Proclamations: Seditious Books and Libels

Transcribed and Encoded by Ryan McKendry and Sofia Wilson. 12 April 2023. Copyedited (text and code) by Ray Dufresne (Framingham State University '25).

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                    By the Queene A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious Books and Libelles.
                    <!--  Insert short Title of your Proclamation Here  -->
                    <persName type="hist">
                        <supplied reason="omitted">Elizabeth</supplied>
                    <orgName>English Crown</orgName>
                    Printed by
                    <persName type="hist">
                    Information about the source
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            <p>TEI P5</p>
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                    <title style="text-align:center; font-style:roman">
                        <hi style="font-size:250%">By the Queene.</hi>
                        <supplied reason="omitted">Elizabeth I</supplied>
                            <figDesc>Printer's Ornament</figDesc>
                            <figDesc>Printer's Ornament</figDesc>
                            <figDesc>Printer's Ornament</figDesc>
                        <hi style="font-size:125%">A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious</hi>
                        <hi style="font-size:.75">Books and Libelles.</hi>
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                <p style="font-style:blackletter;">
                    <seg style="decorInit"><hi style="font-size:500">T</hi></seg><l style="margin-left:14em;">he Queenes moſt excellent Maieſtie being giuen tounderſt and that diuers falſe,</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">ſlanderous, wicked, ſeditious and trayterous bookes and libelles, are couertly and</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">in ſecret maner diſperſed through this Realme, by diuers ſeditious and trayterous</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">perſons, tending not onely to the defacing of true Religion now eſtabliſhed within</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">theſe her highneſſe dominions, but alſo moſt traiterouſly &amp; iniuriouſly to ſlander the</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">preſent moſt happie &amp; quiet gouernement, with crueltie and extraordinaire maner of</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">proceedings in the due execution of iuſtice, and withall, moſt deteſtably and ſlaun‐</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">derouſly to reproche her moſt renoumed and deare father, the diſhonour or note</l><lb/>
                    <l style="margin-left:14em;">whereof, doth and cannot but touch her ſelfe, as neere as her Highneſſe owne life,</l><lb/>
                    and ſo ſhee taketh it: In ſome of which their moſt ſhamefull, infamous, and deteſtable libelles, they goe about to re‐<lb/>
                    proche, diſhonour and touch with abominable lyes (as is well knowne to the whole Realme) not onely many of her<lb/>
                    moſt truſtie and faithfull Counſellers, but alſo her Highneſſe Judges and miniſters of the lawe, greatly touching<lb/>
                    thereby her Highneſſe ſelfe in her Regall and kingly office, as making choyſe of men of want both of iuſtice, care, and<lb/>
                    other ſusfficiencie to ſerue her Highneſſe and the common weale. And further, in the ſayd books and libelles, they vſe<lb/>
                    all the meanes, driftes, and falſe perſwaſions they can deuiſe or imagine, to aduaunce ſuch pretended titles, as conſe‐<lb/>
                    quently muſt be moſt daungerous and preiudiciall to the ſafetie of her Highneſſe perſon and ſtate, (which the Lorde<lb/>
                    long preſecue.) Her higneſſe foreſeeing, that the authors and diſperſers of the ſaide books and libelles, doe by theſe<lb/>
                    wicked and indirect meanes, ſeeke moſt trayterouſly to render and make both her Highneſſe, and her moſt gratious<lb/>
                    gourmement, odious and hatefull both abroade and at home: And hauing of late founde by plaine and manifeſt<lb/>
                    meanes and proofes, that their purpoſe and chiefe intent, to bring in obloquie &amp; hatred, her Maieſties principall No‐<lb/>
                    ble men, Counſellers, Judges and miniſters of Juſtice, is (as much as in them lieth) to ſlaunder, impeach, and deface<lb/>
                    her Maieſties moſt happie gouernement, and there upon to breede ſome troubles within this Realme, whereby their<lb/>
                    vnnatural, deuilliſh, and trayterous practiſes both againſt her Maieſtie their naturall Soueraigne, and the Realme<lb/>
                    their owne natiue countrey, may take their deſired effect: hath therefore thought meete, that ſome order ſhould be pre-<lb/>
                    ſently taken, for the preuenting &amp; ſuppreſſing of ſuch miſchiefes, as otherwiſe through ignorance of the trueth might<lb/>
                    enſue thereby. And therefore her Highneſſe doeth by this her Maieſties proclamation ſtraightly charge and com‐<lb/>
                    maund, that all ſuch perſons to whoſe handes any of the ſaide bookes or libelles, either hath come, or ſhall hereafter<lb/>
                    at any time come, do preſently with all conuenient ſpeede, without ſhewing the ſame to any perſon, deliuer it to ſome<lb/>
