in TEI, date: begun 19 May 2014. P5. Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive Greensburg, PA, USA 2014

Reproduced by courtesy of the Reading Central Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Reading Central Library Accession Number: L 7088 qB/TU/MIT #1361549 REF. STRONGROOM. Barcode number: 34126003337949

Our source text is marked as an "original carbon copy" of a typed transcript of Mary Russell Mitford's notebook. From the title page of the source text, "The transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library, Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum. July 1955."

British Library DPB c.60.b.7.P 24834 : C.60.b.7.

This is the location information for the autograph manuscript in Mary Russell Mitford's hand, at the British Library.

Red crayon or thick red pencil. Annotation by an archivist on an opening page of the carbon copy of the typed transcript of Mitford's journal at Reading Central Library Black pencil or crayon. Crosses out lines in the red crayon indicated above. Annotation by an archivist, presumably at Reading Central Library, recording the shelfmark. Annotation by an archivist at Reading Central Library, recording the shelfmark on the title page of the typed transcript in light grey pencil. Annotation by an archivist at Reading Central Library, recording the accession number. pencil notes by an archivist at the British Museum on the original journal.

Mitford’s spelling and punctuation are retained, except where a word is split at the end of a line and the beginning of the next in the manuscript. Where Mitford’s spelling and hyphenation of words deviates from the standard, in order to facilitate searching we are using the TEI elements “choice," “sic," and “reg" to encode both Mitford’s spelling and the regular international standard of Oxford English spelling, following the first listed spelling in the Oxford English Dictionary. The long s and ligatured forms are not encoded.

original carbon copy of Mitford diary. pages 1-49. i.e. end of 1819


MARY RUSSELL MITFORD Transcript of notebook of Mary Russell Mitford contained in the British Museum (P 24834 : C.60.b.7.)

The note-book has a printed title page "The Literary Pocket-Book; or, Companion for the lover of Nature & Art, 1819". The size of the notebook is 13 x 8 cm.

Miss Mitford's notes begin on 1 January 1819 and end 11 March 1823.

The transcript of which this is a copy is in the possession of the Public Library, Reading, Berks, England. A photostat copy of the MS is also available at that library. Copyright presumably rests with the British Museum.

July 1955.

Mary Russell Mitford a present from her own dear Father.-\-

In the Reminiscences of Mr. Butler is a list of books on Modern History amongst which for the same period are mentioned Mr. Berington's Lives of Heloisa & Abelard+ in two thin quarto Vols--& a Conjuration de Rienzi+ by Father Cerceau a Jesuit 1 Vol 8vo & the Memories pour servir à la vie de Petrarque by the Abbe de la Sade. 4 Vols 4to (I think Abbe de Sade) They are all in Hookham's Catalogue x 40.--13,813-- 462.--

Charles Heath Esqre 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London. B. R. Haydon Esqre 8 Paddington Green, near the Church Paddington London Mr. Samuel Robinson Chapter House Court. St. Paul's Church yard T.N. Talfourd Esqre 2 Elm Court Temple Philip Crowther Esqre Westbury on Trim near Bristol. Miss Macready at the Revd W. M. Brick's Rugby Warwickshire Mrs Tucket 47. Upper Norton Street. Regent's Park. Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street--Upper Norton Street-- Mrs Nieven cidevant Miss Vardill Mrs Millington Mrs Vardill's companio n Miss Porden Mrs. Young Miss Hicks-- Miss Maxwell Mrs. L ay--6 Gower Street Bedford Square Mrs. Strutt 34 Perry Street. Bedford Square. Mrs. Si[tt? or ss? or th? tm?][as? or ad? or erd?] Revd [J or T?] Spicalfield's Charles Edge Westerham Kent Miss Appleton Upper Portland Place Mrs. Bayley Mrs. Wright & Stafford. Charles Heath Esq 6 Seymour Place Euston Square London.

The Eclectic Review for July 1822 Vol 10 New Series contains some very interesting particulars of poor Mina in a Review of Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution--a work I should like to see--2 Vols octavo.

The nursery garden where the double Dahlias were so fine is at Turnham Green on the left hand side going to Town I think the man's name is Williams

J. Hamilton Esqre 30 Judd Street Brunswick Sq. Miss Havell--J. Sheppard's Esqre Hampstead Heath--London-- Messrs. Whittaker--Ave Maria Lane Mrs T ucket--41 Upper Norton Street Regents Park-- Miss Dominicetti 30 Carburton Street Upper Norton Street--Regent's Park. Miss Pordent 59 Berners Street-- Mrs. Vardill 45 Cli [f?] or [p?] stone Street Miss Mrs. Hofland 23 Newman Street Oxford Street P. Bayley Esqre 9 Cumberland Place--New Road. Marybone--London Miss H [a or i]? ll--Clifton Cottage--Woking--Sidmouth--Devon Miss Brooke 11 East Cliff--Brighton. Charles Kemble 29 Soho Square A. J. Valpy Esqre Red Lion Court Fleet Street London Mrs. Welles & Fanny Welles--2 Blenheim Street, New Bond Street.-- Mrs. Lewis (late Charlotte [Rick]? man) 9 Upper Seymour Street--Euston Square New Road New Road. P. Bayley Esqre 9 Cumberland Place New Road, Marybone, London J. B. Monck Esqre 15 College Street Westminster--M. P._________________ Miss Weston--Church Lane Chelsea--London John Wilstshire Esqre Shockerwick. Bath W. Macready Esqre.--69 Berners Street Mrs Smith's bboarding house 14 Norfolk Street Mrs. Price 2 [Bricton]? or [Brick]? Court Temple--Talfourd's living. S. Hamilton Esqre. 30 Judd Street Brunswick
Jany. the 1st we were living at Bertram House--dear Granny, dear Drum & I--Our servants poor Lucy, Jane (who is going away) & George--our pets--Dear Mossy--his sister May Fly--Nelly--Moses--(greyhounds) Mob a borrowed greyhound--Whim our squinting spaniel who came from Lockinge--Miranda our dear beautiful greyhound puppy--Selim our Persian Cat, Poll a tabby do--& 22 Bantams--the old ones given me by poor Jesse Clift.
[ 1818] Thurs. 31 Dec.

