W. J. Nicholls to Bert Weston, December 1918

A letter from W. J. Nichols to Bert Weston, dated 12 December, 1918

Vertical Tabs

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            <title level="m" type="main">A Letter from Walter J. Nicholls</title>
               Walter J. Nicholls
               <resp>Encoded by, </resp>
               <persName>Michael Springer</persName>
               <persName>Janica Choong</persName>
               <orgName>Weston Family Archives</orgName>
               <!-- There is no address -->
               <p>This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.</p>
            <p>A letter from the Weston Family Archives</p>         
           <!-- learn more about internal 
              and external ography data 
              http://tapasproject.org/tapas-learn/ographies -->
           <!-- orgography may 
              be stashed here -->
           <person role="sender">
              <persName key="Nicholls, Walter">Walter J. Nicholls</persName>
           <person role="recepient">
              <persName key="Weston, Bert">Bert Weston</persName>
           <!-- personography may 
              be stashed here -->
              <person xml:id="pers_michaelspringer">
                 <persName>Michael Springer</persName>
              <person xml:id="pers_janicachoong">
                 <persName>Janica Choong</persName>              
         <pb facs="http://www.tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1550775764/support_files/wfa_front.jpg" />
            <!-- groups dateline, 
               byline, salutation -->
               <placeName ref="#place_spokane-wa">Spokane, WA. USA</placeName>
               <date when="1918-12-20">December, 20 1918</date>
            <salute>Dear <persName ref="#pers_bert">Bert</persName>,</salute>
         <p>A merry Chirstmas and an enjoyable and satisfactory new year. Would like to have a line telling me how you and yours are. 
         <closer rend="right">
               W J Nicholls
            <dateline rend="left">
               Dec 20th 18
     <pb facs="http://www.tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1550775775/support_files/wfa_back.jpg" />
           <!-- learn more about internal and 
              external ography data 
              http://tapasproject.org/tapas-learn/ographies -->
              <place xml:id="place_spokane-wa">
                 <placeName>Spokane, WA</placeName>
                    <country key="US">United States</country>
     <pb facs="http://www.tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1550775784/support_files/wfa_watermark.jpg" />
A Letter from Walter J. Nicholls Walter J. Nicholls Encoded by, Michael Springer Janica Choong Weston Family Archives

This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.

A letter from the Weston Family Archives

view page image(s) Spokane, WA. USA December, 20 1918 Dear Bert,

A merry Chirstmas and an enjoyable and satisfactory new year. Would like to have a line telling me how you and yours are.

Sincerely, W J Nicholls Dec 20th 18 view page image(s) view page image(s)

Spokane, WA

United States



A Letter from Walter J. Nicholls Walter J. Nicholls Encoded by, Michael Springer Janica Choong Weston Family Archives

This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.

A letter from the Weston Family Archives

Walter J. Nicholls Bert Weston Michael Springer Janica Choong
Spokane, WA. USA December, 20 1918 Dear Bert,

A merry Chirstmas and an enjoyable and satisfactory new year. Would like to have a line telling me how you and yours are.

Sincerely, W J Nicholls Dec 20th 18 Spokane, WA United States