                    one of her Highneſſe priuie Counſel, if any ſuch be within twentie miles. And if it be aboue that diſtance of miles from<lb/>
                    the Court, then to the<foreign xml:lang="la"><hi style="font-style:roman;">Cuitos Rotulorum</hi></foreign>, or to his Deputie of the ſame Shire, where the partie ſhall be, that hath or<lb/>
                    ſhal haue any ſuch booke or libel, and the ſame<foreign xml:lang="la"><hi style="font-style:roman">Cuſtos Rotulorum</hi></foreign> or his Deputie, to whoſe handes any ſuch booke<lb/>
                    or libel ſhall come, ſhall preſently &amp; ſafely ſend the ſame to the Lordes of her Maieſties moſt honourable priuie Coun‐<lb/>
                    ſell. And leaſt that any euill diſpoſd and affected perſon ſhould maliciouſly and vnduetifully make any wrong or ſi‐<lb/>
                    niſter conſtruction of this her Maieſties meaning towards ſuch as mooued with that duetie and reuerence that ap‐<lb/>
                    pertaineth, ſhall make deliuery of any the ſayd Bookes and libelles, her Highneſſe pleaſure is, and ſo doeth hereby ſig‐<lb/>
                    nall to all her louing Subiectes, that they nor any of them ſhall be moleſted, impeached, or troubled for the hauing or<lb/>
                    <unclear reason="illegible"><!--  9 letters  --></unclear> of any of the ſayd Bookes or libels, so as they doe deliuer the ſame according to the<unclear reason="illegible"><!--  6 letters  --></unclear> &amp; true meaning<lb/>
                    of this preſent Proclamation, and ſo as it do appeare that they haue bene no ſetters foorth, diſperſers, mainteiners<lb/>
                    or authors of any of the ſayde bookes or libelles. And in caſe any of the ſayde parties that eyther hath, or at any time<lb/>
                    hereafter ſhal haue any of the ſayd bookes or libelles, ſhal not make deliuery thereof in ſort as is before ſpecified: Then<lb/>
                    her Highneſſe further pleaſure and expreſſe commaundement is, that the partie or parties ſo offending, ſall be com‐<lb/>
                    mitted to priſon, there to remaine without baile or maynepriſe, vntill order ſhalbe taken by the Lordes of her Ma‐<lb/>
                    iesties printe Counſel, for the proceeding againſt ſuch offenders for ſuch their offence, according to the nature and qua‐<lb/>
                    <unclear reason="illegible"><!--  3 letters  --></unclear>unclear> of the ſayd offence. And her Maieſties further pleaſure is, that all Marchantes, maſters of Shippes, officers<lb/>
                    of Ports , or any other that ſhalbe bringer into this Realme of any the ſayde ſeditious bookes or libelles, or a diſperſer<lb/>
                    of the ſame, or ſhall hereafter be any way priuie to the making, bringing in, or diſperſing of them, or any of them, and<lb/>
                    ſhall not immediatly diſcouer ſuch offender or offenders to the next Juſtice of the peace where ſuch offence ſhall be<lb/>
                    committed, whereby the offenders may be apprehended, and brought to be forthcomming to receiue ſuch puniſh‐<lb/>
                    ment as his ſayd offense ſhal deſerue: That then ſuch perſon or perſons ſo offending, ſhalbe committed to priſon, there <lb/>
                    to remayne without bayle or mainepriſe as aforeſayd, vntill he be proceeded on according to Juſtice. And for the bet‐<lb/>
                    ter execution of the ſayd Proclamation, her Maieſtie is pleaſed, that all ſuch perſons as ſhall detect any of the ſayd<lb/>
                    offenders, whereby they may be forthcomming to receiue condigne puniſhment according to their demerits, ſhall<lb/>
                    haue the moytie of ſuch forſaitures and penalties, as ſhalbe layde or inflicted upon ſuch offenders ſo by them detected,<lb/>
                    for ſuch their offences. And in caſe any Maior, Juſtice of peace, or other publique and inferiour officer ſhall be found<lb/>
                    remiſſe in the due execution of the ſayd Proclamation, that then the ſayd partie or parties ſo offending, ſhall alſo be<lb/>
                    produced before the ſayd Lordes, to receiue puniſhment for that contempt and remiſſenes vled in that behalf, in ſuch<lb/>
                    that as ſhal appertayne to the nature and qualitie of the ſame offence. Giuen at her Maieſties Honour of<placeName>Hampton<lb/>
                    court</placeName>, the twelfth day of October, in the ſixe and twentieth yeere of her Maieſties reigne.<lb/>
                    <l style="text-align:center;"><hi style="font-varient: italic; font-style: roman; font-size: 150%">God ſaue the Queene.</hi></l><lb/>
                    <fw type="signature" style="text-align:center; font-style: roman">
                    <hi style="text-align:center; font-size:150% font-style:roman">God ſaue the Queene.</hi><lb/>
                        <hi style="text-align:center; font-size:250% font-style:roman">Imprinted at London by <persName type="hist"> Chriſtopher </persName></hi><lb/>
                        <hi style="text-align:center; font-size:150% font-style:roman;"><persName type="hist">Barker </persName>, Printer to the Queenes moſt excellent<lb/></hi>
                        <hi style="text-align:center; font-size:150% font-style:italic;">Maieſtie.</hi><lb/></fw>
By the Queene A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious Books and Libelles. Elizabeth English Crown