Went with Papa & Eliza Webb to a dance at Mrs. Dickinson's--very splendid--very delightful--much laughing--Mr. Crowther not to be forgotten.

At Farley Hill--Happy day--Mrs. D's singing--Where'er you walk--Mr. D's reading--Count Ugolino.

Manchester House Exmouth. Sonnet Farley Hill Jany 1st. 1819. To Mrs. Dickinson Banquet & song & dance & revelry! Auspicious year born in so fair a light Of gaiety & beauty! Happy night Raised to social peasure--& to Thee Its dear dispenser--of festivity The festive Queen--the moving Spirit bright Of music & the dance--of all delight The gentle mistress bountiful & free! Oh happy night! And oh succeeding day Far happier! When 'mid converse & repose Handels sweet strains came sweetened, & the lay Divine of that old Florentine arose Dante; & Genius flung his torchlike ray O'er the dark tale of Ugolino's woes. M. R. M. In Mitford's journal, the sonnet is written on the facing page adjacent to the entry for 1 January 1819, and the sonnet takes up a full page.
Sat. 2 Jan.

Another happy day--at Farley Hill--Reading & home.

Sun. 3 Jan.

At home--told dear Mama all about the Ball--read Burke & the Reviews the B.C. & the E.R.

Mon. 4 Jan.

At home--wrote to Miss James--letter not to go this week--And to Miss Brooke . Read the Antiquary XX.

Tues. 5 Jan.

Read some of Miss Edgeworth's Popular tales XX some of Burke . Still at home.

Wed. 6 Jan.

Read Do. Do. Still at home.

Thurs. 7 Jan.

Read Fearon's America X -- Still at home-- Got & read this pretty book X

Fri. 8 Jan.

Wrote to Sir William Elford not to go till next week-- Read Burke . still at home.

Sat. 9 Jan.

Read Nightmare Abbey XX Still at home.

Sun. 10 Jan.

Wrote to Miss Webb-- not to go till Tuesday. read more of Burke .

Mrs. Anty Clarke-- The Priory-- Lady Wooton's Green--Canterbury.-- Mrs. Hofland--10 Montpelier Row Miss Jephson No. 1 Charles Street Twickenham Bath. Middlesex. Miss James, Ormond Place Bellevue Lower Road Richmond--Surrey-- Mrs Florry--Five Ways near Birmingham --Miss B ooth--Kew--Surrey. B. R. Haydon Esqre St. John's Place 22 Lisson Grove North Regent's Park. London-- T. N. Talfourd--3 1 Pump Court Temple Lane Mrs. Rowden--No. 6 L'Aller de [V]? or [N]?euves Champs Eliseés Paris. Madame Clement--Durham House Chelsea Miss Vardill 45 Cli [p? or f?] stone Street. Mr. Lucase 12 Upper Cadogan Place Konne Perhaps a mistake for "Connault Terrace" which was in Portland Square London? Street
Mon. 11 Jan.

At home -- worked some gown trimming -- & wrote a letter to Mr. Haydon .

Tues. 12 Jan.

At home. heard from dear Mrs.Dickinson -- sent off letters to Sir W. Elford Mr. Haydon , Miss James & Miss Webb .

Wed. 13 Jan.

Heard from dear Miss James -- went Fir topping -- Wrote a sonnet & letter to Mrs. Dickinson -- at home.

Thurs. 14 Jan.

At home. Wrote to dear Miss James Read Bisset's Life of Burke -- very bad weather, could not stir.

Fri. 15 Jan.

At home all day doing nothing but finish my letter to dear Miss James & read Burke -- Burke a sad turncoat.

Sat. 16 Jan.

Went to Reading -- had a most delightful chat with Miss Brooke -- bought things at Marshes -- saw a number of people -- came home to dinner quite well & was exceedingly ill (sick & purged) all night.

Sun. 17 Jan.

Rather better -- Lucy a famous nurse -- in bed almost all day -- had a charming letter from Mr. Haydon & read Malcolm's Anecdotes of the 17th Century .

Mon. 18 Jan.

A great deal better. Amused myself with doing up some gowns against the end of the mourning -- read Burke's works. All day at home.

Tues. 19 Jan.

Quite well. Wrote a long note to Miss Brooke -- read Scott's Visit to Paris & played with my beautiful puppy Miranda born at Stratford on Avon.

Wed. 20 Jan.

Recieved a long letter from Mrs. Rowden & began an answer all day at home.

Thurs. 21 Jan.

Mr. White & Mrs. Tuppen called did not see them -- was Fir-topping with Luce & the pets. At home.

Fri. 22 Jan.

All day at home finished my packet for Mrs. Rowden & read Burke's works.

Sat. 23 Jan.

