Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky (April 20, 1909)

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            <title>Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky <date when="1909-04-20">April 20,
            <author>Teresa Carreño</author>
            <editor>Anna Kijas</editor>
               <resp>Transcription and encoding by</resp>
               <persName ref="CC:KijasAnna">Anna Kijas</persName>
            <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: 31 December 2015. P5.</edition>
            <authority>Teresa Carreño Correspondence</authority>
            <pubPlace>Boston, Massachusetts</pubPlace>
               <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>University of
               <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
            <title>Teresa Carreño Correspondence</title>
            <note>Collection of correspondence, photographs and a recital program relating to pianist Teresa Carreño (1853-1917).</note>
                  <institution>University of Pennsylvania</institution>
                  <repository>Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and
                  <collection>Julia Gibansky Kasanoff papers relating to Teresa Carreño, 1902-1937</collection>
                  <idno>[holdings info]</idno>
                  <!-- where to put the finding aid link? http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.music/eadmus.mu2005.wp.0024 -->
               <head>Letter from <persName ref="CC:CarreñoTeresa">Teresa Carreño</persName> to
                     <persName>Julia Gibansky</persName>
                  <date when="1909-04-20">April 20, 1909</date>
                     <textLang mainLang="en">English</textLang>
                  <p>4 pages</p>
            <p>The aim of this project is to transcribe the content of the letters from the
               manuscript at hand. Original spelling, punctuation, underlining, additions, and other
               features are retained.</p>

         <div type="letter">
                  <placeName>Berlin W.</placeName>
                  <placeName>Kurfürstendamm 28</placeName>
                  <date when="1909-04-20">April 20, 1909</date>
               <salute>My dear child</salute>
            <p>Your dear letter of last December gave me very great pleasure and I thank you ever so
               much for it.</p>
            <p>To my great regret I have been unable until now to write you and thank you for it
               owing to the very great amount of traveling and concertizing which I have had this
               past season. I really think that I have worked even more, in this last winter, that
               in years past, and as I had two attacks of Influenza during the winter, I leave you
               to imagine how I felt. I have simply dragged myself from city to city, from country
               to country and from concert to concert. Nothing daunted, I have not given up one
               single concert and have played in 75 concerts, from October <emph rend="underline"
                  >3rd</emph> to the <emph rend="underline">5th</emph> instant, as though I was
               feeling in the very best of health, though I was trying to cough my head “off.” Oh!
               The nasty Influenza! How I despise it!</p>
            <p>It was just like your dear sweet self to think of me at Christmas and before Xmas to
               remember my birthday. It would have given me still a greater pleasure if I had seen
               you come to me and tell me all the loving words you write my dear child. As I always
               think of all my absent “children” at all times, at the holiday time my thoughts and
               wishes are more than ever with you all, and I hope that the Christmas days were happy
               days to you and that the year which is now four months old, has brought you nothing
               but happy days and will continue bringing you good luck and bright sunshiny days.</p>
            <p>Talking about “four months old” do you know that <persName>Teresita</persName>
               presented me, on the 25th of last August with the sweetest dearest grandchild girlie
               that you can imagine? She is the darling of us all and as to me, I am just as proud
               of her as I can be. She is <emph rend="underline">such</emph> a <emph
                  rend="underline">darling</emph> ! <persName>Teresita</persName> and her husband
               have been in <placeName>Berlin</placeName> and are still here for how long, I do not
               know, as they think of leaving. My son in law, who is a singer will make his debut on
               the stage and as soon as he has settled an engagement in a theatre, they will hope to
               leave as he will not sing here at first.</p>
            <p><persName>Mr. Wilson’s</persName> death was a great shock to me and I can well
               imagine how terrible the sad blow must have been to his family.</p>
            <p>We are planning to leave for <placeName>America</placeName> sometime between next
               July and August, and so I shall come to you before you get to me here. All my family
               send you their loving greeting and with a great deal of love given me from me,
               believe me.</p>
               <salute>Your affectionate "Berlin Mutter"</salute>
               <signed><persName ref="CC:CarreñoTeresa">Teresa Carreño
               <p>Write soon again and tell me all about your Elizabeth <unclear ana="illegible"
                     >R</unclear> has been all <unclear ana="illegible"/> and is still here</p>
Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky April 20, 1909 Teresa Carreño Anna Kijas Transcription and encoding by Anna Kijas First digital edition in TEI, date: 31 December 2015. P5. Teresa Carreño Correspondence Boston, Massachusetts 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Teresa Carreño Correspondence Collection of correspondence, photographs and a recital program relating to pianist Teresa Carreño (1853-1917). University of Pennsylvania Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Julia Gibansky Kasanoff papers relating to Teresa Carreño, 1902-1937 [holdings info] Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky April 20, 1909 English

4 pages

The aim of this project is to transcribe the content of the letters from the manuscript at hand. Original spelling, punctuation, underlining, additions, and other features are retained.