Printed by Christopher Barker

Information about the source


By the Queene. Elizabeth I

Printer's Ornament
Printer's Ornament
Printer's Ornament
A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious Books and Libelles.

T he Queenes moſt excellent Maieſtie being giuen tounderſt and that diuers falſe, ſlanderous, wicked, ſeditious and trayterous bookes and libelles, are couertly and in ſecret maner diſperſed through this Realme, by diuers ſeditious and trayterous perſons, tending not onely to the defacing of true Religion now eſtabliſhed within theſe her highneſſe dominions, but alſo moſt traiterouſly & iniuriouſly to ſlander the preſent moſt happie & quiet gouernement, with crueltie and extraordinaire maner of proceedings in the due execution of iuſtice, and withall, moſt deteſtably and ſlaun‐ derouſly to reproche her moſt renoumed and deare father, the diſhonour or note whereof, doth and cannot but touch her ſelfe, as neere as her Highneſſe owne life, and ſo ſhee taketh it: In ſome of which their moſt ſhamefull, infamous, and deteſtable libelles, they goe about to re‐ proche, diſhonour and touch with abominable lyes (as is well knowne to the whole Realme) not onely many of her moſt truſtie and faithfull Counſellers, but alſo her Highneſſe Judges and miniſters of the lawe, greatly touching thereby her Highneſſe ſelfe in her Regall and kingly office, as making choyſe of men of want both of iuſtice, care, and other ſusfficiencie to ſerue her Highneſſe and the common weale. And further, in the ſayd books and libelles, they vſe all the meanes, driftes, and falſe perſwaſions they can deuiſe or imagine, to aduaunce ſuch pretended titles, as conſe‐ quently muſt be moſt daungerous and preiudiciall to the ſafetie of her Highneſſe perſon and ſtate, (which the Lorde long preſecue.) Her higneſſe foreſeeing, that the authors and diſperſers of the ſaide books and libelles, doe by theſe wicked and indirect meanes, ſeeke moſt trayterouſly to render and make both her Highneſſe, and her moſt gratious gourmement, odious and hatefull both abroade and at home: And hauing of late founde by plaine and manifeſt meanes and proofes, that their purpoſe and chiefe intent, to bring in obloquie & hatred, her Maieſties principall No‐ ble men, Counſellers, Judges and miniſters of Juſtice, is (as much as in them lieth) to ſlaunder, impeach, and deface her Maieſties moſt happie gouernement, and there upon to breede ſome troubles within this Realme, whereby their vnnatural, deuilliſh, and trayterous practiſes both againſt her Maieſtie their naturall Soueraigne, and the Realme their owne natiue countrey, may take their deſired effect: hath therefore thought meete, that ſome order ſhould be pre- ſently taken, for the preuenting & ſuppreſſing of ſuch miſchiefes, as otherwiſe through ignorance of the trueth might enſue thereby. And therefore her Highneſſe doeth by this her Maieſties proclamation ſtraightly charge and com‐ maund, that all ſuch perſons to whoſe handes any of the ſaide bookes or libelles, either hath come, or ſhall hereafter at any time come, do preſently with all conuenient ſpeede, without ſhewing the ſame to any perſon, deliuer it to ſome one of her Highneſſe priuie Counſel, if any ſuch be within twentie miles. And if it be aboue that diſtance of miles from the Court, then to the Cuitos Rotulorum , or to his Deputie of the ſame Shire, where the partie ſhall