All day at home Firtopping -- began Florence Macarthy --very much amused by it.

Sun. 24 Jan.

Got a letter from dear Miss James answered it -- went with dear Drum to look for primroses -- did not find any -- Finished Florence Macarthy.

Mon. 25 Jan.

Mrs. Dickinson came to see us all in the rain -- She was quite delighted with Selim & Miranda's play.

Tues. 26 Jan.

Went to Reading -- saw a great many people -- bought my new crimson bombazine -- came home to dinner Poor Whim lost.

Wed. 27 Jan.

At home. Dear Drum went to London & took my letters to Mrs. Rowden & Miss James . Read the Duchesse d'Angoulime's journal while in the Temple

Thurs. 28 Jan.

At home. Poor Jeremy Chamberlaine the shoemaker brought me some primroses & violets in pots -- which he found in the fields.

Fri. 29 Jan.

Whim found again. Selim nearly killed a white kitten we have got for Sir W. Elford. I found today the first primrose this year in the hedge at the bottom of the park meadow

Sat. 30 Jan.

At home all day. Read Junius -- famous peppering -- nothing so good now. Mossy very amiable.

Sun. 31 Jan.

Dear Drum came back again. Heard from Eliza Webb -- wrote to her in answer. At home all day.

Mon. 1 Feb.

At home. Went out Firtopping with Mossy -- Mossy was very amiable -- so was Miranda in the Evening -- read Junius & the British Critic Review.

Tues. 2 Feb.

At home all day: Helped trim my new gown and read the Eclectic Review & played with Miranda.

Thurs. 11 Feb.

Walked about Farley Hill -- Mrs. Dick. brought me & Mrs. Hofland home & dined with us -- Mrs. H. went away at night. Heard from Sir W. Elford & Miss James .

Fri. 12 Feb.

Read Burke & wrote to Mr. Williams & Miss Eliza Webb -- at home all day.

Sat. 13 Feb.

Went to Reading -- called on Mrs. Tuppen-- the Brookes -- Mrs. Boyd -- Mrs. Newberry & the Valpy's -- saw a great many people & hired a Cook.

Sun. 14 Feb.

Wrote to Mrs. Clarke -- & Miss Ogbourn & Miss James . At home all day -- had the pets.

Mon. 15 Feb.

Mr. Williams called on me -- went primrosing got the little basket full -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- Forsyth's Italy -- charmed with it.

On this day (Monday the 15th) Papa saw a pheasant's nest with 4 eggs, which was found by one of Lord Braybrooke's people at Billingbear whilst a party were coursing in the park -- very early indeed.

Tues. 16 Feb.

All day at home -- read Forsyth's Italy -- trimmed my black bonnet helped to contrive dear Granny's spencer -- played with the Pets.

Wed. 17 Feb.

All day at home. Read Dr. Aikin's Translation of the Memoirs of Huet -- very entertaining -- played with the Pets. Helped to trim dear Granny's spencer.

Thurs. 18 Feb.

Called on Mrs. Dickinson -- Cut Drum's hair -- finished reading Huet's Memoirs & began "Emma". Had a note from Miss Valpy.

Fri. 19 Feb.

At home all day. Recieved a letter from Mrs. Hofland -- finished Emma-- the puppy a great pet.

Sat. 20 Feb.

Went primrosing -- Got the Sheffield Iris from Mrs. Hofland with some verses from her to me -- very pretty. Read Sir Robert Wlson's Egypt .

Sun. 21 Feb.

Dear Drum went into Hampshire. Jeremy brought me violets & primroses -- Wrote to Eliza Webb & Mrs. Hofland -- at home all day -- fed the pets.

Mon. 22 Feb.

Went Firtopping -- fed the Pets -- Mayfly, Miranda & a new little bitch called Fly given us by young farmer Webb .

Tues. 23 Feb.

Went Firtopping in the Plantations -- fed the Pets -- at home all day. Primroses very plentiful in the Plantations.

Wed. 24 Feb.

Heard from Miss Booth -- went to look for violets -- could not find any -- then went Firtopping till I was driven in by the snow. Read Sir R. Wilson's Egypt .

Thurs. 25 Feb.

Heard from Eliza Webb . Staid at home all day -- read the Collectanea Curiosa -- very amusing -- dear Drum & the pets came back from Overton .

Fri. 26 Feb.

At home all day -- read the Collectanea Curiosa -- wrote to Miss Booth . Nell went to Mr. Piles -- poor love I hope she will be comfortable.

Sat. 27 Feb.

At home all day -- Had a delightful letter from Sir William Elford enclosing some lozenges of his own making. Wrote to Sir W.E. & Miss James .

Sun. 28 Feb.

Heard from Mr. Haydon -- wrote to Pen Valpy & Eliza Webb -- heard from Mary Webb -- went primrosing with dear Drum -- read the Eclectic Review & the British Critic. Both stupid.

Mon. 1 Mar.

At home all day. Heard from Pen Valpy -- read the Monthly Magazine -- Had the pets.

Tues. 2 Mar.

At home. Heard from Miss James -- wrote to Mary Webb & Pen Valpy . Sent off my letter to Sir W.E. & finished a letter to Miss James .

Wed. 3 Mar.

At home. Sent off my letter to Miss James -- went Firtopping -- read the Monthly Magazine, & Anecdotes of distinguished persons.

Thurs. 4 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping -- read "Anecdotes of distinguished persons" 4 Vols -- very amusing.