Berlin W. Kurfürstendamm 28 April 20, 1909 My dear child

Your dear letter of last December gave me very great pleasure and I thank you ever so much for it.

To my great regret I have been unable until now to write you and thank you for it owing to the very great amount of traveling and concertizing which I have had this past season. I really think that I have worked even more, in this last winter, that in years past, and as I had two attacks of Influenza during the winter, I leave you to imagine how I felt. I have simply dragged myself from city to city, from country to country and from concert to concert. Nothing daunted, I have not given up one single concert and have played in 75 concerts, from October 3rd to the 5th instant, as though I was feeling in the very best of health, though I was trying to cough my head “off.” Oh! The nasty Influenza! How I despise it!

It was just like your dear sweet self to think of me at Christmas and before Xmas to remember my birthday. It would have given me still a greater pleasure if I had seen you come to me and tell me all the loving words you write my dear child. As I always think of all my absent “children” at all times, at the holiday time my thoughts and wishes are more than ever with you all, and I hope that the Christmas days were happy days to you and that the year which is now four months old, has brought you nothing but happy days and will continue bringing you good luck and bright sunshiny days.

Talking about “four months old” do you know that Teresita presented me, on the 25th of last August with the sweetest dearest grandchild girlie that you can imagine? She is the darling of us all and as to me, I am just as proud of her as I can be. She is such a darling ! Teresita and her husband have been in Berlin and are still here for how long, I do not know, as they think of leaving. My son in law, who is a singer will make his debut on the stage and as soon as he has settled an engagement in a theatre, they will hope to leave as he will not sing here at first.

Mr. Wilson’s death was a great shock to me and I can well imagine how terrible the sad blow must have been to his family.

We are planning to leave for America sometime between next July and August, and so I shall come to you before you get to me here. All my family send you their loving greeting and with a great deal of love given me from me, believe me.

Your affectionate "Berlin Mutter" Teresa Carreño Tagliapietra

Write soon again and tell me all about your Elizabeth R has been all and is still here



Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky April 20, 1909 Teresa Carreño Anna Kijas Transcription and encoding by Anna Kijas First digital edition in TEI, date: 31 December 2015. P5. Teresa Carreño Correspondence Boston, Massachusetts 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Teresa Carreño Correspondence Collection of correspondence, photographs and a recital program relating to pianist Teresa Carreño (1853-1917). University of Pennsylvania Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Julia Gibansky Kasanoff papers relating to Teresa Carreño, 1902-1937 [holdings info] Letter from Teresa Carreño to Julia Gibansky April 20, 1909 English

4 pages

The aim of this project is to transcribe the content of the letters from the manuscript at hand. Original spelling, punctuation, underlining, additions, and other features are retained.

Berlin W. Kurfürstendamm 28 April 20, 1909 My dear child

Your dear letter of last December gave me very great pleasure and I thank you ever so much for it.

To my great regret I have been unable until now to write you and thank you for it owing to the very great amount of traveling and concertizing which I have had this past season. I really think that I have worked even more, in this last winter, that in years past, and as I had two attacks of Influenza during the winter, I leave you to imagine how I felt. I have simply dragged myself from city to city, from country to country and from concert to concert. Nothing daunted, I have not given up one single concert and have played in 75 concerts, from October 3rd to the 5th instant, as though I was feeling in the very best of health, though I was trying to cough my head “off.” Oh! The nasty Influenza! How I despise it!

It was just like your dear sweet self to think of me at Christmas and before Xmas to remember my birthday. It would have given me still a greater pleasure if I had seen you come to me and tell me all the loving words you write my dear child. As I always think of all my absent “children” at all times, at the holiday time my thoughts and wishes are more than ever with you all, and I hope that the Christmas days were happy days to you and that the year which is now four months old, has brought you nothing but happy days and will continue bringing you good luck and bright sunshiny days.

Talking about “four months old” do you know that Teresita presented me, on the 25th of last August with the sweetest dearest grandchild girlie that you can imagine? She is the darling of us all and as to me, I am just as proud of her as I can be. She is such a darling ! Teresita and her husband have been in Berlin and are still here for how long, I do not know, as they think of leaving. My son in law, who is a singer will make his debut on the stage and as soon as he has settled an engagement in a theatre, they will hope to leave as he will not sing here at first.

Mr. Wilson’s death was a great shock to me and I can well imagine how terrible the sad blow must have been to his family.

We are planning to leave for America sometime between next July and August, and so I shall come to you before you get to me here. All my family send you their loving greeting and with a great deal of love given me from me, believe me.

Your affectionate "Berlin Mutter" Teresa Carreño Tagliapietra

Write soon again and tell me all about your Elizabeth R has been all and is still here