be, that hath or ſhal haue any ſuch booke or libel, and the ſame Cuſtos Rotulorum or his Deputie, to whoſe handes any ſuch booke or libel ſhall come, ſhall preſently & ſafely ſend the ſame to the Lordes of her Maieſties moſt honourable priuie Coun‐ ſell. And leaſt that any euill diſpoſd and affected perſon ſhould maliciouſly and vnduetifully make any wrong or ſi‐ niſter conſtruction of this her Maieſties meaning towards ſuch as mooued with that duetie and reuerence that ap‐ pertaineth, ſhall make deliuery of any the ſayd Bookes and libelles, her Highneſſe pleaſure is, and ſo doeth hereby ſig‐ nall to all her louing Subiectes, that they nor any of them ſhall be moleſted, impeached, or troubled for the hauing or of any of the ſayd Bookes or libels, so as they doe deliuer the ſame according to the & true meaning of this preſent Proclamation, and ſo as it do appeare that they haue bene no ſetters foorth, diſperſers, mainteiners or authors of any of the ſayde bookes or libelles. And in caſe any of the ſayde parties that eyther hath, or at any time hereafter ſhal haue any of the ſayd bookes or libelles, ſhal not make deliuery thereof in ſort as is before ſpecified: Then her Highneſſe further pleaſure and expreſſe commaundement is, that the partie or parties ſo offending, ſall be com‐ mitted to priſon, there to remaine without baile or maynepriſe, vntill order ſhalbe taken by the Lordes of her Ma‐ iesties printe Counſel, for the proceeding againſt ſuch offenders for ſuch their offence, according to the nature and qua‐ unclear> of the ſayd offence. And her Maieſties further pleaſure is, that all Marchantes, maſters of Shippes, officers of Ports , or any other that ſhalbe bringer into this Realme of any the ſayde ſeditious bookes or libelles, or a diſperſer of the ſame, or ſhall hereafter be any way priuie to the making, bringing in, or diſperſing of them, or any of them, and ſhall not immediatly diſcouer ſuch offender or offenders to the next Juſtice of the peace where ſuch offence ſhall be committed, whereby the offenders may be apprehended, and brought to be forthcomming to receiue ſuch puniſh‐ ment as his ſayd offense ſhal deſerue: That then ſuch perſon or perſons ſo offending, ſhalbe committed to priſon, there to remayne without bayle or mainepriſe as aforeſayd, vntill he be proceeded on according to Juſtice. And for the bet‐ ter execution of the ſayd Proclamation, her Maieſtie is pleaſed, that all ſuch perſons as ſhall detect any of the ſayd offenders, whereby they may be forthcomming to receiue condigne puniſhment according to their demerits, ſhall haue the moytie of ſuch forſaitures and penalties, as ſhalbe layde or inflicted upon ſuch offenders ſo by them detected, for ſuch their offences. And in caſe any Maior, Juſtice of peace, or other publique and inferiour officer ſhall be found remiſſe in the due execution of the ſayd Proclamation, that then the ſayd partie or parties ſo offending, ſhall alſo be produced before the ſayd Lordes, to receiue puniſhment for that contempt and remiſſenes vled in that behalf, in ſuch that as ſhal appertayne to the nature and qualitie of the ſame offence. Giuen at her Maieſties Honour ofHampton court, the twelfth day of October, in the ſixe and twentieth yeere of her Maieſties reigne. God ſaue the Queene. God ſaue the Queene. Imprinted at London by Chriſtopher Barker , Printer to the Queenes moſt excellent Maieſtie.