Fri. 5 Mar.

At home -- read Anecdotes of distinguished persons. Went violetting -- found none -- then went Fir topping with the pretty pet Miranda.

Sat. 6 Mar.

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- went firtopping with the pets.

Sun. 7 Mar.

Went to Farley Hill -- heard Mr. Dickinson's Italian Translations -- read Burdon's Materials for thinking -- a very pleasant day.

Mon. 8 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- Mr. Johnson & Mr. Northmore came to dinner -- a delightful day -- Mr. Johnson talked to me very much indeed.

Tues. 9 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- the Miss Broughtons called -- nobody dined but ourselves -- in the Evening we had the 4th book of Virgil translated by Mr. D.

Wed. 10 Mar.

At Farley Hill -- dear Drum came for me & dined as did Dr. Bailley -- we came back in the Evening -- a most delightfully pleasant day.

Thurs. 11 Mar.

At home -- went primrosing -- saw Mr. Dearesley -- read Guy Mannering -- played with the Pets -- wrote to Mrs. Hofland .

Fri. 12 Mar.

Went to Wokingham -- met the Whites & Tuppens & a large party -- Drum went out coursing with them -- I staid with Mary -- wrote a note to Mrs. Hayward & Miss Wheeler -- came home at night. Stupid day.

Sat. 13 Mar.

At home -- received a very kind letter from Miss Booth -- wrote to her -- read Marriage -- liked it very much -- made me laugh.

Sun. 14 Mar.

At home -- went violetting -- found none -- Dr. Dearesley called -- read Marriage -- & George Mathew's Narrative -- wrote to Miss James .

Mon. 15 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping. Drum bought me two new baskets for flowering -- read Wanley's Wonders .

Tues. 16 Mar.

At home -- went violetting to Mr. Davies's meadow -- found a nice parcel -- Wrote to Sir William .

Wed. 17 Mar.

At home -- heard from Mrs. Hofland -- Miss Webb & Miss Wheeler came to spend the day -- went primrosing with them -- very pleasant day indeed.

Thurs. 18 Mar.

At home -- went violetting in Mr. Pithers's fields -- found none except in the corner by the field we sold to Mr Dearesley. Wrote to Mrs. Hofland .

Fri. 19 Mar.

At home -- Mr. Haydon sent me the Examiner -- went violetting -- did not find many -- read Waverley -- wrote to Mr. Haydon .

Sat. 20 Mar.

At home -- Heard from Miss James & Mary Webb -- finished my letter to MIss James -- read Waverley.

Sun. 21 Mar.

At home -- Went primrosing in Mr. Dearesley's Copse & violetting in our own fields. Read a pretty Tale called Altham & his Wife.

Mon. 22 Mar.

At home. Went violetting in Mr. Body's Fields & our own with dear Granny & the Pets -- did not find many. Read the Tale of my Landlord

Tues. 23 Mar.

Wrote to Miss Webb -- read Miss Jane Taylor's Display -- & began Mr. Maturin's Woman -- Dear Drum went to Town -- At home all day.

Wed. 24 Mar.

At home -- went violetting with Luce -- found a great many white & some beautiful blue violets in a field near Penge wood. The Wood sorrel not out yet.

Thurs. 25 Mar.

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Got caught in a shower -- read Wanley'sWonders .

Fri. 26 Mar.

At home -- went violetting about our own fields & Mr. Body's -- Dear Drum came home & brought me my superb red shawl for a present -- God bless him.

Sat. 27 Mar.

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- read Mr. Maturin's Woman -- don't like it much -- too dismal.

Sun. 28 Mar

At home -- went violetting with dear Drum & the pets in our own fields & Mr. Body's.

Mon. 29 Mar.

At home -- Went to Penge Wood with dear Drum, Luce & the pets -- got a few wood anemones & quantities of violets blue & white -- Wrote to Miss Brooke .

Tues. 30 Mar.

At home -- Went Firtopping with dear Mossy -- Mossy very amiable indeed poor lamb.

Wed. 31 Mar.

At home -- went Firtopping & walking about the place -- never saw so many flowers in my life -- Miranda a great pet.

Thurs. 1 Apr.

At home -- Frederick Slade called -- went to Reading -- saw a great many people -- called at the Brookes Tuppens & Newberrys. Read Unline & Dr. King's Anecdotes of his own Times .

Fri. 2 Apr.

At home -- Heard from Miss James . Went violetting with the Pets, got quantities -- wrote to Mrs. Newbery -- Read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews & Horace Walpole's letters .

Sat. 3 Apr.

At home -- walked with Granny and the Pets -- heard from Mrs. Newberry -- read Horace Walpole's delightful Letters to Mr. Cole & Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress -- Dear Drum came home sick from Reading.

Sun. 4 Apr.

At home -- Dear Drum quite well again -- Heard from Sir W. Elford . Mr. & Mrs. Newberry called -- wrote to Mrs. Newberry & Miss Eliza Webb .

Mon. 5 Apr.

Went to Penge Wood with Lucy & the Pets -- Read Horace Walpole's letters to Mr. Cole -- Delightful -- & Dr. Clarke's admirable Travels .

Tues. 6 Apr.

At home -- heard from Mrs. Rowden -- Read Beppo & Mr. Roger's Human Life -- & Dr. Clarke's Travels in Sweden & Norway .

Wed. 7 Apr.

At home -- went to Reading -- saw Miss Brooke & many people -- had a note from Mrs. Tuppen -- read Dr. Clarke's Travels & Holcroft's Memoirs .

