Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français (1855)</title> <editor>Doyle Calhoun</editor> <sponsor>Boston College Libraries</sponsor> <respStmt> <resp>Transcription and encoding by</resp> <persName>Doyle Calhoun</persName> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <authority>Doyle Calhoun</authority> <availability> <p>This file supplements the project <ref target=""><emph>Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires</emph></ref>.</p> <licence target=""> This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.</licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <biblStruct> <monogr> <author>unknown</author> <title>Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français</title> <imprint> <pubPlace>Dakar</pubPlace> <publisher>Imprimerie de la Mission</publisher> <date when="1885">1855</date> <respStmt> <resp><!-- insert text --></resp> <orgName ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Congrégation du St.-Ésprit et du St.-Cœur de Marie</orgName> </respStmt> </imprint> </monogr> <ref></ref> </biblStruct> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><p>This file encodes the first entries of the French-Wolof section of the <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français</title>, published in <date ana = "publication">1855</date>.</p></encodingDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <div n="1" type="section"> <head>Français–Wolof</head> <div n="2" type="part"> <head>ABA</head> <entry> <form> <orth>A</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>prép.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">ti</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">tu</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">tă</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> <sense n="2"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">fi</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">fu</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">fă</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abaissement</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>sm.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">sufé b.</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">suféay b</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <superEntry> <entry n="1"> <form> <orth>Abaisser</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>va.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <def>rendre bas, humilier</def> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">sufél</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">dètėl</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">risati</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">toroh̤al</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> <sense n="2"> <def>placer bas</def> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">wat̤é</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry n="2" type="hom"> <form> <orth>S'abaisser</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>vpr.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <def>s'humilier</def> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">sufélu</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">toroh̤lu</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">toskan bopă 'm</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry n="3" type="hom"> <form> <orth>abaisser</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>vpr.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <def>être bas</def> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">sufé</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry n="4" type="hom"> <form> <orth>S'abaisser</orth> </form> <sense n="1"> <def>se courber</def> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">segă</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> </superEntry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abaisseur</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>sm.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">sufélkat b.</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abalourdir</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>va.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">doflo</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abandon</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>sm.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">wăt̤ă b.</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">bai g.</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <superEntry> <entry n="1"> <form> <orth>Abandonner</orth> </form> <gramGrp>va.</gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">wăt̤ă</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">bai</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry n="2" type="example"> <form>Il fait semblant de l'<mentioned>abandonner</mentioned> pour le conserver</form> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">déf ko wăt̤ăwăt̤ălu té di ko begă dent̤</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </entry> <entry n="3" type="hom"> <form> <orth>Abandonner ensemble</orth> </form> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">boka bai</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">boka wăt̤ă</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry n="4" type="hom"> <form> <orth>Abandonner en même temps</orth> </form> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">baiando</foreign></emph></quote> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">wăt̤ăndo</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> </superEntry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abasourdi (être)</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>vp.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">tañh̤alu</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abasourdir</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>va.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">tañh̤al</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> <entry> <form> <orth>Abâtardir</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>va.</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <cit type="translation" xml:lang="wo"> <quote><emph><foreign xml:lang="wo">galilo</foreign></emph></quote> </cit> </sense> </entry> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français (1855) Doyle Calhoun Boston College Libraries Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun Doyle Calhoun This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. unknown Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français Dakar Imprimerie de la Mission 1855 Congrégation du St.-Ésprit et du St.-Cœur de Marie This file encodes the first entries of the French-Wolof section of the Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français, published in 1855. Français–Wolof ABA A prép. ti tu tă fi fu fă Abaissement sm. sufé b. suféay b Abaisser va. rendre bas, humilier sufél dètėl risati toroh̤al placer bas wat̤é S'abaisser vpr. s'humilier sufélu toroh̤lu toskan bopă 'm abaisser vpr. être bas sufé S'abaisser se courber segă Abaisseur sm. sufélkat b. Abalourdir va. doflo Abandon sm. wăt̤ă b. bai g. Abandonner va. wăt̤ă bai Il fait semblant de l'abandonner pour le conserver déf ko wăt̤ăwăt̤ălu té di ko begă dent̤ Abandonner ensemble boka bai boka wăt̤ă Abandonner en même temps baiando wăt̤ăndo Abasourdi (être) vp. tañh̤alu Abasourdir va. tañh̤al Abâtardir va. galilo ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français (1855) Doyle Calhoun Boston College Libraries Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun Doyle Calhoun This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. unknown Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français Dakar Imprimerie de la Mission 1855 Congrégation du St.-Ésprit et du St.-Cœur de Marie This file encodes the first entries of the French-Wolof section of the Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français, published in 1855. Français–Wolof ABA A prép. ti tu tă fi fu fă Abaissement sm. sufé b. suféay b Abaisser va. rendre bas, humilier sufél dètėl risati toroh̤al placer bas wat̤é S'abaisser vpr. s'humilier sufélu toroh̤lu toskan bopă 'm abaisser vpr. être bas sufé S'abaisser se courber segă Abaisseur sm. sufélkat b. Abalourdir va. doflo Abandon sm. wăt̤ă b. bai g. Abandonner va. wăt̤ă bai Il fait semblant de l'abandonner pour le conserver déf ko wăt̤ăwăt̤ălu té di ko begă dent̤ Abandonner ensemble boka bai boka wăt̤ă Abandonner en même temps baiando wăt̤ăndo Abasourdi (être) vp. tañh̤alu Abasourdir va. tañh̤al Abâtardir va. galilo Metadata TAPAS Title:Wolof Dictionary EntryTitle:Dictionnaire Français-Wolof et Wolof-Français (1855)TAPAS Author:Doyle Calhoun (Author)TAPAS Contributor:Doyle Calhoun (Contributor)Contributor:Doyle Calhoun (Editor)Boston College Libraries (Sponsor)Doyle Calhoun (Transcription and encoding by)Imprint:Doyle CalhounType of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)TAPAS Timeline Date:2016-04-03T00:00:00 Files TEI File: DictionaryA.xml Project Details Project: Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires Collection: Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires