Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Alexander Macmillan, 23 June 1859.

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                <title>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MacmillanAlexander"
                        >Alexander Macmillan</persName>, <date when="1859-06-23">23 June
                <author ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock Craik</author>
                <editor ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</editor>
                    <orgName>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</orgName>
                <sponsor>University of Calgary</sponsor>
                <principal>Karen Bourrier</principal>
                    <resp>Transcription <date when="2008">2008</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of transcription <date when="2017-02-16">16 February 2017</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>TEI encoding <date when="2017-02-16">16 February 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of TEI encoding <date when="2017-03-23">23 March 2017</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</persName>
                <edition> First digital edition in TEI, date: <date when="2017-04">April
                        2017.</date> P5. </edition>
                <authority>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</authority>
                <pubPlace>Calgary, Alberta, Canada</pubPlace>
                    <p> Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>New York Public
                    <licence> Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                        Unported License </licence>
                <title>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</title>
                        <repository>New York Public Library</repository>
                        <collection>Berg Collection</collection>
                        <collection>Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Collection of Papers</collection>
                    <head>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                            Craik</persName> to <persName
                            Macmillan</persName>, <date when="1859-06-23">23 June 1859.</date>
                            <note>Folder 67B2875</note>
                <p>Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as
                    accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the
                    manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts,
                    abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are
                    hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik
                    uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard
                    Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not
            <div type="letter">
                <opener><dateline><date when="1859-06-23">June 23
                        1859</date></dateline><lb/><salute>My dear <rs type="person"
                <p>Many thanks for the four books. – I should like to write another child's book -
                    (you know my <title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Hero">"Hero"</title> &amp;
                        <title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#LittleLychetts">"Little
                    Lychetts"</title>possibly?) – But after my present book is done I must have a
                    good long rest. – My health has rather given way with over-work. – If it were
                    possible to get any mechanical literary work – such as being "publisher's
                    reader" – or the like – which would give me a settled income without need to
                    write for a year or two – it would be a great blessing to me.</p>
                <p>I shall not name anything you tell me about <rs type="title"
                        corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MacmillansMagazine">the Magazine</rs> to which I
                    heartily wish success – &amp; with such an aim &amp; such help it deserves to do
                    well. – I wish I had health to write half what I wish to write! – but I haven't.
                    The more I think of <title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#OutoftheDepths">"Out of
                        the Depths"</title> the more correct do I feel about the good of it – The
                    thoroughly <add place="above">pure</add> Christ-like spirit which alone dares go
                    among politicians &amp; sinners. – Other friends I have talked to – women also –
                    think the same: others do not. But <rs type="title"
                        corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#OutoftheDepths">the book</rs> must make its
                <p> – The Cambridge Sunday in such a household as yours must be I still hope for –
                    though I hardly know when it will be. – <rs type="person"
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MacmillanDaniel">Your brother</rs> must have been
                    one who "yet speaketh" – &amp; lives continually in the love of those left
                <p> – If <rs type="person" ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MacmillanCaroline">your wife</rs>
                    or <rs type="person" ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#WilsonJanet" cert="low">sister</rs> can come to <placeName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Wildwood">Wildwood</placeName> any time I hope they
                    will. – </p>
                <closer>Yours most truly <lb/><signed><persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC"
Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Alexander Macmillan, 23 June 1859. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription 2008 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription 16 February 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding 16 February 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of TEI encoding 23 March 2017 by Karen Bourrier First digital edition in TEI, date: April 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the New York Public Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive New York Public Library Berg Collection Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Collection of Papers Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Alexander Macmillan, 23 June 1859. Folder 67B2875

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

June 23 1859 My dear Sir,

Many thanks for the four books. – I should like to write another child's book - (you know my "Hero" & "Little Lychetts"possibly?) – But after my present book is done I must have a good long rest. – My health has rather given way with over-work. – If it were possible to get any mechanical literary work – such as being "publisher's reader" – or the like – which would give me a settled income without need to write for a year or two – it would be a great blessing to me.

I shall not name anything you tell me about the Magazine to which I heartily wish success – & with such an aim & such help it deserves to do well. – I wish I had health to write half what I wish to write! – but I haven't. The more I think of "Out of the Depths" the more correct do I feel about the good of it – The thoroughly pure Christ-like spirit which alone dares go among politicians & sinners. – Other friends I have talked to – women also – think the same: others do not. But the book must make its way.

– The Cambridge Sunday in such a household as yours must be I still hope for – though I hardly know when it will be. – Your brother must have been one who "yet speaketh" – & lives continually in the love of those left behind.

– If your wife or sister can come to Wildwood any time I hope they will. –

Yours most truly DMulock



Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Alexander Macmillan, 23 June 1859. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription 2008 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription 16 February 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding 16 February 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of TEI encoding 23 March 2017 by Karen Bourrier First digital edition in TEI, date: April 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the New York Public Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive New York Public Library Berg Collection Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Collection of Papers Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Alexander Macmillan, 23 June 1859. Folder 67B2875

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

June 23 1859 My dear Sir,

Many thanks for the four books. – I should like to write another child's book - (you know my "Hero" & "Little Lychetts"possibly?) – But after my present book is done I must have a good long rest. – My health has rather given way with over-work. – If it were possible to get any mechanical literary work – such as being "publisher's reader" – or the like – which would give me a settled income without need to write for a year or two – it would be a great blessing to me.

I shall not name anything you tell me about the Magazine to which I heartily wish success – & with such an aim & such help it deserves to do well. – I wish I had health to write half what I wish to write! – but I haven't. The more I think of "Out of the Depths" the more correct do I feel about the good of it – The thoroughly pure Christ-like spirit which alone dares go among politicians & sinners. – Other friends I have talked to – women also – think the same: others do not. But the book must make its way.

– The Cambridge Sunday in such a household as yours must be I still hope for – though I hardly know when it will be. – Your brother must have been one who "yet speaketh" – & lives continually in the love of those left behind.

– If your wife or sister can come to Wildwood any time I hope they will. –

Yours most truly DMulock