Thurs. 8 Apr.

At home -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- walked with dear Drum & the pets -- read Holcroft's Memoirs which are very entertaining.

Fri. 9 Apr.

At home -- Went to Wokingham with dear Drum -- dined at the Webbs & called on the Wheelers -- came home at night. A pleasant day.

Sat. 10 Apr.

At home -- went violetting with Lucy about our own place & Mr. Body's -- Betty Rapley sent me some Honeysuckle in full bloom.

Sun. 11 Apr.

At home -- Heard from Miss Booth & Miss James -- wrote to Miss Booth , Miss James , Mrs. Hofland , Mrs. Tuppen & Mr. Maitland -- read Miss Edgeworth's Comic Dramas -- not good.

Mon. 12 Apr.

At home all day -- read the Lives of Haydn & Mozart & the Memoirs of the great Condé -- not very good.

Tues. 13 Apr.

At home all day -- Drum went to Wokingham & attended Mr. Palmer's grand procession to Reading -- sopping wet all the morning -- read Memoirs of Condé -- stupid enough.

Wed. 14 Apr.

At home -- Papa not well enough to take me to Reading -- went to Penge wood with Lucy . Got a great quantity of flowers. Violets almost over.

Thurs. 15 Apr.

At home -- Drum & Granny went to Reading to call on Lady M. Palmer -- read Whistlecraft's National Poem & Cary's Dante . Whistlecraft very good.

Fri. 16 Apr.

At home -- sate waiting for Lady M. Palmer dressed quite fine -- tiresome woman did not come -- wrote to Mrs. Rowden & read Cary's Dante .

Sat. 17 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that tiresome woman who never came -- heard from Mrs. Hofland & Mary Webb -- wrote to Mrs. Hofland & finished my letter to Mrs. Rowden -- read Hazlitt's lectures on the Comic Writers -- famous.

Sun. 18 Apr.

At home -- waited again in vain for Lady M.P. -- Heard from Miss James & Mrs. Rowden -- ready Cary's Dante & Haslitt's Lectures on the Comic Writers .

Mon. 19 Apr.

At home all day -- wrote to Miss James & to Miss Webb .

Tues. 20 Apr.

At home -- went to Penge Wood -- Poor dear Mossy got a sad fall & was very ill -- wrote to Miss James -- still expected that tiresome woman .

Wed. 21 Apr.

At home -- poor dear Mossy very ill in the Morning but better in the Afternoon -- Still expected that tiresome Lady Mad. who did not come.

Thurs. 22 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that shocking plague Lady M.P. who never came -- Dear Mossy much better almost well. Read Horrace Walpole's Letters to Mr. Montague .

Fri. 23 Apr.

At home -- waited again for my Lady, Deuce take her -- read Horace Walpole's delightful letters & Rose's Letters from the North of Italy -- very good though vulgar.

Sat. 24 Apr.

At home -- waited again for that shocking torment Lady M.P. -- never came -- read Rose's letters from the North of Italy -- & finished my letters to Miss James & Mrs. Rowden .

Sun. 25 Apr.

At home -- waited again -- dined early -- dear Drum went to the fields by Burghfield Bridge to get me Field Tulips -- God bless him, dear lamb. Wrote to Miss Booth -- Had Miranda to tea. Great lamb.

Mon. 26 Apr.

At home -- Dear Drum went to London -- I had & had had for two days a very bad cough -- read The Quakers & Campbell's English Poets .

Tues. 27 Apr.

At home -- rather better -- dear Granny very good to me -- heard from Sir William -- wrote to him & dear Drum -- read Mr. Campbell's Specimens of the English Poets . Like it very much.

Wed. 28 Apr.

At home -- rather better. Heard from dear Drum -- wrote to him -- poor Mrs. Budd of Bedford now dead in childbirth -- Went cowslipping in the meadows with dear Granny, Lucy & the pets -- all very amiable.

Thurs. 29 Apr.

At home -- much the same -- Heard from dear Drum -- Went to Penge Wood with dear Granny, Lucy & the Pets. Dear Drum came home at night.

Fri. 30 Apr.

At home -- better -- heard from Miss James -- walked round the place with dear Drum -- read a Walk through Switzerland -- liked it pretty well.

Sat. 1 May

At home -- better -- went cowslipping with dear Granny & the pets -- read Campbell's Specimens of the British Poets -- very good.

Sun. 2 May

At home -- much the same -- heard from Aunt Mary -- walked about the Place with dear Granny -- read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews.

Mon. 3 May

At home -- better -- walked about the place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the pets -- all very amiable -- wrote to Miss James .

Tues. 4 May

At home -- much better -- heard from Eliza Webb -- walked about the Place with dear Granny -- read Lebaume's Campaign in Russia .

Wed. 5 May

At home -- much better -- heard from Miss Booth -- went round the place flowering with dear Drum -- wrote to Aunt Mary .

Thurs. 6 May

At home -- almost well -- Mr. Morfitt & Mr. Armstrong dined here -- wrote to Eliza Webb .

Fri. 7 May

At home -- still better -- heard from Aunt Mary -- read les Parvenus by Madame de Genlis .

Sat. 8 May

At home -- quite well -- Mr. Voules & Mr. Walker called & Mr. Dickinson -- corrected some proofs for Mr. D. & wrote a note to Mrs. Dickinson .