By the Queene A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious Books and Libelles. Elizabeth English Crown

Printed by Christopher Barker

Information about the source


By the Queene. Elizabeth I

Printer's Ornament
Printer's Ornament
Printer's Ornament
A Proclamation for the ſuppreſsing of ſeditious Books and Libelles.

T he Queenes moſt excellent Maieſtie being giuen tounderſt and that diuers falſe, ſlanderous, wicked, ſeditious and trayterous bookes and libelles, are couertly and in ſecret maner diſperſed through this Realme, by diuers ſeditious and trayterous perſons, tending not onely to the defacing of true Religion now eſtabliſhed within theſe her highneſſe dominions, but alſo moſt traiterouſly & iniuriouſly to ſlander the preſent moſt happie & quiet gouernement, with crueltie and extraordinaire maner of proceedings in the due execution of iuſtice, and withall, moſt deteſtably and ſlaun‐ derouſly to reproche her moſt renoumed and deare father, the diſhonour or note whereof, doth and cannot but touch her ſelfe, as neere as her Highneſſe owne life, and ſo ſhee taketh it: In ſome of which their moſt ſhamefull, infamous, and deteſtable libelles, they goe about to re‐ proche, diſhonour and touch with abominable lyes (as is well knowne to the whole Realme) not onely many of her moſt truſtie and faithfull Counſellers, but alſo her Highneſſe Judges and miniſters of the lawe, greatly touching thereby her Highneſſe ſelfe in her Regall and kingly office, as making choyſe of men of want both of iuſtice, care, and other ſusfficiencie to ſerue her Highneſſe and the common weale. And further, in the ſayd books and libelles, they vſe all the meanes, driftes, and falſe perſwaſions they can deuiſe or imagine, to aduaunce ſuch pretended titles, as conſe‐ quently muſt be moſt daungerous and preiudiciall to the ſafetie of her Highneſſe perſon and ſtate, (which the Lorde long preſecue.) Her higneſſe foreſeeing, that the authors and diſperſers of the ſaide books and libelles, doe by theſe wicked and indirect meanes, ſeeke moſt trayterouſly to render and make both her Highneſſe, and her moſt gratious gourmement, odious and hatefull both abroade and at home: And hauing of late founde by plaine and manifeſt meanes and proofes, that their purpoſe and chiefe intent, to bring in obloquie & hatred, her Maieſties principall No‐ ble men, Counſellers, Judges and miniſters of Juſtice, is (as much as in them lieth) to ſlaunder, impeach, and deface her Maieſties moſt happie gouernement, and there upon to breede ſome troubles within this Realme, whereby their vnnatural, deuilliſh, and trayterous practiſes both againſt her Maieſtie their naturall Soueraigne, and the Realme their owne natiue countrey, may take their deſired effect: hath therefore thought meete, that ſome order ſhould be pre- ſently taken, for the preuenting & ſuppreſſing of ſuch miſchiefes, as otherwiſe through ignorance of the trueth might enſue thereby. And therefore her Highneſſe doeth by this her Maieſties proclamation ſtraightly charge and com‐ maund, that all ſuch perſons to whoſe handes any of the ſaide bookes or libelles, either hath come, or ſhall hereafter at any time come, do preſently with all conuenient ſpeede, without ſhewing the ſame to any perſon, deliuer it to ſome one of her Highneſſe priuie Counſel, if any ſuch be within twentie miles. And if it be aboue that diſtance of miles from the Court, then to the Cuitos Rotulorum , or to his