Sun. 9 May

At home -- quite well -- wrote a note to Mr. St. Quentin -- walked with dear Drum & the Pets. Looked over Mr. Dickinson's Translations.

Mon. 10 May

At home -- Dear Drum went to London -- walked with dear Granny & the pets -- read Campbell's Specimens of English Poets . The Dearesleys called.

Tues. 11 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- the Dearesleys called while we were at dinner & we did not see them. Mr. Green called in the morning & was very pleasant -- read a ten years [sic] in Tripoly.

Wed. 12 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Capt. & Mrs. Tuppen called -- heard again at night from Drum & Miss James -- Dear Drum sent some lovely lillies of the valley -- Read a ten years residence in Tripoly very entertaining indeed.

Thurs. 13 May

At home -- Dear Drum came home -- Poor Mossy was sick -- dressed the flowers -- read Coleridge's Zapolya , very good -- & Miss Benger's Life of Mrs. Hamilton -- very bad.

Fri. 14 May

At home -- wrote to Miss James & Sir W. Elford -- Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson drank tea with us -- Dear Mrs. D. brought me some wild lilies of the valley.

Sat. 15 May

At home -- went to Reading -- called on Mrs.Tuppen, Mrs. Newberry, Miss Brooke, Miss Anstruther & the Valpy's -- bought some things for Granny & myself -- read The Rivals -- famous

Sun. 16 May

At home -- went to Wokingham -- dined there -- Mr. Palmer was there -- came home in the evening & read the Wheel of Fortune -- middling. Dear May Fly married at Wokingham to Warrener & Whistle.

Mon. 17 May

At home -- dressed my flowers -- walked about the Place -- read Florence Macarthy -- liked it better than the first.

Tues. 18 May

At home -- dear Mossy married to pretty little Fly -- Heard from Mrs. Hofland -- Drum went to London . Mr. Dickinson called.

Wed. 19 May

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- read a Picturesque Tour through France & Switzerland (stupid) & Mr. ORegan's Memoirs of Curran Do. Dear Granny's new bonnet came home.

Thurs. 20 May

At home -- dressed the flowers -- dear Drum came home & brought me a pretty blue handkerchief & some lovely lilies of the valley.

Fri, 21 May

At home -- walked with dear Drum & the pets -- the may finer this year than I ever saw it, particularly in my lane -- read from Charlotte Smith's Young Philosopher -- pretty but too dismal.

Sat. 22 May

At home -- heard from Sir William Elford & Miss Ogbourn -- read Lord Byron's 6th Vol. of Poems (Manfred, the Prisoner of Chillon & the Lament of Tasso) & the last vol of Miss Benger's Life of Mrs. Hamilton -- Sir William came in the evening.

Sir William Elford came on the Saturday Evening to tea having left his friend Mr. Champernoune who was to have accompanied him ill at the Bear -- he expected him next day -- but instead of him came a note from Mr. Bulley to Drum to say that Mr. Cham: had taken an opening medicine & could not move: so Sir William went to him after tea poor Mr. C. died after a very few weeks . -- Dear Mrs. Dickinson dined & slept here.

Sun. 23 May

At home -- Sir William Elford with us -- expected his friend Mr. Champernoune who did not come -- Mrs. Dickinson called & dined & slept with us -- Sir W. went in the morning to see Stratfield Saye went away in the evening

Mon. 24 May

At home -- Mrs. Dickinson still here on account of the loss of her carriage horses -- Drum & I dined at Wokingham to keep Mr. Webb's birthday -- met Mr. & Mrs. Holton, two Mr. Wheelers, & Mr. & Mrs. W. Hayward -- pleasant day. Came home at night.

Tues. 25 May

At home -- Mrs. Dickinson left at about 1 o'clock -- heard from Sir William Elford -- Read Fellowes's Journey to La Trappe & La Vendee -- liked it very well -- poor Mossy lame.

Wed. 26 May

At home -- Heard from Miss James -- read Hackett's Narrative of an expedition to South America . Wrote to Mrs. Hofland . Walked with Granny & the pets -- very amiable.

Thurs. 27 May

At home -- Heard from Mrs. Dickinson -- cut dear Drum's hair -- wrote to Mrs. Dickinson -- dressed the flowers -- walked with dear Drum & the pets.

Fri. 28 May

At home -- walked about the place -- saw some fine foxglove out in the lane, very early -- & a fine pansy, very late -- the syringa coming out beautifully.

Sat. 29 May

At home -- heard from Miss James & Miss Ogbourn -- lay on a Haycock in the West Orchard, & read Repton of Landscape Gardening & Miss Jame's little Tale of Jenny the spinner .

Sun. 30 May

At home -- walked about the place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the pets -- wrote to Sir William -- read Miss Edgeworth's Moral Tales -- very pretty.

Mon. 31 May

At home -- went about the garden with dear Drum, dear Granny, & the pets -- read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews -- wrote to Miss James .

Tues. 1 June

At home -- dressed my flowers -- walked in the garden with Granny & Mossy -- read Barrow's Account of Voyages to the North Pole -- wrote to Miss Booth -- syringa very beautiful.

Wed. 2 June

At home -- Papa went to Watlington to stand to Mrs. Hayward's little girl -- I wrote to Mrs. Hayward & Miss James .

Thurs. 3 June

At home -- lay in the Hay (my own little Haycock) in the West Orchard. Walked in the garden with Granny & the dear Pets.

Fri. 4 June

At home -- lay in the Hay -- went Firtopping -- Drum came back from Watlington -- read Mr. D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors .

Sat. 5 June

At home -- Dressed the flowers -- lay in the Hay -- walked about the Place with dear Drum, dear Granny & the Pets -- read Blackwood's Edinburgh Magas .

Sun. 6 June

At home -- lay in the Hay -- walked down the lane with dear Drum & the pets, very amiable -- the wild roses cut -- read Edinburgh Review & a Year & Day -- pretty enough but too dismal.

Mon. 7 June

At home -- dear Drum went to Town -- walked with dear Granny & the pets -- read the Quarterly Review (No.38-39 & 40 are to be indexes) & The White Cottage -- which is too dismal.

Tues. 8 June

At home -- Heard from dear Drum , & Granny heard from Sir William & dear Drum . Walked with dear Granny & the Pets.

Wed. 9 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum , Mr. Haydon & Mary Webb . Lay in the hay -- walked with Granny [sic] -- wrote to Mary Webb .

Thurs. 10 June

At home -- Heard from dear Drum -- walked with the pets -- Dear Drum did not come home at night but sent a note & some most beautiful flowers -- red lilies -- ranunculuses -- pinks -- moss roses -- sweet peas & double anemones -- God bless him, dear love.

Fri. 11 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- dressed the flowers -- dear Drum came from Town & brought me a present of the two Peter Bells from Mr. Taylor -- both which I read & liked very much.

Sat. 12 June

At home -- heard from Miss James -- walked with dear Granny & the Pets about the Place -- read Captain Ross's account of the Polar Expedition .

Sun. 13 June

At home -- lay in the hay -- walked with Drum & Mossy -- Read Capt. Ross's Polar Expedition -- stupid -- the Captain very timid -- did nothing but christen every rock & hillock he saw after some great person or other -- Lord Melvill, Mr. Croker & so forth.

Mon. 14 June

At home -- went to Reading -- called on Miss Brooke, Mrs. Tuppen, Mrs. Newberry -- & bought Granny a new gown & some other things at Marsh's --

Tues. 15 June

Dear Granny's Birthday -- at home -- Dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- wrote to Mr. Bacon & Miss Brooke .

Wed. 16 June

At home -- Went to Reading -- bought the materials for a new bonnet at Marsh's -- saw the Brookes &c -- a very pleasant morning indeed.

Thurs. 17 June

At home -- heard yesterday from Miss James & Mrs. Hofland -- lay today in the hay -- walked with Drum, Granny & the pets -- read the Hear of Midlothian & the Criminal Trials to illustrate it of Porteous -- Wilson -- Nichel -- [?] &c -- very curious.

Fri. 18 June

At home -- wrote to Mr. Dickinson & Miss Allin -- read the Heart of Midlothian -- walked in the garden with dear Drum, dear Granny & the Pets. Wrote to Mary Webb too!

Sat. 19 June

At home -- lay in the Hay & helped haymake -- walked in the garden with dear Drum & the pets -- read Tour to Alet -- liked it pretty well.

Sun. 20 June

At home -- dear Drum & Granny went into Hampshire -- walked about the place -- lay in the Hay -- read Shaw's Travels very learned & curious.

Mon. 21 June

At home -- dear Drum & Granny in Hampshire -- lay in the hay -- saw to the haymaking -- wrote to dear Granny Mrs. Hofland & Miss James -- read the Beggar Girl famous.

Tues. 22 June

At home -- dear Drum & dear Granny still out -- expected the Miss Webbs who did not come -- finished my letter to Miss James & wrote a note to Mr. Palmer . Got the hay in good order -- lay in the hay.

Wed. 23 June

At home -- dear Drum & dear Granny still out -- heard from dear Drum & Eliza Webb -- wrote to dear Drum . Lay in the Hay -- Luce & I drank tea together very comfortably.

Thurs. 24 June

At home -- Drum & Granny still out -- heard from dear Granny -- Luce made my white bonnet -- read the Beggar Girl -- had Mossy all day -- he was very amiable poor lamb indeed.

Fri. 25 June

At home -- heard from dear Drum & Sir William -- dear Drum & Granny came home -- dear Granny not quite well -- God bless her.

Sat. 26 June

At home -- heard from Mrs. Dickinson -- wrote to Eliza Webb & Mrs. Dickinson . Read the New Tales of my Landlord.

Sun. 27 June

At home -- heard from Eliza Webb -- read the new Tales of my Landlord -- dear Granny better.

Mon. 28 June

At home -- was so showery & could not go to Wokingham -- Did some of my flowers -- had my pets -- Mossy very amiable -- dear Granny better.

Tues. 29 June

At home --got flowers -- lay in the hay -- read Fusell's lectures on Painting -- wrote to Sir William Elford -- dear Granny quite well.

Wed. 30 June

At home -- walked with Drum & the Pets -- sent off my letters to Mrs. Dickinson & Sir William Elford with note to Mr. D. & Mr. Palmer .

Thurs. 1 July

At home -- heard from Miss Booth -- went to Reading & Wokingham -- called on Miss Brooke & Mrs. Newell -- dined with the Webbs -- met Mr. Carter there -- very pleasant day -- came home at night.

Fri. 2 July

At home -- read the British Critic & Eclectic Reviews -- so cold & wet that we had a fire -- cleared up rather in the Evening & walked with dear Drum. Sent some of my Poems to Hampshire friends Woodburns Holdens &c.

Sat. 3 July

At home -- dressed my flowers -- heard from Miss James -- read Camilla -- Walked with Granny Lucy & Mossy about our own place.