Deputie of the ſame Shire, where the partie ſhall be, that hath or ſhal haue any ſuch booke or libel, and the ſame Cuſtos Rotulorum or his Deputie, to whoſe handes any ſuch booke or libel ſhall come, ſhall preſently & ſafely ſend the ſame to the Lordes of her Maieſties moſt honourable priuie Coun‐ ſell. And leaſt that any euill diſpoſd and affected perſon ſhould maliciouſly and vnduetifully make any wrong or ſi‐ niſter conſtruction of this her Maieſties meaning towards ſuch as mooued with that duetie and reuerence that ap‐ pertaineth, ſhall make deliuery of any the ſayd Bookes and libelles, her Highneſſe pleaſure is, and ſo doeth hereby ſig‐ nall to all her louing Subiectes, that they nor any of them ſhall be moleſted, impeached, or troubled for the hauing or of any of the ſayd Bookes or libels, so as they doe deliuer the ſame according to the & true meaning of this preſent Proclamation, and ſo as it do appeare that they haue bene no ſetters foorth, diſperſers, mainteiners or authors of any of the ſayde bookes or libelles. And in caſe any of the ſayde parties that eyther hath, or at any time hereafter ſhal haue any of the ſayd bookes or libelles, ſhal not make deliuery thereof in ſort as is before ſpecified: Then her Highneſſe further pleaſure and expreſſe commaundement is, that the partie or parties ſo offending, ſall be com‐ mitted to priſon, there to remaine without baile or maynepriſe, vntill order ſhalbe taken by the Lordes of her Ma‐ iesties printe Counſel, for the proceeding againſt ſuch offenders for ſuch their offence, according to the nature and qua‐ unclear> of the ſayd offence. And her Maieſties further pleaſure is, that all Marchantes, maſters of Shippes, officers of Ports , or any other that ſhalbe bringer into this Realme of any the ſayde ſeditious bookes or libelles, or a diſperſer of the ſame, or ſhall hereafter be any way priuie to the making, bringing in, or diſperſing of them, or any of them, and ſhall not immediatly diſcouer ſuch offender or offenders to the next Juſtice of the peace where ſuch offence ſhall be committed, whereby the offenders may be apprehended, and brought to be forthcomming to receiue ſuch puniſh‐ ment as his ſayd offense ſhal deſerue: That then ſuch perſon or perſons ſo offending, ſhalbe committed to priſon, there to remayne without bayle or mainepriſe as aforeſayd, vntill he be proceeded on according to Juſtice. And for the bet‐ ter execution of the ſayd Proclamation, her Maieſtie is pleaſed, that all ſuch perſons as ſhall detect any of the ſayd offenders, whereby they may be forthcomming to receiue condigne puniſhment according to their demerits, ſhall haue the moytie of ſuch forſaitures and penalties, as ſhalbe layde or inflicted upon ſuch offenders ſo by them detected, for ſuch their offences. And in caſe any Maior, Juſtice of peace, or other publique and inferiour officer ſhall be found remiſſe in the due execution of the ſayd Proclamation, that then the ſayd partie or parties ſo offending, ſhall alſo be produced before the ſayd Lordes, to receiue puniſhment for that contempt and remiſſenes vled in that behalf, in ſuch that as ſhal appertayne to the nature and qualitie of the ſame offence. Giuen at her Maieſties Honour ofHampton court, the twelfth day of October, in the ſixe and twentieth yeere of her Maieſties reigne. God ſaue the Queene. God ſaue the Queene. Imprinted at London by Chriſtopher Barker , Printer to the Queenes moſt excellent Maieſtie.