Sun. 4 July

At home -- lay in the Hay -- read Zeneide by Madame de Genlis -- stupid -- Mr. John Deverell came to dine & sleep -- he stupid too! Walked in the evening with him & Drum & the pets -- the pets very amiable.

Mon. 5 July

At home -- lay in Hay with Mossy Marmy & Moses -- read an Autumn near the Rhine -- wrote to Mary Webb -- Mr. Deverell went away.

Tues. 6 July

At home -- began a letter to Miss James -- had Mossy -- read Lord Mclesworth's account of Denmark in 1693 & Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- Mossy very amiable.

Wed. 7 July

At home -- read Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- walked with Drum & the pets -- Mossy very amiable.

Thurs. 8 July

At home -- read Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth -- dressed my flowers -- walked about the place with the pets.

Fri. 9 July

At home -- Mr. Elliott & Mr. Spurling came here & settled to take to the place at Michaelmas -- they both behaved very well -- Harry Marsh came to meet them & dined here -- heard from Miss James .

Sat. 10 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- walked about the place with Drum Granny & the pets -- read Lord Byron's Mazeppa liked it very much.

Sun. 11 July

At home -- went with dear Granny to Wokingham -- found them all dismal on account of Mr. Webb's operation which is to be performed Tuesday -- came home to dinner -- lay in the hay.

Mon. 12 July

At home -- went to Reading with dear Drum -- made a great many calls changed my books -- a pleasant morning -- Came home to dinner -- lay in my hay -- finished my letter to Miss James .

Tues. 13 July

At home -- Dear Drum & Granny went to Lockinge -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked down the lane with Luce & saw a beautiful glowworm on a weed in the ditch.

Wed. 14 July

At home -- dear Drum and Granny at Lockinge -- lay in the hay -- walked in the hayfield -- a little bird by my hay has been very tame for the two last days -- read Colonel FitzClarence's Indian Journal .

Thurs. 15 July

At home -- Drum & Granny still out -- laid in the hay -- my little robin kept eating close to me -- walked in the hayfield. Betty Rapley dined here -- heard from Miss Eliza Webb -- read the Magazines.

Fri. 16 July

At home -- heard from dear Drum -- Drum & Granny came home -- very glad to get them --lay in the hay -- walked down the lane -- read the Monthly & European Magazines -- pretty good.

Sat. 17 July

At home -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- read Sir Joshua Reynold's works -- fed my tame robin -- began a letter to Miss Booth . Twice caught in the rain & obliged to change my things.

Sun. 18 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- read Crabbe's Tales of the Hall liked them -- wrote to Miss Brooke & Mrs. Rowden -- walked down the lane with dear Drum & pets. Mossy very amiable.

Mon. 19 July

At home -- lay in the Hay -- read Crabbe's Tales of the Hall -- walked with Drum & Granny & the Pets backward & forward to the white gate.

Tues. 20 July

At home -- lay in the hay -- dear Mossy not well -- Bobby brought a relation to eat bread crums both of them very amiable -- dear Mossy better in the Evening -- read Reynold's works.

Wed. 21 July

At home -- Poor dear Drum taken very ill -- giddy & sick -- sent for Mr. Sherwood who bled & physicked him. Dear Drum better in the Evening -- Mossy quite well to day -- read.

Thurs. 22 July

At home -- dear Drum much better -- God bless him -- dressed my flowers -- lay in the hay -- walked in the wood -- dear Drum brought me some fine Jasmine from Mr. Davies .

Fri. 23 July

At home -- Dear Drum's throat very bad -- sent for Mr. Harris who came to see him -- dear Drum better in the Evening -- lay in the Hay -- read Traits of Nature. Walked with the Pets.

Sat. 24 July

At home -- Dear Drum much better. Heard from Mrs. Dickinson Mrs. Rowden & Miss Harley -- lay in the hay -- Marmy very ill -- wrote to Mrs. Rowden -- finished my letter to Miss Booth -- began one to Sir William .

Sun. 25 July

At home -- finished my letter to Sir William & sent off that of Mrs. Rowden's -- dined at Wokingham -- dear Mr. Webb much better -- a very pleasant day -- came home by Reading to get a parcel for Miss James containing two long letters from her & Mrs. Hofland a pretty handkerchief bordered with roses & -- Marmy quite well.

Mon. 26 July

At home -- wrote to the Miss Webbs & sent them some apples & French beans -- lay in the hay -- read De Rance & Madame de Genlis Zuma

-- the first very bad the other pretty -- wrote to Mrs. Dickinson .

Tues. 27 July

At home -- called on Mrs. Vowles with dear Drum -- lay in the hay -- read Professor Brown on Cause & Effect -- wrote to Miss James .

Wed. 28 July

At home -- heard from Sir William -- wrote to Sir William & Miss James -- dressed my flowers -- walked with dear Drum and the pets.

Thurs. 29 July

At home -- wrote to Mr. Haydon . Called at Farley Hill -- Mr. D. just gone out -- dined at Wokingham -- very pleasant day -- had a wandering band to play to us -- we drank tea in the shrubbery -- Came home at night.

Fri. 30 July

At home -- lay in the hay with Mossy & talked to my Bobby -- Bobby very amiable -- I think he'll soon talk too! Read Miss Plumtre's Tales -- very amusing.

Lady M.P. Lady Mad. Lady Madalina Palmer Lady M. Palmer tiresome woman my Lady